i'm merely mouthing off at myself for my own reasons.
it simply does me good to write it down & as i get problems physically writing, here it will be.
please, if you would like to vent your own stuff, feel free to add.
i repeat,don't feel as if i'm calling out for anything.
i don't wish to seek attention, & yes i know it's on the net, but it is merely a tunnel through which i may express myself.

i am frustrated. i am lonely. i am feeling disrespected, emotionally & spiritually void, & worthless.
subsequentially. i feel angry, & get angry when i look at myself in the mirror.
i feel loathing, disgust & contempt at myself.
some part of me knows i am intelligent, bright & attractive, but currently those feelings are squashed by the other feelings.
so. to listen, do not disregard. when i ask you to listen, & you begin to tell me why shouldn't feel that way,you are trampling on my feelings.
listen. all i ask was that you listen. not to talk or do. just hear me.
so this is my thoughts right here, right now.
no pointing fingers, no directions to the lovely people on here,just me talking & voicing & being.