This is a really quick hello as working madly in the office trying to catch up as I am having some time off for at least a few weeks.... maybe longer.
I am having a procedure and will not be able to drive or do much of anything.
Am abit stressed as worried about boredom setting in but will have this site to come to.
Peoples enjoy your kids at home while you can... I was devo'd when mine left home and it took a long time to settle down.
Now I have the grandkids to keep me it's all good
Aspy your babies are gorgeous...I could eat em..
Take Care
Bit of a bugger about the pending procedure. Try to look at the recuperation time as a little bit of time away from the grindstone if you can. Stock up on good books, movies, anything else that takes your fancy...and as you said, spend time on here..I know If I put my mind to it, I can while way quite a lot of time on here myself. Luv ya, Saff