My stitches came out today. I'm sure you're all thrilled. right? Some hair missing on the side of my head that they had to shave. Basically, I look like half a Bozo. Will get stares on the train tomorrow, but I feign some palsy symptoms so I can enjoy the paper. Had a decent workout today. Back to work tomorrow. Flat affect due to work tomorrow. Could be a vitamin D deficiency also! Anyway feeling a bit flat (said that already) today. I know once that alarm rings at 5:30AM it's WATCH OUT WORLD!!! Have a great night/day all. John
No announcement yet.
OkSOBERfest Challenge
OkSOBERfest Challenge
My stitches came out today. I'm sure you're all thrilled. right? Some hair missing on the side of my head that they had to shave. Basically, I look like half a Bozo. Will get stares on the train tomorrow, but I feign some palsy symptoms so I can enjoy the paper. Had a decent workout today. Back to work tomorrow. Flat affect due to work tomorrow. Could be a vitamin D deficiency also! Anyway feeling a bit flat (said that already) today. I know once that alarm rings at 5:30AM it's WATCH OUT WORLD!!! Have a great night/day all. JohnOutside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
OkSOBERfest Challenge
Techie, just have to say what an inspiration you! Not only for your daily posts but also for how you tackle life head on with a wicked sense of humour.
Ive been thinking about you and your accident and how I let my fear of the outside possibility of accident stop me getting on my bike on the road (I usually just go the spin classes at the gym :H). And then I read your post this morning and realised that while I focus on the fear and worry, I'm letting valuable training time go by. So I rang a friend who is a really good cyclist and who I feel really safe with and had her take me out for a ride at lunchtime. And it was great, even with the wind gusts!!! It will take some time to get my confidence back but it was good to have got over the first hurdle.
Very glad that you have recovered and that your stitches are out!!!
Hello to everyone else!! Too many to name without going back and I need to get back to work!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
OkSOBERfest Challenge
Back atcha Fluff, and everyone else!
Techie, post a Bozo shot; I think the flat feeling is going around, and we could use a laugh (WITH you of course, not at you!). I'll post a bad-perm shot circa 1980 so you have some company.
AF is Actually Fine,
PrideAF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
"People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers
OkSOBERfest Challenge
Thanks for the inspiration Tech! And who knows, maybe the Bozo look with spar a new fashion trend! Although I had a pounding headache I made it thru another evening sober! Woke up before the alarm and watched the sunrise while walking the dog, cant remember the last time I was up that early with such a clear mind! Hope everyone had a joyous and productive day!
Day 7 AF!"I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale
OkSOBERfest Challenge
I'm OK. Had a lovely train ride into Manhattan today sitting across from what I guess were three gang members. Thug #1 says "what da f**k hapin yo hed dog?" I'm thinkin' why da f**k didn't yo drive today Techie! Well once safely ensconced in my office, I feel completely like my old self. Is life not wonderful people? Bozo feeling GONE!!!
Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
OkSOBERfest Challenge
Thought For Day 7
Confidence in now
Now is where you are. Now is where to focus your efforts and attention.
Now you can act and get results. Now you can make a difference and have an influence.
It makes no sense to concern yourself now with your shortcomings in the past. Now is when you can do what you were previously unable or unwilling to do.
There is time to live your life and that time is now. There is time to experience joy, love and fulfillment, and that time is now.
There is nothing you need before you can act, because you are already here and now. There is much that you can do, so do it now.
Make complete, effective use of this moment. And know the power of claiming full confidence in now.Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
OkSOBERfest Challenge
Well I made it through the day. Two closed door meetings with Mount Olympus. It's been determined that I must cull my herd by 20%. I don't take this lightly. This saddens me deeply. I understand from a business perspective why we do these things. I'm a metrics driven exec. I'm a show me the data kinda guy. But I'm also a leader who takes the soft skills side of the job to heart. I have 580 professionals within my purview. I respect what they do. This year the sober me will handle this layoff somehow upfront. I will not allow my management team to be my mouthpiece. Life just craps on people sometime, but hey, it is what I signed up for. 5:30AM alarm tomorrow morning, it brings such joy to my life :HOutside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
OkSOBERfest Challenge
NO it's not Fluff. As a company, and like many others, these folks will go off payroll 12/31/10. It's not easy, but we need to meet our financial commitments as a company as well. Sometimes, I wish I went a different career path in life. I love the outdoors and seek it at every opportunity. I just love adventure. Then again, I'm comfortable in the city. Go figure. Just life I guess!Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
OkSOBERfest Challenge
The beach was so great!
We went to Panama City Fl. and the weather was nice.
"Girl time" was just what I needed away from the farm and all that stress!
This was with a friend of over thirty years.
7 days here!
Belle"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10