Hallo all - Swannie - great to see you - trust me, you are not being shouted at at all - you are being loved! Here is a place where you can vent and moan all you like and we will listen and vent and moan with you. It is a wonderful place. We just don't need to feel you can't come here if you are feeling blue - that is the time that you need to come here - and be hugged! I haven't been posting much lately 'cos I have been feeling out of sorts too - nothing I can put my finger on, just sort of blah. But I should have come here more 'cos of that. I am pleased to see you here. And Jan didn't mean to shout at you. That is just her quirky way of showing she loves ya!
Rog - if anyone doesn't like what you are posting then they can go and read elsewhere. no-one asked them to come to this thread. If they lurk on this thread often enough they will see that we all come here to chat about what is going on and share with each other - it is one of the few places that we can. So they can just go away! Take no notice. And carry on!!! I think some folk look for trouble.
Jan - good for you with the Aunties! Glad it is working out for you. Sorry I haven't been around more.
Grateful - I think you have a wonderful idea - all the MWO women living on a farm together - that would be wonderful!!! Husbands - who needs them! Sorry yours is being a pain. Mine has been off all week........so pick me up whenever anyone is going anywhere and I will come too. but we must pick Swannie up as well.
Ruby - your birthday is 2 days before my mums. I was really good this year and sent off her pressie and she has already got it! Go me. Usually I am about a week late - the P.O. in England are often on strike so this year I sent it early.
Talking of birthdays, a little bird told me that today is our little Swan's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWANNIE. Hope that you have a good day - stay with us here.
Panno - good to hear from you too, are you thinking of going on the Antabuse too then? I do laugh at the pictures that we are getting on here as you all find Photobucket!
Nora - good to hear that you are doing well too. Tony - hope that you Aptitude tests went well. I am sure that they did. Bird - you are so creative - I so admire folk who are creative - I am not one of them! Vicki - are you feeling better from the wood moving? Hope that you are doing better now and feeling more rested. Biz - what has happened with you? Have you calmed down a bit?
I have to work mid shift today so won't be around until later this evening. I was supposed to have a PT appt this morning but really didn't feel like going to cancelled it. (bad girl).
talk later everyone.
Hugs to all and a special hug to the birthday girl SWANNIE XXXXX