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i am at final stage ! help me....

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    i am at final stage ! help me....

    Hi all,
    This kota will be loosing wife,kids of 8 n 12 very soon if the al is not giving up right now.
    I actually do not like to see the doctor due to social reason.please advise how can I be an al free.
    I am physically sound,no shaking,digestion power good,energetic as well n no need of Any vitamins. But mentally destroyed. I am too violent to my family once drunk.
    I am thinking to use medicine but would like to buy online.I could not find the supplier in the UK who supplies MWO recommended med.
    Shall I use med.or any other avoid craving.
    Please share your experience.
    Many thanks,
    If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.

    i am at final stage ! help me....

    Try Baclofen - you can order it online and discretely from Goldpharma for example. All you need to do is explain briefly why you want the Baclofen ("To combat alcohol addiction" is enough.)

    I was killing myself quite efficiently with as much beer as I could drink every night. I read about baclofen on this web site and took the plunge. I wish I'd known about Baclofen a year ago, or five --- in any case, I started taking it at the end of August and am now pretty much alcohol free (four beers in 8 days, and no craving, even though I am only on 75mg baclofen per day). I never expected it to work so well and would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone with alcohol problems.

    Be careful with it though, read as much as you can on this forum.

    Go for it, and good luck.


      i am at final stage ! help me....

      Many of the mental problems are caused by the destruction or elimination of vitamins and minerals by alcohol. You do need them. If you can get your brains back in gear via use of vits, mins and amino acids then you will find quiting so much easier. The meds may help with quitting but the others will help with healing.
      Read My Way Out book
      and How to Quit without feeling s**t
      Good luck
      Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


        i am at final stage ! help me....

        Hi Kota.

        It sounds as if you need some serious intervention if you are violent to your family because of your drinking. Can you see a social worker for help immediatley. In my opinion when there is violence because of drinking, any sort of social complication is of secondary concern, the main concern is the welfare of the family.If you have the financial means can you book yourself into a private detox/rehabilitation facility for treatment? If things are as bad as you say, and your family is at risk, then your social standing should be the least of your concerns. I do not mean to sound harsh Kota, but I am concerned that you putting your standing in the community far ahead of your treatment and the welfare of your family, which should always come first. I wish you well my friend.
        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


          i am at final stage ! help me....

          thanks all,

          Hi,STP,GSM AND SAP.,

          I am really worrying about my status. May I take med.first to calm down the craving as per STP and supplementary later as per GSM. I think supplementary vit. Alongwith alcohol may not work, but not sure Gsm please advise!

          Sap, you are 101 % right to seek the help of volunteer for the sake of my family. Actually I used to drink heavily when I am free may be twice a week. I have good reputation in my society so if I seek the volunteers help it would be publicize so my prestige will go down. Still we have manage our problem within the family so if I can manage me taking med. I will kill two birds at a time. Please advise more .

          But am not sure if I have to take med. For lifetime or can quit after a while. Anyone please suggest.
          Talk to you soon.
          If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


            i am at final stage ! help me....

            kota, at some point we have to be willing to put pride aside and do whatever it takes to get well, which means getting sober. You may want to reconsider asking for help outside of yourself and your family. It sounds like you are looking for a magic pill that will change things overnight, and it just doesn't work that way, unfortunately.

            Have you downloaded and read the My Way Out Book? That is something you could do right now that is private, to at least see what the My Way Out program is all about.

            Strength and hope to you,

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              i am at final stage ! help me....

              Dear doggy,
              Very nice suggestion that you have given. Unfortunately there's no good progress eventhough I have read out so many books from s.r.covey, allen carr, Shiva khera, buddism,cistianity,Indian sprituality,tried some aa meeting, readout mwo book,tools etc. Finally I perceived that I have alcohol mixed-up all over the body and blood stream so I have to stop first taking med.. and continue reading books articles,try some exercise and meditation. This is totally my own perception so please advise for yours (All) experience. ..
              If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                i am at final stage ! help me....

                You may want to look into a Vivitrol injection (Naltrexone in injectable form):

                Alcohol Dependency Treatment -

                Doesn't work for everyone, it's expensive, usually not covered by insurance but given where you say you are, it might be worth a try.
                Dean Wormer to Bluto (John Belushi) from the movie Animal House: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son."


                  i am at final stage ! help me....

                  Kota, I have read some books on the subject of addiction (Allan Carr's book on nicotine, and the identical one he wrote on alcohol) and I thought they were useless. My personal belief is that you can read books until your eyes pop out of your head, but none of them will really help you with a chemical addiction.

                  I agree with everything Sapphire and Doggy said -- especially if you find yourself getting violent, you must swallow your pride and seek professional help. You talk about your prestige and how it might go down but imagine how far it would go down if something really bad happened?

                  My only advice is the advice I gave above -- order some Baclofen online, and take it gently. This is as close to a miracle solution to your problems as you are going to get.


                    i am at final stage ! help me....

                    Dear doggy,
                    Very nice suggestion that you have given. Unfortunately there's no good progress eventhough I have read out so many books from s.r.covey, allen carr, Shiva khera, buddism,cistianity,Indian sprituality,tried some aa meeting, readout mwo book,tools etc. Finally I perceived that I have alcohol mixed-up all over the body and blood stream so I have to stop first taking med.. and continue reading books articles,try some exercise and meditation. This is totally my own perception so please advise for yours (All) experience. ..
                    If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                      i am at final stage ! help me....

                      kota;957577 wrote: Dear doggy,
                      Very nice suggestion that you have given. Unfortunately there's no good progress eventhough I have read out so many books from s.r.covey, allen carr, Shiva khera, buddism,cistianity,Indian sprituality,tried some aa meeting, readout mwo book,tools etc. Finally I perceived that I have alcohol mixed-up all over the body and blood stream so I have to stop first taking med.. and continue reading books articles,try some exercise and meditation. This is totally my own perception so please advise for yours (All) experience. ..
                      hi kota,i think your post says it all,you could lose what should mean the most to you,Al is but a substance,not somethin we require,i think after youve been rid of it for a month or longer youll see that,to do that many have to be hospitalised,its misuse destoys more then just the person inflicked with the addiction,somtimes detox centers are a good start,,then maybe a treatmentt center,or maybe just coming here on a steady basis is all you need,as someone said,vitamins are essential,i do wish you well and hope you get the support you need gyco:goodjob:


                        i am at final stage ! help me....

                        i thot i d add im reading a book called Healing the Addicted brain,it is a good read,and you mt find in som of the chapters what you need


                          i am at final stage ! help me....

                          Dear,RV434 thanl you for your volunteer support on my problem, I will try to know about the injection, you know people like us mentally disrupted want to be satisfied ourselves first. I am glad to know another alternative measure to cure my problem.
                          Gyco, am thankful for your continuous support providing different ideas.I really keen tp read the book you recommend me as it's name tell itself.
                          Thank you all for your outstanding support.
                          If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                            i am at final stage ! help me....

                            Dear all,
                            Thank you for your valuable suggestion!
                            Actually I am going to update my status from right now.
                            I am sober today and will be tomorrow as I work night shift but how can I be sober Friday? It's challanging...kota
                            If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                              i am at final stage ! help me....

                              Kota you can be sober Friday make a plan now and stick with it. Goood luck and well done for being af today :goodjob:
                              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

