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    i agree that it wasn't anyone officially with MWO, it was some uptight member. ASSH*LE!!!! This needs to remain a safe place free of people's judgmental bullshit. Sending you hugs, Spuds:l:l
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



      Hi Spud: As everyone else has already said, you have no reason to be sorry. You are a member of this community like all the rest of us. There was nothing offensive or abusive about your posts. You were a member in need and used the forum to meet that need. I am glad you are here!
      AF since 7/13/2010



        I am very interested to see the outcome of this, and agree with everything that has been said about the PM. In a way, I really do hope it was sent by a member, and not MWO.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!




          I hope you are feeling better today and focusing on the most important thing and that is getting back on the wagon.

          In the past, and on very few occasions, I have reported verbally abusive to the forum moderator because I think it is disrespectful and takes away from the constructive spirit of the thread (e.g., members swearing at one another, accusing them, calling each other names). Your recent posts do not fit into this category at all! Anyone who read your threads most likely concluded that you were in alot of pain and that you were drinking. It is possible that some folks contacted the forum moderator or Roberta Jewel because they were very concerned about you and your well being. We lost a dear member to suicide not too long ago and I think people are very sensitive about that. In your posts, you did seem like you were asking for help and people may not have had a clue as to how to contact you.

          I hope that the distress you feel over this does not lead your down the path of drinking more. Believe me, I have been there and I know the downward spiral well. I wish you all the very best in getting AF. You have done it before and you can do it again! Don't let this incident or what is happening with your family get in the way of the very best thing you can do for yourself. As you know, nothing can be solved through drinking, it only makes our interpretation of everything worse.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!

