Its been a while since I posted on here(other than the odd birthday congrat) but was reading through some old posts earlier today, and thought it was time to come back.
Some of you I know and many I dont. I used to be a regular poster here on MWO, but after some time I felt it was somewhat taking over my life, and was starting to effect my me in a bad way. Not because of anyone on the site, but because I felt I had started to live my life through a computer screen, socialising with people who, though utterly brilliant in help and support, I did not really know. I felt it was time to take a break and get out into the "real" world. Well, I started reading through some old posts this morning and realised how much I missed MWO, and my friends here.
Some of you I still have conntact with on facebook, but its not quite the same, not being able to be open and honest about the problem we all share in common...alcohol.
Things have been pretty good for me this year. When I first came here I often 'dissapeared' for several days on a binge, drinking morning, noon and night until after maybe 3-4 days I physically couldnt drink anymore. It was a horrible existance. I hit rock bottom towards the end of last year. I had a terrible break up with my partner at the time, and fell into deep depression, not helped by drinking vast amounts of alcohol daily. Wine had always been my vice, but I turned to vodka, and by January was drinking a bottle a day. I came very close to ending it, but the love I have for my daughter pulled me through thank God.
I am still nowhere near perfect, still drink from time to time, but have not had a binge like I used to since January. My ultimate goal is to stop completly, which is why I am back here with all you wonderfull souls. Your help before brought be through many a dark day, and there a few here who have helped save my life.
Anyway, enough of me going on!
Its great to be back with people who truely understand me, and im looking forward to starting a new journey with you all, old and new.
Cy :l