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Meet Me At Dos Gatos

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    Meet Me At Dos Gatos

    Don't get me started on unruly children, Rubes! I don't mind kids if they can conduct themselves properly in public, but that's hardly ever the case these days. I was at a five star restaurant recently, when a group without a reservation happened in.
    Looked like a set of parents, one set of grandparents, two rambunctious boys (about 3years old ), and an infant. Staff pushed a couple of tables together, and made (very) high end mac and cheese for the little boys.

    We were seated next to this loud group & watched as the boys crawled on the table, under the table, hung from their chairs and spread a three foot radius of food around the table. The coup de grace was when mummy whipped open her blouse and slapped the baby on her tit. We might as well have been at Perkins, except we were paying hundreds for the experience.

    Before anybody jumps on me for the breast feeding comment, save it! No baby needs to be in a five star restaurant. Go to McDonald's until the thing can remain seated in a chair, preferably without screaming and throwing food.


      Meet Me At Dos Gatos

      Oh, and Rubes? I thought we were familiar enough that I could mosey in through your screens! :H


        Meet Me At Dos Gatos

        Love ya, Fen!! I had one completely wild grandchild (she has ADD) and her parents always kept her from annoying others. It's like loud cell phone calls, smoking, in a public place. Yes, they have their rights, but it doesn't include annoying everyone else for their habits. I love the signs I've started to see spring up in some places 'If you're on the phone, you won't be served'. What happened to politeness?
        I watched Hubs reach down and pick up a visitor's kid who was running circles through our house, give him 'the look', and say 'boy, walk, or go outside.' No one complained, he stopped running, and they haven't been back.
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          Meet Me At Dos Gatos

          All right! The truck is tuned up, and ready for a road trip! :H


            Meet Me At Dos Gatos

            I need a vacation!!!!!
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              Meet Me At Dos Gatos

              I say let's just hit the road and see where it goes. There will be a commune at the end. :H
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Meet Me At Dos Gatos

                I have the place for the commune!
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  Meet Me At Dos Gatos

                  Rubes - that's my dream!!!!!
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Meet Me At Dos Gatos

                    OK Nora! No 'other halves' unless they pull their weight. How's that?? (One of the reasons I tolerate Hubs annoyances, he can do or build anything.)

                    And, I love the old bear!
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      Meet Me At Dos Gatos

                      I was looking around for the old bear!!!!! Oh - you mean hubs. :H:H:H:H
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Meet Me At Dos Gatos

                        fennel;1047603 wrote: You can come here and sit with me here at the car dealership & have a diet coke. You'll have to endure the obnoxious bouillabaise of humanity sitting here with me, however. Couple of guys next to me shot a 44 lb. coyote yesterday. Obnoxious Pakistani dude having a loud cell phone convo with his gf...two people whose cell phones are dying, so the phones are periodically beeping. The usual gaggle of yuppie spawn in the kid room, playing loud video games.
                        What is it about car dealerships that attract these people? When I had 'Stella,' my 1981 Mercedes, there was quite a different type of clientele. I gave Stella to a mechanic Philipino friend who raised 5 children and put them all through Uni in the Philipines so never had the money to own a Merc, his lifelong dream. When I bought "Stella II," I wanted Stella to go to someone who would appreciate her and not end up on the scrap heap (which she surely would have done if I'd traded her in), and Bennie was so grateful he said he wanted to do all my servicing for nothing. He won't even let me buy the oil and minor parts. So, as a result, I'm spared the Hyundai (Sonata) dealerships and their less upmarket customers.
                        Bragging about shooting a coyote?
                        Obnoxious Pakistani dude...I'm not a racist and have many Pakistani and Indian friends, but I must admit that there are some among their countrymen who have a decided lack of manners. Also, some who have a decidedly superior attitude to women.
                        When I was working as Senior Officer in Residential Security Patrols I had an Indian guard with such a state of mind. When I told him the car needed to be washed at the end of each shift his response was "Huh, once a week, if you're lucky." I told him to be back at the meeting point at 05:30 hours the following morning (my shift didn't begin u ntil 06:00). I was there waiting for him and washed and vacuumed the car while he stood there and watched. The same thing for the next two days. On the third day I arrived to find him washing and vacuuming the car. I stood and watched. I never had any further problems with him although he maintained a somewhat superior countenance while he was there. When he finally applied for a job in Alarm Response he asked me for a reference. Needless to say, I gave him a glowing reference and he was given the position. I was glad to see the back of him!
                        Badly behaved children???? I'm also an ex-chalkie. I can't abide unruly children. Centrelink, or Social Services, has an exceptional variety of said children behaving badly. I can't help myself and when the waiting line was subjected to a particularly whiny, tantrumy child old enough to know better, I politely said to the odious youngster, "Goodness me, what a dreadful noise. I hope we don't have to listen to that for very much longer." The child immediately shut up, the mother and everyone else in the building at the time shot me a grateful look, and we all waited our turn in relative peace and harmony. Of course, one has to pick one's situation carefully. Not all mothers would appreciate the interference as this one did. I took my chance because she looked harried and desperate.

                        Well, greetings all. Glad the Truck is serviced and up and rolling again. I'm just about ready for a road trip after all this wall building. A bit of a set back with the artificial turf, however. Finance wasn't approved, so I'm going to have to do it myself...once an overwhelming thought, but now quite within the realms of possibility. In fact, I'm quite pleased. It means more physical labor but less expense, and now I'm AF, I'm quite equal to the task.
                        The nose bag is getting quite heavy with untouched hairs left to grow while I've been busy, so it might be time to harvest them soon. Nora, how is the Norahair sofa coming along?
                        I'm sorry I keep missing Coco. I've been feeling bad about neglecting the truck and everyone, but time and limestone walls wait for no man. I've made myself a promise to slow it down a bit from now on and get back to Dos Gatos in a more meaningful way.
                        Talk soon my dears. Love and hugs..
                        :h Mish :h
                        Never give up...
                        GET UP!!!

                        AF since 25th November, 2011

                        What might have been is an abstraction
                        Remaining a perpetual possibility
                        Only in a world of speculation.
                        What might have been and what has been
                        Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                          Meet Me At Dos Gatos

                          Ah Mish you're a dream. Nosebags en all.:H
                          Sounds like you're doing very well and I'll be looking forward to some wall pics en stuff.
                          Good to see you(read you):l

                          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                          St. Francis of Assisi


                            Meet Me At Dos Gatos

                            Mish - glad to see you!! The Norahair sofa is almost complete. I was able to pluck a few from hubby which really helped out. :H
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Meet Me At Dos Gatos

                              Thanks, RC, I'm doin' juist grand atm. I'm religiously photographing each stage of progress so when I eventually work out how to upload the pics, you'll be inundated. The nosebag is quite a good look, actually. It's been getting me some interesting looks at the shops and the bank, so obviously people appreciate it.
                              Nora, good job on the sofa. There's a lot of work and an awful lot of hair growing that goes into making a sofa, and I commend you on your fine effort. Well done on enlisting Hubby's help, also. Every little whisky is welcome.
                              I wrote a long reply on your thread this morning and instead of posting, it disappeared. I hate it when that happens!
                              :h Mish :h
                              Never give up...
                              GET UP!!!

                              AF since 25th November, 2011

                              What might have been is an abstraction
                              Remaining a perpetual possibility
                              Only in a world of speculation.
                              What might have been and what has been
                              Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                                Meet Me At Dos Gatos

                                I've been remiss in keeping up with my hairs! I started a lanyard last week -figured it would be handy for walking the quokkas, but I set it down and completely forgot about it.

