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Army Thread 26th September

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    Army Thread 26th September

    Good morning lovelies.

    Today is my 23rd Wedding anniversary to a very special man.

    Happy Anniversary Rich xxx

    We are taking a curry round to mums and all the family is getting together as its her birthday tomorrow. This is going to be a tough day I think in many ways. I think it is the last time her and her grand daughter will be together. But we have to keep our spirits up and make it a happy day. She is having difficulty in getting up now. I think it wont be too long before she needs the hospice.

    Last night I lost it a bit, thank you everyone for all the good wishes and support. I would never get through this without you. Seriously, I would be a basket case.

    Have a lovely Sunday peeps. Make it count :l
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 26th September

    Happy anniversary, Starts :l
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread 26th September

      On 2nd thought... That makes you one of the youngest child brides ever!
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread 26th September

        Thanks Tiggeroo, but I was 24 when I got married so not so young really
        Just noticed we got two threads going on again
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Army Thread 26th September

          Good morning Army, It is the 26th right?:H Well, it is here in Kermitland! But hello over there on the other thread too! Starts, hope your day is a special one. I'm sure your emotions are all over the place. I'd say its pretty normal under the circumstances.:l How have you been Tiger guy??


            Army Thread 26th September

            startingover;967612 wrote: Thanks Tiggeroo, but I was 24 when I got married so not so young really
            Just noticed we got two threads going on again
            Hiya Sarts, glad you're feeling strong today and wishing you botha vey happy anniversary, and a wonderful day with you family together.

            I didn't notice yours till I came back with my coffee.can stick with yours, it has a more special meaning for the day for you..:l

            plus I got the date wrong on mine like a nurd...:H


              Army Thread 26th September

              Jan don't feel too bad. I'm too scared to even start a thread. I just sit back patiently until somebody else does it!


                Army Thread 26th September

                expat3;967618 wrote: Jan don't feel too bad. I'm too scared to even start a thread. I just sit back patiently until somebody else does it!
                Only thing is, it happens quite often with me normally me & Tiggerooonie do it and Tawny jumps in a has great fun at us..naughty froglet..
                loves taking the piss outta us uppers.....:H:H

                today I was first to start, but muffed up on the date........Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..!!!!

                and I can't delete it coz I'm not a subscriber.. so I closed it..


                  Army Thread 26th September

                  It's ok. LJ ... I've been quietly giggling for ages ...

                  Have a good day all you Uppers - happy anniversary Starts.


                    Army Thread 26th September

                    tawnyfrog;967623 wrote: It's ok. LJ ... I've been quietly giggling for ages ...

                    Have a good day all you Uppers - happy anniversary Starts.
                    Haa Haa ..thought you'd notice..not a lot slips past your eyes..suprised you was quiet the other week when it happened again..:H


                      Army Thread 26th September

                      ladyjan;967626 wrote: .suprised you was quiet the other week when it happened again..
                      Don't want to be too predictable ...


                        Army Thread 26th September

                        Morning everyone, Starty hope you have a special day today.
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Army Thread 26th September

                          Morning everyone.
                          Hope your day is a good one starts and happy anniversary to you and Rich.
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            Army Thread 26th September

                            Good Morning Folks.
                            Happy Anniversary Starty.
                            Another lovely, crisp autumnal morning here in Scotland.
                            My cat got me up at 4:30, wanting fed. She does this thing of almost, but not quite scratching my face while sitting on my chest, so I got up and went to feed her and, lo and behold, I'd ran out of cat food. Naturally, she didn't see that as her problem and wouldn't ler me rest until I'd been to the 24 hr Tesco and acquired her favourite grub.
                            Well obviously I'm now struggling to stay awake, being tired from my exertions of yesterday, so I'm kicking her out and catching some ZZZZ's.


                              Army Thread 26th September

                              Morning guys, best time of the days Pops, up an at em now....... have a nana nap this afternoon after a big dinner. Sorted.
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

