got i nice suprise when i got to work.
there is a stack of packets of allens 'snakes' on my desk, tred with ribon and a note.
there is a hand drawn snake on the note and a thank you for looking for and explaining about the snake in our roof typ thing.... made my morning

Noice one Aspy.
Noice sunny morning here, and a very noice sleep had by the young man. Ah, wonder what beckon's out there?
Saph, i haven't recieved mine either, but it is not unknown that i do prefer commando style.
I think Le frog has tried to get 'em cheap through Ron01, and he struggles at the best of times to make delivery, let alone get his kid's to school on time. I'd be patient, or else just get out there free and wild and hairy, and let it all out sister.