No, I haven't fallen into an abyss... just work has kicked in at full speed, kids and grand kids demand attention, oh - Mr. Wonderful and the great barn building adventure does, too...
That said, there's a lot of other things going on... yes, I am trying to 'moderate' again and success is limited, as always. A neighbour (ya know, within 3 mile radius counts) is having issues with both his marriage and drinking (didn't know until now that he had a problem 30 years ago and now has again)... I offered support to him (and he has taken me up once so far) as well as accompanying him to the local AA meeting, if he wishes (that would nicely take care of my own cowardice, wouldn't it!?:H)... son is turning 18 today (still no work)... blahblahblah
Oh.. and I finally got a surgery date today (full hysterectomy) - the week before the final horse show, of course.. not sure yet if that's changeable, or if I'll have to call it quits on riding season (well, competing, anyways).
Anywhoooooo... that's it in a nutshell... I'm around, just very VERY little time right now. Last night I worked until 1am