A large sliver
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Underoos and Friends - October
Underoos and Friends - October
byebyebridgetjones;988309 wrote: Just a sliver please.
A large sliverI am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
Underoos and Friends - October
byebyebridgetjones;988309 wrote: Just a sliver please.
A large sliver
What's a sliver Bridge? I'm presuming it's a portion, but what exactly, and where frometh doth the word originate?
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends - October
Guitarista;988319 wrote: Mudcake? Love the stuff. Did you use real Tassie mud granules when baking it? I'll have some. Don't throw it out.
What's a sliver Bridge? I'm presuming it's a portion, but what exactly, and where frometh doth the word originate?If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Underoos and Friends - October
sapphire1;988316 wrote: Hello G. I hear you loud and clear about these folks. Closer to home my BIL has a serious serious problem with the booze and is in such deep denial about it that he refuses to have checkups at the drs. refuses to have medicals for work etc. etc. Doesnt want to be faced with some hard cold facts about what is really happening. I worry that my younger sister will be left alone when he finally succumbs to the ravages. But what can you do....I have tried to give him advice (unsolicited) and he is not interested.....I gave up, but it is still hard to watch what is happening.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends - October
byebyebridgetjones;988323 wrote: Don't quote me, but I think it has something to do with the bow and arrow...is that a sliver on the end of the arrow ??
'A thin strip cut from wood or glass' say's my trusty Strayan Oxford. I think you're on the money Bridgos.
How's it pronounced? Sliver as in Ivor, non?
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends - October
Guitarista;988302 wrote: Evening all,
The Dandenong's are beeeeauwdiful indeed Reggie, and would've been magnificent today. I will show Jonesy if/when she comes to Melbourne. Devonshire tea dear?
Noice little gig today. A fairly hardcore alkie local crowd. (Tawny was there sipping on a latte reading a book. I think she thought Normie Rowe was on later.). There were some very red faced, smoking, big drinker's there listening to us, and interacting. Folk's from 40's to 60's. Geez, it was a little hard to watch actually, cause i know where they're at, and sadly, many of them will shorten their lifespans by many, many year's. One bloke, prob in his 50's, who knew us from the last time we played there, told me he had had a great morning, as he'd worked on his hotrod at home for the first time in ages. My ear's pricked up cause it sounded like my past. He spoke about 2 things stopping him. 1. depression. 2. alcoholism. We chatted for a bit, and he'd done 10 months af before, but was totally bored, and was in deprivation mode, not gratitude mode, so he missed the grog, and hadn't turned his life and motivation around. I told him i knew where he was coming from, as i'm nearly 2 yrs. sober. His eyes widened, and just for a second, i think he saw it was possible, and not everyone in a pub is necessarily drinking, and you can exist happily, (well, much more happily) without the booze, it's just a big effort and requires work and a bit of change at the start. Anyway, off he went, an intelligent, seemingly good man. Hope we don't lose him before his time. Sorry to ramble folk's, but i love any talk involving the possibility of freedom. Please resume normal transmission.
Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and Friends - October
Guitarista;988328 wrote: There you are, quoted, for ALL TO SEE. :welcome:
'A thin strip cut from wood or glass' say's my trusty Strayan Oxford. I think you're on the money Bridgos.
How's it pronounced? Sliver as in Ivor, non?If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Underoos and Friends - October
byebyebridgetjones;988333 wrote: Thank God we got THAT sorted out.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends - October
sort of ... as good as can be expected given that I have left a lovely sunny beach setting and come back to not a lovely beach setting :H:H But all is good and its not long until Xmas break.
And we have had a lovely weekend with Mr B's son ....... we are seeing him much more regularly since a Family Court hearing a couple of months ago and it is proving to be just fantastic. It means that he feels that he has a home with us instead of being a visitor. And he is just transitioning into adolescence, and he and Mr B have a great relationship which can only be a good thing. I love the fact that he still hold's his dad's hand when we are out and about and hope that he never stops doing that. But that is probably too much to hope for :H:HNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and Friends - October
hi all.
my mum was sober for 10-12 years, when i poped in to her place a few months ago she had some "friends" over and they were all having a quiet JD each. it was innocent and harmless and no one was drunk, but it put my hackles up big time. when she went inside to grab some nibbles i told them not to encourage her, that they were not around in her drimnking heyday to see her drink 4lt cask of claret a night and they were not a F*&^ing friend to her if they thought it was ok to use for place aas a meeting ground for a piss up. one is a young girl who shut up straight away, the other is a fella about 50 who said it was harmless and what would i know , i didnt even drink( he dont know me from adam).
WELL, they have both moved onto greener freindship pastures, and mum has been having sneaky drinks eversince.
she posted on face book some self harm type stuff on sat night, i took my kids over to stop/see her. my sister got there too. she is a depressed mess, but i didnt talk about AL i didnt want to up set her. we had breckie yesterday, but could not talk. I am gunna offer her to come to a AA meeting with me.
SO pissed of with people, think its ok to peer pressure her into a drink...
BTW, hi everyone.AF since 10/26/2009
It will be five years sober 10/26/2014
Underoos and Friends - October
Oh Aspy, that is sad. You are being such a great son to care for her like that. Would she talk to her GP about it??
Public holiday here today so its my last day off ...........:upset: :upset::upset: Practising gratitude mode as we speak .....Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and Friends - October
Aspy thats rough. It will be good if you can talk to her about it, and maybe get her along to AA, that way she wont feel that she has to go through this whole process again on her own. It sounds like she lives alone? Is this talk of self harm something new, I think that she needs to talk to someone professionally about this as it something that should be taken seriously. Maybe a trip to her G.P. as Missy suggested to get the ball rolling. After being sober for such a long time, she might be feeling incredibily disappointed with herself and possibly frightened as well. Stay strong my friend and take care of yourself as well. Love SaffxI am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs