We get a lot of traffic to this site. A really lot. According to Google Analytics, which we installed a few weeks ago, we attract just under 1,000 visits a day with nearly 14,000 actual page views some days.
I'm pretty excited about that because it means many people are finding out about us, about our program and about each other.
It also means we've been beefing up the back end and spending more on tech support along with operational costs. As you probably know, to help pay for that we have an e-store and we sell a variety of products, and it helps quite a bit. Once people learn about our Health Store they generally become repeat customer and our customer base is growing nicely.
But we're not quite where we need to be despite those numbers, which is a little surprising. Membership is increasing like mad and visitorship is up, but sales are not yet commensurate to what's required. So we're at a point where we need to make some adjustments.
It could be because, unlike many websites with these number, we've simply not run ads, I don't know. Until now, we hadn't planned to, but we've decided it's time to give it at try.
Until we can attract external advertising, we're going start with our own small text ads and we'll adjust as we go. We also invite any of you who wish to advertise here to contact us, as we're setting up an advertising program. In fact, one of our very talented members has donated some time and is producing a professional packet for us to mail to potential underwriters.
I'll write something up in (another!) FAQ so we have full disclosure about products in our Health Store being advertised here. I've tried my best on this message board and our other to be as objective as possible regarding items we sell. This community was created to provide support for its members, not to hawk products, and I think people understand I mean it when I say that. I've always encouraged people to purchase the highest quality products they can find at the greatest convenience.
Our text ad placements--or anyone else's--won't do anything to change that. :-)