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Underoos and Friends - October
Underoos and Friends - October
beagle;991322 wrote: hey hi everyone.
well same shit different day here really.
the bushfire that started yesterday from lightening strike in the reserve has continued into today, fanned by strong blustery westerly winds. Having travelled already over 40kms, the guys that are fighting it are pushed to their limits. Mr beagle was out for 7 hrs yesty trying to control it. Luckily no crops burnt & currently i'm not sure on where it's heading to - the next town is getting a bit anxious. To go out & see the huge black clouds of smoke billowing from the front is awe-inspiring & scary. Sometimes, when things seem despairing & cruel, another event occurs to slap us into a new dimension of despondancy.
Bugger shit & damn it.
Just checking to see if you give a rats about anything at all today....
Nope..it barely moved for me either.
Well done....keep up the good work!
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Fire is so terrifying, I know where you are at mate. I was in a town in 1981 that was surrounded by fire......absolutely bloody awful. Are you safe where you are at?I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
Underoos and Friends - October
byebyebridgetjones;991131 wrote: Do you remember the actual last drink you put down and thought 'Right that's it ' ?
Just out of curiosity.
Sort of Bridge. I remember planning my last hoorah. I'd had almost 2 months off from my furniture removalist gig, cause i was at home drinking and getting progressively worse, and thought to myself i've stretched the friendship at work far enough, and i'd better pull my finger out, or lose job, then roof over head etc, etc....so a few day's before, i chose the next saturday night as my last, with a sober white knuckling sunday to try to get me bearing's, then face the music at work monday. So i remember picking the sat night as my last drink, but i don't re-call the actual last drink, nor should i expect to. :H
Kept my job, just, and got sober. Whew!
Nice pic's Shas.
How are you there Beag's?
Have a great evening everyone!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends - October
tawnyfrog;991366 wrote: You know what? ... My GAFOM is registering +3 so I won't report on anything until everybody's a tad chirpier. Everybody hates a show-off. ***sigh***
(Great pics Shas - glad you got PBucket sorted)
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends - October
Reggie;991390 wrote: With good reason I was channeled a dream of a frog unleashed my Psych is still researching that one thinks its pivotal to my recovery ...lets keep that little genie in its jar OK:h:H
'Let's keep that little genie in it's jar ok'
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends - October
jeez there's no stopping you lot is there - maybe a meet up of the Undies is in order to see who can talk the most bullshit... dunno who'd win.
Thanks for the fuck-o-meter Tips that's exactly what i was after....
Well the fire seems contained now. The front roared off with the winds this arvo & the smoke was a sight to behold. it was heading the opp direction to myself which was a relief. Did stretch the local fieries a tad though poor buggars. my hat goes off to them. we don't think any farmland has been destroyed but is saddens me to thin of all that nature reserve destroyed - but it was nature that started it ,lightening being the cause. Hopefully not too many critters got scorched.
it's going to be a long hot summer folks, hold onto your hats.