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How do you change your mood - or do you..?

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    How do you change your mood - or do you..?


    What coping strategies do you use when you need to change your mood, but will not use alcohol to do so?

    Today I had to stop myself from crying on a bus ride home - embarrassing quivering lip. There are various medium-level things which are causing me anxiety and stress at the moment, but altogether it's just overwhelming. I have done everything I practically can to sort out these situations, but I just feel soooo depressed.

    I was looking out of the windows of the bus and just thinking there was no point in anything. I REFUSE TO DRINK - but this is all I know to change my mood. What else can I do? I am feeling so depressed that I don't think I could face doing something like watching a comedy or listening to 'uplifting' music. I have already done a 2-hour walk. I can not feel like this all evening :upset: Or is that what you're supposed to do? Just accept the feelings as they are? Seem to remember this from some therapy-type thing, but I don't think I can.

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    How do you change your mood - or do you..?

    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      How do you change your mood - or do you..?

      Nice post, Oney!


        How do you change your mood - or do you..?

        Oh my word Coco-Nut what has happened to you ??????? Yiiiiiikkkkkeeeeessssss

        Kimberely it can be very difficult if the only way you know how to change your mood is with alcohol but you already know that it will only make your mood worse. They say that it is impossible to feel depressed and happy at the same time - the brain simply can't do both so if you can find a way to start laughing that will change your mood. You can always check out the funnies on the jokes thread ??

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          How do you change your mood - or do you..?


          It is normal and natural for emotions to be all over the place when you quit drinking. After all, that's how we stuffed them down for years...with alcohol. Things will settle down and you will even out. Part of it is learning to be comfortable with your emotions.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            How do you change your mood - or do you..?

            Oney's post was excellent. Sometimes, I have to focus on the things I'm grateful for, rather than the things that are bothering me. Like last night.

            Another thing I do is take myself out for a walk, which you've done. Or, I go downstairs and work out. For me, working out is the number one stress/sadness buster there is. And yeah, dealing with feelings is one of those things we have to learn how to do. It gets easier.


              How do you change your mood - or do you..?


              I've been having sections of time as your describing. I think your right you gotta just sit with the emotion and trust that it will pass. One thing I've been kinda trying to do is give myself a limit of time for it. Like saying to myself... "Okay for 15 min. I'm just going to feel like crap... then if after 15 min I still feel that way... I say okay for an hour then... Usually I begin to get bored and then can become more productive about doing something positive. I know what you mean about not feeling like watching a comedy during this time, even if it seams like the "best" solution. Sometimes it helps for me to say.. "I won't feel this way forever".


                How do you change your mood - or do you..?

                thanks..I needed this today...been having major pity party and feeling stressed and overwhelmed
                Kimberly.....crying is ok...I find it very healing...but I understand not wanting to do it on a city bus!!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  How do you change your mood - or do you..?

                  in applied kinesiology there is a technique called strengthening the "centering button".
                  Take the tip of you tongue and push it against the piece of skin extending from the roof of your mouth to your two front teeth. This hard piece of skin is called the centering button. Do this when stressed and it should strengthen your thymus. Don't overdue though or you can actually weaken your thymus. 2-3 times is sufficient. I know weird eh? Back to Dos Gatos for me.

                  Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                  St. Francis of Assisi

