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How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

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    How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

    Ukblonde;962437 wrote:
    I'd like to ask;

    "How does the problem drinker enjoy his/her life, and enjoy their habit"?
    I used to enjoy lots of periods of my life. My habit wasn't, until very recently, constant drinking, but my problem was how much I drank when I drank. These problem periods usually lasted about 4 days, and I'd have maybe 3 a month. The rest of the time (sad I know) I enjoyed my life immensely, but my life was my work. Coming home only lightly drunk at the end of one of these binge periods, knowing I could start the next day without a morning beer, and really get some excellent work done was a good feeling.


      How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?


      You seem like a very intelligent person. Therefore, you must know that alot of your feelings are caused by alcohol. Long-term overuse of alcohol results in changes in the brain. Among other things, it causes anxiety, depression, impulsive behavior, and negative thinking. Fortunately, and if you quit in time, the brain has an enormous capability of restoring itself.
      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

        Sheri, the Post went through with out text though I wrote some and you got confused symbol only sorry!. Actually you have reminded me to note down the good things and focus on that,
        understood. I also understand many people who became alcoholic are really above than the average minded people. I think we became victim of our majestic tactics. Initially we took proud that drinking is just for fun we can give up anytime. Normal and extraordinary people dint dare to taste it. Now we imprisoned ourself.
        M3, kelly I am sure if get back to our sober stage we can do somthing as we already had fantastic mind pattern and now learning more about the meaning of life.
        Too optimistic thanks guys!
        If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


          How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

          Kota, I believe you are right. I go to AA in addition to posting here at My Way Out and I have been amazed by the education and intelligence of most people there. Not at all what I would have imagined.

          You mentioned that your wife and children seem to fall short of your expectations. Something I have learned is that it is best to focus on "me" and fixing what is broken in me. Other people need the freedom to grow and find their own way. Everyone doesn't need my opinion. Look where my best ideas got me! I am best off to be happy for others when they succeed, help them when they ask, and not make any effort to control them.

          And work on my gratitude list.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

            Hi Kota,
            How you doing now? Thanks for noting my thread on the meds board.

            Well for me, when I first 'had' to quit alcohol due to constantly being ill, making an idiot out of myself, memory blanks, putting myself in danger etc, I was SO UNHAPPY at the prospect of not being able to drink. I was miserable about the fact I'd never have a pint watching the football or a band or wine while out with friends. So I tried 'controlled drinking'. Only I found after a long struggle, that I couldn't control it and I was still getting myself into the same situations as before anyway then feeling guilty and ill on the days I didn't drink.

            So I finally realised after a lot of pain that I needed to stop for good. And although at first I missed it, before long I realised all the bad things it had done for me and all the good things I had without it. I never thought I would feel like that but I did. I could do things without feeling shitty from the night before, I didn't have to constantly worry about then I would get my next drink, my relationships were better as I wasn't being stupid or starting arguments, I was clear-headed and loved my job non-hungover. It was all better and I aim to get that back long-term.

            The only reason I didn't maintain it is because I hadn't learned new coping skills so when some major stressors happened in my life, I relied on what I knew to cope - drinking. I am now getting help with the coping skills and hope this will help me with long-term sobriety - the antabuse would help me stay sober through any troubles long enough to learn.

            Hope that helps some,
            K x
            Recovery Coaching website

            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

            Recovery Videos


              How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

              Sheri, the Post went through with out text though I wrote some and you got confused symbol only sorry!. Actually you have reminded me to note down the good things and focus on that,
              understood. I also understand many people who became alcoholic are really above than the average minded people. I think we became victim of our majestic tactics. Initially we took proud that drinking is just for fun we can give up anytime. Normal and extraordinary people dint dare to taste it. Now we imprisoned ourself.
              M3, kelly I am sure if get back to our sober stage we can do somthing as we already had fantastic mind pattern and now learning more about the meaning of life.
              Too optimistic thanks guys!
              If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                Kim, you r really kind of share your experience in detail which is encouraging to all of us. Anyway I also wish you for your good mind and health. Be successful to achieving your target and goal of the life.
                You are too brilliant and experienced on the topic of what is life. Along with other friends you could be my inspiration. Really appreciated your logic about the seems you manage your sobriety for long so I am sure you do well.please do not break your soul. Thankful to you all.
                If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                  How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                  kota, I am curious where you are from if you don't mind sharing that.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                    Hi Doggy,
                    Thank you for your interest at me,I am living in London, UK .Talk to you soon.Together we can beat the booz.
                    If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                      How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                      Hi all,
                      Doing well with all of you!
                      I have also started 2 day on 2 day off anyway limiting very well.
                      Thinking to be sober soon.
                      If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                        How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                        After three days I sliped up today but too much regretting now!
                        If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                          How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                          kota, dust yourself off and get right back on the sober wagon. After a couple of sober days, here is the sort of thinking that would start up for me:

                          * I'm not really that bad.
                          * I quit for a couple of days, so now I can drink and just quit again tomorrow.
                          * I can control it now - I'll just have one or two.

                          None of that was true. Just a bunch of AL lies to get a fix. Not sure if that sort of thinking is what led you to drink, but that's what used to happen to me.

                          Today is a new day.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                            Thank you again Doggy,
                            Your advice not to attempt any amount of drinks at all is very appreciated and realistic.
                            I now you have every knowledge and tactics over the bloody alcohol. Wonderful to get in touch with you.
                            My problems are, I have at least three days off work and somedays I would be alone at home. Kids go to school and wife to works. At the same time I used to get drunk when I was preparing our launch.I perform drinking and cooking together and enjoy cooking for a while and starts regretting later in the evening. I used to be full of drink before evening and lie-abed .too much sleeping at that time!!!
                            Sorry to tell you problems all the time but very optimistic to writing you a positive development.
                            If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                              How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

                              How about you let someone else do the cooking?Change your routine?


                                How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?


                                I would advice removing any associations with alcohol for awhile. For example, I work out of my home so it was very easy for me to drink during the day. So, what I did was to get out of the house as much as possible. I would take my computer to a coffee shop.

                                AF Since April 20, 2008
                                4 Years!!!

