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I seem to have 'posters' block!!

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    I seem to have 'posters' block!!

    Hi everyone, some of you will have noticed (I hope :H) I have not been on here for a week, its not that I am not lurking I am, but I'm not posting .........something happened last weekend where I just seemed to clam up and I'm not sure why!! Has anybodyelse experienced this? My head has been all over the place this week and I just did not feel like talking or be honest I really don't know what to say now!! I don't feel depressed just a little lost if that makes any sense!!

    Thanks for listening

    P x
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

    I seem to have 'posters' block!!

    Hi Panno,

    Yep, i was wondering where you'd got to. Poster's block can be very frustrating, to be sure. Like you, i found it quite difficult to post, around the 950 to 1000 mark. (Congratulation's on 1000 post's btw) However, i persevered, and broke the vice like grip of procrastination, and hesitation. I was fine until i hit the 2000, 3000, and 4,500 post mark's, where i experienced the same inexplicable procrastination, hesitation, fear of posting. Still, i just kept going, and tried to be patient, and philosophical about the whole thing. I seem to be totally fine now, and pretty much at ease with posting these day's, but poster's block is never too far away, so i must be vigilant, i know that now. I think what turned it around for me, was i stopped attaching too much importance to it. I've come to realise that the world won't stop spinning, if i don't post. I have this posted up on my fridge now. But even just a 'hello everyone, how are you' etc, can be enough to keep in touch.

    Hope you're feeling better, and if in doubt, nothing wrong with the less is more approach. Lurking and reading can be good enough Panno.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      I seem to have 'posters' block!!

      Thanks G, it was not only with MWO it has been the same at work too, I have adverts and editorials to write and every time I go to put pen to paper WHAM my mind starts wandering and the outcome this week is that I have done sweet F A !! Hopefully just writing today will get me going, pushing myself to get back to normal this weekend
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        I seem to have 'posters' block!!

        Picasso said something that i find very useful. 'When you don't want to paint, paint' If i don't feel like writing my music, or picking up my guitar, but i know i need to do some work, i do it, and i just start something, anything. It mightn't unleash the creative flow straight away, but i find it does get me doodling away with something, and who know's where that'll lead? Easy to say, i know. But not attaching too much importance to it help's me begin again, sometimes. Just a thought.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          I seem to have 'posters' block!!

          Poster's Block

          Re the site - often when I am really, really busy and don't have time to "play" too much on MWO all I post for the day is "Good Morning, Everyone" - and then I feel badly that's all I've managed - but at least I feel I've kept in touch, kept the connection with the community going albeit in a very minor way. For me at least, if I get out of the MWO habit I feel I may get out of the good habits I've developed here...

          I can't help with the writer's block - I'm going through a very strange procrastination phase myself. I've got several large, complicated, time-sensitive projects to undertake and I can't seem to force myself to start on them. I'll do anything to avoid them - and I'm not usually like this. I hope you overcome the "block" soon - and keep posting, we've missed you!



            I seem to have 'posters' block!!

            get yer ass back on here coco the nut least say good morning so we know you are ok
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              I seem to have 'posters' block!!

              dased and confused

              Panno;966558 wrote: Hi everyone, some of you will have noticed (I hope :H) I have not been on here for a week, its not that I am not lurking I am, but I'm not posting .........something happened last weekend where I just seemed to clam up and I'm not sure why!! Has anybodyelse experienced this? My head has been all over the place this week and I just did not feel like talking or be honest I really don't know what to say now!! I don't feel depressed just a little lost if that makes any sense!!

              Thanks for listening

              P x
              hi pan,welcom to the world of sobriety,the way your feeling is quite normal,i beleive if one was a specialist at this sober thing,they would tell you it has to do with the brain,ive been drinking off and on for 41 years,it wil take that long for my brain to heal if not longer,ill be 108,maybe then all be what some call normal,great thread:goodjob::thanks:gyco

