I wasn't careless...I prepared for the evening by making sure I had a good dinner beforehand and I brought my boyfriend (I don't think I would have drank if he hadn't been there, but I knew he wouldn't let me if I became possessed or something--my insurance). Plus I knew he wouldn't drink so I wouldn't be the only stone cold sober person there. I didn't have any major cravings but I did of course feel envious of the normies my age that were living it up. I don't plan on going to clubs or bars if I can help it...it would be like a person that's allergic to chocolate going to the Hershey's factory. Not being able to have one substance isn't that big of a deal when you look at life's big picture, but you have to keep yourself out of those situations or you feel totally deprived.
But my problem is that I have practically no social life to speak of. I'm so busy with work and school, then when I do actually have free time it seems the only thing my friends and acquaintances want to do is something that involves alcohol. I know this is a common problem for all of us when we quit...anyone have any suggestions or stories about how they dealt with this? One thing that I've considered is trying out an AA meeting. I was once violently opposed to it, but I think in hindsight that it was because I was scared that I would become dependent on the program/group to maintain my sobriety. Now that I have a bit of sober time under my belt I see it more as another tool, like therapy and MWO, and maybe an opportunity to meet like-minded people.
Sorry for the long post, but if anyone has anything to add I'd sure love to hear it.