I'm off to the land of Nod. My trips into town wear me out, and I've been 2 days in a row and have to go tomorrow. Hope my bed is soft tonight. It's contrary sometimes. Softest mattress I could buy, and believe me, I tried them all. Have a good sleep, all. :huggy
No announcement yet.
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
I'm off to the land of Nod. My trips into town wear me out, and I've been 2 days in a row and have to go tomorrow. Hope my bed is soft tonight. It's contrary sometimes. Softest mattress I could buy, and believe me, I tried them all. Have a good sleep, all. :huggysigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
Good morning to everyone - I hope that you had a good nights sleep Ruby. I hate when I don't sleep well. I was so pleased with my self actually - 2 nights in a row now - just one Guinness! I am back to getting there again. Last night I poured the 2nd and had a sip - then gave it to Hubs. Anyway - hope that you all have a great day - Trapped - hope to see you here today too. Early shift today so back MUCH later,
Hugs to you all,
love, Sun xxxHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
Good morning All Welcom Trap I am a man too and Tirgs, rubs and bird are right. I started in july and have come a long way but it is not fast. I have always thought there are more woman here then men because a Trigs said most men won't admit to there problem so way to go man your welcome here and I can tell you everyone here are great we always support each other. Sorry guys I am behind in reading posts but will catch up tonight. Got to go to the DR. to have my BS checked out and hopfuly get my meds adjusted for my BP. I have lost a fair amout of weight since starting here and I pray I lost enough to lower the dose. Have a great morning.
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
Happy Friday, Family. Hope everyone had a great sleep-especially you, Ruby. Sorry you have to go to town again today....hopefully the weekend will bring you rest. Trap-How are you doing this morning?
I'm thinking of you and hoping you will post again today...it really helps to "talk" here....and everyone is very non-judgmental.
Mama-Last day in the "ghetto".....YEA!! I'm so happy for you.
I should be around today.....Addy is here again.....little bugger didn't go to sleep until 11:45 then up again at 5:45....I'm hoping she'll take a nap soon.....now the crazy siberian husky wants outside.....oh my, I have a feeling it's going to be one of those days.........Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
Hi all you lovely peeps and a big welcome to Trap, good luck on your journey, please stick around here and get all the help you need :h
AND AS FOR ME........YEAH.......
GOING HOME DAY.......Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
Good morning all. Bad night. Topo at 4, wine from 4:30-9, then a Xanax to help with sleep.
My doc prescribed atavan for withdrawl but they don't seem to work. My wife thinks they are.
That is why I am hiding the drinking. I don't even know where to begin.
Sorry I missed chat. I don't have to explain why here I guess
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
TD-you don't have to explain anything here....that is the beauty of our thread. Today is a new day to try again.....maybe start taking the Topo a little earlier? Hopefully you will get the cds soon and supplements too. We are all pulling for you, okay? Just keep coming back here no matter what.Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
Hi all. Welcome TD. Not many of us get through the ribbon on the first run. Like Grateful said, try again.
Don't have time to catch up (again)! I hope everyone has a great Friday!* * *
?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
- Vernon Howard
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
Trap, the CD's were a TREMENDOUS help to me at first, and I still use them to relax. Really listen. And as far as hiding things, we all thought we were great at it. People have told me since they knew something was wrong, some guessed what. We were so sure we had it covered. But Trap, it adds to our load, something else to carry. I'm not saying take out an ad, but it might be a good idea to ask your wife for help. You're a team. And you would do the same for her, wouldn't you? Hang on here, just keep posting.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
Morning all!!! Geez - I woke up from a horrible nightmare. Took me awhile to come out of it. I am finally awake and going to get ready for work. I'll catch up on all of you later.
Trap - you don't need to explain here. Just keep on coming back and reading & posting and reading & posting. :h
I would tell your wife that you found a great support group online though. It will be easier for you if you can hop on here and type without having to hide that from her. Just my opinion.
Ok - really got to get ready................
I'll be back! (It was so nice to wake up and not feel so down this morning. Maybe me meds don't have to be adjusted.)
PS - Ruby - have you ever seen 'On Borrowed Time' with Lionel Barrymore? Fantastic movie!!! (My parents always called me Lionel when I got dramatic and overacted as I was growing up. :H:H)"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
Good morning, my dear family! I hope everyone has a great Friday and an even better weekend! They promise us rain, but I won't believe it till I see it! Hasn't rained here in a month! Ruby, have you tried the sleep # bed? It is so awesome! You can make your bed as soft or as hard as you like it and hubby has the same options! Trapped, so glad to see you this morning. Remember this...take one day, one hour, one minute at a time. Never look back and never look forward, just concentrate on staying sober this one day. You can do this! We are here to help you. Biz, what is going on with your blood sugars? Are you a diabetic? I hope your doctor appt goes well. I can't type much at the moment. I can't feel my fingers, as my hands haven't woke up yet. Talk to ya'll later. I love you! VickiI'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
but I'm sure not who I used to be!
There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
:H Nora, Momma called me Mahayley, for Mahayley Lancaster (quite a local legend)!
Vick, tried the number bed. Too hard. They call my condition 'princess and the pea'. At the cabin I have the softest pillow-top mattress, 2 layers of memory foam, and a down feather mattress cover, but I still wake in the night in pain. Thinking of getting a hammock! :Hsigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey is here...Get your ass in gear !
I definitely feel alone in all of this. I want to quit drinking and be a normal member of society so bad, but can't seem to get the nerve up to try. I started hiding my drinking from my wife about a month ago. About 60 days ago, I went to see my doctor because of anxiety and was diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on HBP meds plus Xanax for the panic attacks. She also did a blood test... The test came back that my liver enzymes were elevated more than 150 points and she wanted me to stop drinking and taking Tylenol for 30 days to rule out other things.
Well, I couldn't. I went back in and had another blood test and my enzyme levels were close to 400! She was VERY concerned and ordered some more tests and asked if i had quit drinking. I was honest with her, and that is when she referred me to a psychiatrist. The shrink prescribed me Atavan for the withdrawl period, and asked that my wife administer the drug to me each night when i had a craving. The first night I asked for 5 or 6 and they didn't seem to have any effect. I was on my 3rd movie of the night and she finally went to sleep. I chugged a bottle of wine, then quickly ate a pickle to disquise my breath. Took 1mg of Xanax and went to sleep. Over the next week, my wife would give me one less Atavan than the day before, still thinking I was not drinking. I started buying small bottles of wine and hiding them in my car, closet and garage. Now, I am so paranoid that she will find out, I have stripped my closet and garage from all suspects and only keep it in my car in a hidden compartment meant for tire jacks. I reload the compartment during lunch, take a very "back road" way home (so as to avoid any cops) and drink. Then i eat a bunch of breath mints before i walk in the door to kiss my wife and hug my kids. I then play with my sons, talk with my wife while she cooks dinner. I make a lot of excuses to go out to my car during the evening...check the mail, take the dogs out, etc...
What kills me is that most mornings she tells me how proud she is of me for not drinking so far. That is like getting punched in the gut everyday. I feel like i am spirialing further down everyday. I haven't commited to a plan yet, but am waiting for all the MWO stuff to arrive.