Thank's Saph. I know the ones you mean. Jogging backward's is good for toning the buttock's you know.
Auditioning a new bass player for a band i'm in today. I think Reg is coming down with the double bass in the Volksy around 3.30. But first it's orf to pick up me new non flea bitten, non alcohol sodden, lesbian/God fearing wayward cult chick's/dog breath smell/G smell/drummer/wine stained/pissed G-bloke fantastical stories/song's/drunken chat up lines, 'and you too petal'/ brand new FRESH, CLEAN futon. The end of an era to be sure, but a new beginning. This long overdue event has been prompted, and hastened by a crumpi text a few weeks ago which read.....'you spend all your money on musical equipment, but you won't even get a new bed.' She did apologise later, but point taken, and she was right. She would also be right in thinking, new bed, new crumpi. More at
In other new's, i just got a call from Toyota C.E.O. Katsuaki Watanabe telling me he's very, very sorry for the re-call of around 1.5. million car's, cause of a dodgy oil seal in the master cylinder. Katsu is taking it pretty badly. I just told him.....'Katsu, you must lead by example. Stick to the basic's and you can't go wrong. Get out there amongst your team, and walk with them. One foot in front of the other mate, okay? Okay, and stay off the Saki, at least till this has blown over. Now, i want you to do 30 day's, alright? No, no, no, not solitary, 30 day's alcohol free.' Katsu's going to join the AF daily thread, cause for him, it's ODAT, and all about living in the moment. He panic's a bit, but he's a nice bloke.
A safe, sober, and magical day to everyone!