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my own vent

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    my own vent

    this is not directed at anyone,or anything, & i wish it not as as sympathy call,or an attention seeking thread.
    i'm merely mouthing off at myself for my own reasons.
    it simply does me good to write it down & as i get problems physically writing, here it will be.
    please, if you would like to vent your own stuff, feel free to add.
    i repeat,don't feel as if i'm calling out for anything.
    i don't wish to seek attention, & yes i know it's on the net, but it is merely a tunnel through which i may express myself.

    i am frustrated. i am lonely. i am feeling disrespected, emotionally & spiritually void, & worthless.
    subsequentially. i feel angry, & get angry when i look at myself in the mirror.
    i feel loathing, disgust & contempt at myself.
    some part of me knows i am intelligent, bright & attractive, but currently those feelings are squashed by the other feelings.

    so. to listen, do not disregard. when i ask you to listen, & you begin to tell me why shouldn't feel that way,you are trampling on my feelings.
    listen. all i ask was that you listen. not to talk or do. just hear me.

    so this is my thoughts right here, right now.
    no pointing fingers, no directions to the lovely people on here,just me talking & voicing & being.


    my own vent

    when i read of others' problems & struggles, i feel real sorrow & empathy.
    i've never felt that before for another human being, ever. i have always despised the human race.
    but now, i have felt genuine empathy for K9,techie,fliptop, & all those others who have cared to share.
    why should i? why do i?
    am i getting some humanity back? god knows why.
    thus in doing so, why do i expect the same? why do people thousands of km's away care?
    it is a mystery to me.
    i feel also highly protective of the people on here.
    if some idiot comes on , attacking someone, i feel driven to defend.
    is it the same for me? would you all defend me? whom you do not know & thus could be any dimwit/attention seeking/drama queen? (note: only talking about myself,not about anyone else )
    & if advice is sought, why do i feel that i cannot give it? hypocrisy?
    thoughts atm.
    no emotions, just thoughts.


      my own vent

      living is a struggle.


        my own vent

        looking out the window, at the unforgiving sun.
        it has burnt our crops.
        we have had no rain.
        life on the land is a fickle thing.
        why cannot we leave?
        if only.


          my own vent

          reg, do we get all introspecitve when we get old?
          hell, i wish i could've thought this through earlier.
          middle age crisis happenin' right her,right now.
          love you too sweetie.


            my own vent

            so why do i have to comfort myself?
            am i emotionally bereft?
            who knows.
            i'm going to go out now & work my horse. it's 3pm in the arvo.
            for all those who read, thanks.
            i'll be back later.


              my own vent

              We are not our bodies, fire cannot burn us.

              To feel compassion for others is the highest form of love and to do so must mean you can love, and love yourself.
              Life isn't easy but it's worth it, all the emotions we feel are about what it is to be alive.
              I think we have forgotten that and are so used to a quick fix to dull the pain we don't learn to deal with our feelings. I care about all of you because essentially we are all the same and we need each other to survive. :l
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                my own vent

                chill, your wisdom is eternal.
                :l back at you, i treasure your words.

                reggie on ya babe (smiley thingy).


                  my own vent

                  I hear ya Beag's. Take care of yourself. I wonder what this trip away will bring? It sound's exciting.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    my own vent

                    beagle;962038 wrote: reg, do we get all introspecitve when we get old?
                    hell, i wish i could've thought this through earlier.
                    middle age crisis happenin' right her,right now.
                    love you too sweetie.

                    You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair. ~Douglas MacArthur

                    You are not old ya loon, you just think you are a funny fecker in the prime of her dispel those wanky thoughts and go off for a ride (on your horse that is lol)

                    Love ya,

                    Oney x
                    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                    AF 10th May 2010
                    NF 12th May 2010


                      my own vent

                      one2many;962175 wrote: Beaglebint.

                      You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair. ~Douglas MacArthur

                      You are not old ya loon, you just think you are a funny fecker in the prime of her dispel those wanky thoughts and go off for a ride (on your horse that is lol)

                      Love ya,

                      Oney x
                      You are gorgeous Oney.
                      Just sayin'
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        my own vent

                        your posts always crack me are smart, witty, intelligent and I belive, something of a poet. I am sensing frustration that no one there cares about you or will talk with you........
                        You are a skilled vet and have helped so many......we care about you
                        mama x0x0x
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          my own vent

                          ah thanks mamabear,oney,bridgey,mr g the musical genius.
                          you're so right in your comments mama about here - i feel like a labour unit & nothing more. hmmm. BUT that is up to me to change if i don't like it huh!

                          looking forward to leaving here on Tues - away for nearly a month with just horses to focus on. it will be great.
                          downside : not being on here as no internet access & i am truly prehistoric when it comes to mobile phone usage.
                          i will miss these opportunities to talk & write about my feelings & have you wonderful people come back & give me some very real & caring responses.
                          thanks everyone.
                          i'm going to stay on here a bit today & tomoz.....:thanks:


                            my own vent

                            Beags, I have no more really to add that the others havent said.
                            But just wanted to send you lots of strength and cyber hugs xxx
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              my own vent

                              I am going to miss you when you are away Beagle but I think the break away with horses will be good for your soul. They are such fabulous creatures.
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

