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How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

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    How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

    momof3;964432 wrote: Kota,

    I would advice removing any associations with alcohol for awhile. For example, I work out of my home so it was very easy for me to drink during the day. So, what I did was to get out of the house as much as possible. I would take my computer to a coffee shop.

    Oi! Most coffee shops here in SA sell booze. The owner of my local has told his staff not to serve me any. :H


      How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?

      Yor are really trying to solve my problem, I am thankful!
      BLONDE,regarding your idea to delegate cooking job to someone , we both hus.and wife work and share the domestic work as well so difficult to avoid it.Suppose I can manage it delegating to somone,preparing food in bulk for couple of days or buying from store, I will be more free and think always about boozing. Isn't it?

      M3 and Kelly,
      If I go to coffee shop, I will get drunk on the way to cofee shop or back to home basically on the street as you know alcohol selling shops are available in each corner.
      Do you think any society or clubs opens all the days 7/24 hours for fellowship regardsless of any religion, trade,companion etc so that I can enjoy the day.
      Your suggestions are rigorously helping me to be sober at least 3 days in a week otherwise I used to boozing everyday. Still there is no point to take rest thats why giving you the more troubles asking many questions. Sorry for that but hope continuous support.
      If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


        How does non drinker enjoy his/her life and hate any bad habit?


        AA is available and open to anyone regardless, only requirement is the desire to stop your drinking. I think you said you were in or near to London?Well in a city like that there will be many meetings every day, right through the day. Also check out charities and drop in centres. If we have places like this up here in the sticks, you'll be surrounded by them down there.

