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Liver Function Test results just in

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    Liver Function Test results just in

    Oney I sent for a liver function test online, it's not as accurate as the one the Dr does but gives you a good indication.

    Half moons? Do you mean at the base of your nail?
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Liver Function Test results just in


      I think anything up to 60 is fine and healthy. I've been in treatment with those in the couple of hundreds(>200), over 500 and apparently George Best was rumoured to have one at at least 1000.

      The figure is an indicator of how hard your liver is having to work. Over time it returns to normal. I've never had a high reading but I never had a test during my worst drinking spells.

      Basically it means my liver hasn't been damaged long term(also had blood volume done which is another indicator of damage), and has recovered to a normal state. Considering the years of abuse which included several paracetamol over doses, taking ecstacy & speed in high quantities for an 18 months stint 9 years ago, then coke last year it just shows firstly how miraculous the human body is if you give it a chance. How easy was it to drink on the thoughts of "Well I've buggered my health up already, so no point stopping, may as well carry on as I've probably already gotten problems".

      I've no excuses now, as I might not have another chance.

      By the way I've had Milk Thistle in my cupboard but only ever popped the odd capsule of it ever. I put it all down to the healthy lifestyle I've gotten back into, as even non/moderate-drinkers can have high LFT readings.


        Liver Function Test results just in

        Really happy to see those results for you, UK.

        You have worked hard to get there. I know.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Liver Function Test results just in

          Congratulations on your great test results, that's great :goodjob:
          Dean Wormer to Bluto (John Belushi) from the movie Animal House: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son."


            Liver Function Test results just in

            Brilliant, UKblonde! That is such fantastic news! Well done! You are really brave having it done, good on you!



              Liver Function Test results just in

              UK that is fantastic. I have taken the bull by the horns and just ordered one on line have to be honest been to embarrased to go back to the doctor for another one!! I have a niggling pain in my side and can't make out if its muscular or liver!! Given that I am not AF yet I am thinking the latter!!
              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                Liver Function Test results just in

                Nice one UK. Mine was under 20 back in June despite having a 'relapse' in May, I was delighted. A bit worried about the half moons tho. I really don't seem to have them. I have them on my thumbs and 2 other nails but that's it. Maybe I've something deep buried? Anyone else not got them?
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Liver Function Test results just in

                  My husband who has maybe 2 units 3 times a week has just been ill with a non liver related illness and they just ran some blood tests and his liver function came in at 500 the doctors are very worried!


                    Liver Function Test results just in

                    Any standard blood test will the AST or SGOT And the Alkaline phosphatase (AP) gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) known as the cholestatic liver enzymes. Level of 0 to 40 is normal. Alas, mine are 78. One man in my rehab group is 4000. But he was due for a transplant until he relapsed. They won't give you a donated liver if you can't say sober. See Liver Enzymes. Post it in your nearby pub.

