@ Reggie.. I was listening to a radio show where a bloke did a tell-all on some fun he had in a hollywood mansion while he was recording an album... just an innocent recording of an album in someone elses studio but the 'lifestyle' was something else worth commenting on.. the giant spigot room rated a mention for any fan of the group shower thing :H
I was going great while on leave. Now back at work. Have just been through 4 days of the kind of stress where you can feel your heart pounding, your mouth is dry, your breath is shallow and short, your mind is racing... even my hands were shaking today. I kept wanting to leave but I knew things would only be worse if I did. That is only a description of my working day... left out what happened after I got home. (WILL NOT WRITE BOOK)
Weekend is here and I'll go better tomorrow.
Meantime, if I had not been AF for this past 13 days I would probably not have even noticed the symptoms of stress. I would have thought it was normal!
