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Army Thread 24th September

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    Army Thread 24th September

    Good morning lovelies

    I am feeling positive this morning, in fact I feel positive most mornings and then as the day wears on the worries overtake me somewhat.
    Impending death is a funny thing, its been a time for me and my mum to put all our differences aside and just get on with the business of loving each other and supporting and most of all respecting each others needs and wishes. She isnt frightened of dying but right now she is suffering and I get the impression that she wishes it would hurry up. Its her birthday on Monday, she will be 75. My brother is coming over today to stay for the weekend. It will be a bit of a break for me too. I am pretty exhausted.
    I guess what I am trying to say is that every situation has its merits. I am very grateful for this time I have with my mum. Yesterday we spent just watching telly together. Me tucked up on the sofa with a blanket, her in her chair. It was comfortable and peaceful.
    Thanks for letting me just talk, its the only place I can really do that xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 24th September

    Good Morning Starty, & everyone to come :l

    Starty that is such a positive thing to read, and it really does put life into perspective, I am guillty of moaning about things that are quite trivial and things like this make you appreciate what you have. Enjoy your break at the weekend :l:l

    I'm off to pick up my new car this weekend, I'm quite excited because I've never had a brand new one before, and no I havent won the lottery its a company car :H:H:H

    Have a great day everyone, and JC ...... you know the drill by now

    Love & Hugs everyone xxx


      Army Thread 24th September

      `ooh what car you getting BB????
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 24th September

        Good morning Starts & B.B.
        B.B. was gonna say was gionna say have fun with your new car, but I don't reckon the boss would be too pleased...:H
        so I'll just say..enjoy rthe smell for as long as it lasts, coz there's nothing like the smell of a new car...(except a new baby)...:H:H

        Starts wishing you three have a peaceful, happy & loving memorable weekend, that will last in your heart when look back you will smile with comfort and love in the years ahead..:H:H:H xxx Jan


          Army Thread 24th September

          Morning Jan,

          Its a toyota hilux invincible .......... in silver!!!


            Army Thread 24th September

            Like this

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1377738=5702-attachment.jpg[/img]


              Army Thread 24th September

              betty boop;966488 wrote: Like this
     lucky, lucky lady...
              green with envy here...
              Ollie's jumping up and down..
              "mummy ooooh I love that truck, can your friend come here, I was go in it"

              he loves big 4x4's esp the long wheel base..
              what do you do for work ???


                Army Thread 24th September

                ladyjan;966493 wrote:
                what do you do for work ???
                It's my dad's company and we ...........

                erm .................

                HAUL SEWAGE !!!!! :H:H:H


                  Army Thread 24th September

                  Morning Starts,BB,LJ and is that all that's turned up this morning.
                  Starts as odd as it may sound enjoy your weekend with your Mum and brother, it will be a prescious time.:l

                  I'm doing it, I'm doing it,I'm taking me tablet........said in the voice of sulky child.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread 24th September

                    Morning Army.
                    Starts glad to hear you are getting a bit of a break this weekend, make the most of it.
                    Love your new motor BB.
                    JC, sulky......................naw, never:H
                    Have a great day everyone.


                      Army Thread 24th September

                      Starty, it is indeed a special time and one you will remember.

                      BB, I cannot even drive

                      Yo JC and Opal x
                      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                      AF 10th May 2010
                      NF 12th May 2010


                        Army Thread 24th September

                        Morning Opes,
                        I used to be queen of the sulkers in this house but me daughter managed to steal the crown when she was about 2.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread 24th September

                          JackieClaire;966505 wrote: Morning Opes,
                          I used to be queen of the sulkers in this house but me daughter managed to steal the crown when she was about 2.

                          Morning Oney, hows you?


                            Army Thread 24th September

                            yoo hoo Oney,
                            The daughters coming over later and I've just remembered to water the blooming plant (well actually not blooming,it's a bit dry) she left here while she was on holiday. Then I could have shown you a right royal sulk if it was dry.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread 24th September

                              I have been known to sulk...

                              for days...

                              on end.
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010

