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How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

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    How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

    Dear all,
    I would like to put in some of my curiosities for sharing. Please share your views,experience and knowledge!
    1. How a post alcoholic enjoy the rest of his life without alcohol? Plese be honest anyone who has been enjoing your after being AF?
    2. Why some peoples become addictive and other maintain moderate or occasional drinking?
    3. Do you think your life go longer with joys without drinking?
    4.why should we always waste our lifetime thinking to quitting alcohol?
    5. We are already weaker physically,mentally,socially and have to fight back to the physical,mental deseases so Isn't it better to die rather than living always with troubles ,anxiety,pain??
    Thank you for your sharing .
    If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.

    How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

    Kimberly just saying her serial relapses in the column of topa,balco. after a year of AF. Too frustrating! !!! She is now thinking for antabuse and alcohol. ..
    If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


      How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

      Hi Kota. I'll take a stab at it. My last drink with almost 2.5 years ago.

      kota;962373 wrote: Dear all,
      I would like to put in some of my curiosities for sharing. Please share your views,experience and knowledge!
      1. How a post alcoholic enjoy the rest of his life without alcohol? Plese be honest anyone who has been enjoing your after being AF?
      I enjoy my life without alcohol. It took some time to reach this place. For me, I don't think I was truly enjoying my life much at all WITH alcohol. That's one of the reasons I wanted alchohol. To help numb the fact that I was not happy at all. AL gave me a "fake happy" for many years. But in the later years, AL was just something I needed to be able to function. The "enjoyment" associated with drinking ended long ago. Drinking has not been an enjoyable experience for many years.

      I have had to do a lot of work on myself to find the "real me" underneath all that addiction. This is an on-going process and did NOT happen by itself. For me, AA has been a huge help in this regard.

      2. Why some peoples become addictive and other maintain moderate or occasional drinking?
      There are so many theories on this from genetic pre-disposition to nutritional deficiencies. I no longer spend time wondering why this is. It doesn't matter. I am alcoholic and can only hope to lead a satisfying life if I am alcohol free. End of story. Pondering the "why" of it doesn't help me at all, and if anything, is a negative causing me to pine away my time wishing to be a "normie" which I am not, and will never be.
      3. Do you think your life go longer with joys without drinking?
      I'm not sure I understand this question. I absolutely believe I will live longer without drinking. Given how miserable the last years of my drinking were, I can't imagine ever being MORE miserable than that while sober.

      4.why should we always waste our lifetime thinking to quitting alcohol?
      We shouldn't. We should stop thinking about quitting and just quit. Then get to the business of figuring out how to live joyfully without AL. I wasted WAY too many years thinking about quitting but not ever doing it.

      5. We are already weaker physically,mentally,socially and have to fight back to the physical,mental deseases so Isn't it better to die rather than living always with troubles ,anxiety,pain??
      I wanted to die in my last drinking years. I thought about suicide and how I would end it. Pills was the best answer I came up with and I collected enough of them to do the job. Thank God I didn't. Alcohol is a horrible depressant and once it controlled my life, I was so miserable I saw no purpose for living.

      All I can share with you now is that I am SO GRATEFUL that I lacked the courage to die on purpose. AL is gone and I have my life back. There is joy and meaning in my life today. I am back in the mainstream of life and loving it. I can't believe I wanted to die. I'm like a different person now. These changes did not happen over night and they took considerable effort (and still do) on my part. But it's a labor of love. I'm thankful that my friends here at My Way Out and my friends at AA loved me until I was capable of loving myself again.

      I wish you strength and hope in your journey. It's not easy, but if I can do it so can you. Be willing to go to any length to get sober.

      Thank you for your sharing .
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

        kota;962386 wrote: Kimberly just saying her serial relapses in the column of topa,balco. after a year of AF. Too frustrating! !!! She is now thinking for antabuse and alcohol. ..
        It is not easy to overcome this addiction. Different things work for different people. What I admire about Kimberly is her willingness to try something else (something she admits fear about, especially) when what she is doing isn't working. That's what it takes, IMO.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

          Dear Kimberly,
          I am really thankfull for your nice briefing on before al and after al.
          One more curiosity is,
          do you still have cravings to the alcohol or you totally hate it?
          Your experience is really matters to all of us.
          Good luck for your new life and business!
          If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


            How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

            Most long-term sober alcoholics experience diminishing cravings over time, and don't hate alcohol at all. They just come to accept it's not for them.

            I'd like to ask;

            "How does the problem drinker enjoy his/her life, and enjoy their habit"?

            ps know a lot of non-problem non-drinkers who seem to enjoy their lives completely, and there are many of them. They tell me it just doesn't attract them, full stop.


              How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

              Sorry, should read Doggygirl instead Kimberly above .
              If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                great response usual
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                  Hello Kota,

                  When I reflect on the questions you are asking, it seems to me that they are about your anxieties around quitting, worrying if it will ever get easier, and wondering if you will be happy on the other end.

                  The most important thing for me to come to terms with was that I was not a NORMAL drinker and would never be even though I desperately wanted to be a normal drinker. I finally came to terms with the fact that things would only get worse if I continued on that path.

                  I started drinking as a young teenager so I really did not have experience of life without alcohol. When I quit drinking, I was afraid of never drinking again. I had no idea who I would be as a nondrinker. How would I socialize? What would I do at the end of the day if I didn't drink? How would I unwind? What would people think of me if I didn't drink?

                  I think it is so important to not think too far ahead and to take it day by day initially.

                  My life was shit by the time I finally quit. Things are so much better now. I can look in the mirror and be proud of who I am and what I've done. There is still a part of me that wishes I could be a "normal drinker" but I know that I am not. And, if alcohol is the only thing I have to give up in order to have a better life and to be a better person, I consider myself to be very lucky. There are so many people on this earth who are fighting for their safety or struggling to find a job, a place to live, and to feed their children. I am a grateful alcohol-free person and my life and those whom I love is all the better for that.

                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                    Hi All

                    "I am a grateful and alcohol free person and my life and those whom I love is all the better for that."
                    M3 this is the best of the best that you have written.

                    The opposite is which alcoholics that are still drinking live with daily and so do the ones they love the most.
                    I was when I was drinking not only a miserable person. I made many peoples lives miserable. How selfish can a person be. Some never recognize the pain caused. If you have been here at MWO for awhile you know what has to be done. Time to get honest with yourself and do what ever it takes.

                    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                    AF 5-16-08
                    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                    AF 5-16-08


                      How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                      "My life was shit by the time I finally quit. Things are so much better now."

                      That's the answer to all your questions. And Doggygirl answered everything perfectly. All I can add is that you seem anxious about losing your mojo. As if booze gives you some kind of superpowers that you will miss when it's gone.

                      Booze also seems to be your best friend, without whom life appears to be unimaginably bleak. Poor booze! What did he do to deserve your disfavour?

                      Well, you know that whatever powers you have were yours before you ever met booze, and you know that booze has done you more harm than a thousand enemies. This friend of yours has stripped you of your talents, and is now trying to tell you that suicide is preferable to life without him.

                      That's no friend, friend.

                      Say goodbye, and move on.


                        How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                        kota;962431 wrote: Dear Kimberly,
                        One more curiosity is,
                        do you still have cravings to the alcohol or you totally hate it?
                        I did have strong urges and cravings for alcohol for quite some time after I finally quit. But they ease up over time. For me, finding my way to a more spiritual path has somehow helped. I do not have urges to drink any more and I do not "wish" I "could" drink any more. I do not "hate" alcohol. It is something that is fine for some people, and not fine for me. I don't really care to sit around shooting the breeze while other people drink. That is not because I "hate" alcohol. It's because I find that particular activity boring as all get out.

                        AL is the biggest liar there is making you think your problems will somehow be WORSE if you quit drinking. Huh? What's old AL doing for you right now that is so great?

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                          My only regret in not drinking, was not doing it sooner.

                          The shadow of alcohol hovers long after you wake up. The emotional draw pulls for days. It creates a voice "how will you be happy without me?".

                          Once I figured out it was just the booze talking, I began to realize how much of life I had missed. I missed great memories because I was zoned out. I missed great evenings because I was plastered. I missed part of my career growth because I ceased to care.

                          I once thought that I would be more unhappy as a sober person as one who had a daily dependence. Nothing is further from the truth.

                          The only thing I regret was the lost 10 years of my life. I'm living it now.


                            How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                            Hi STP,Doggy ,Blonde ,Boss and all,

                            Pleasured to hear from all of you on my sentiments.I understand am an alcoholic and
                            always think what is life ?
                            why other people are happy and not me ?
                            Why other peoples wives and kids are doing well and not mine ?
                            Eventhough mine too doing well but I expect more from them all the time , I mean I canot be satisfied at all with others tasks.I feel myself always majestic and the other one is always outclassed !
                            I only blame myself that I am an alcoholic because of my wife as she is lower educated and can't help me in any official or business matter .

                            I feel alone and thought I would be a successful businessman and a social worker in the world if my wife would have educated like me !! And so on...

                            Is this really belongs to alcohol ? Can I be a successful person ?
                            How can I regain 6"]my brain and self esteem[/SIZE] ?
                            I am really looking for high self esteem but drinking to HELL.
                            Thank you for giving time to listen me !
                            Always negative question in the mind and no space for the positive though I understand its not good to be negative ????Just sharing .. Blah Blahhhh:new::thanks:
                            Very unfortune...
                            Wish you all the best,
                            If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                              How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                              If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.

