Good morning all. Good sleep here. Hope you all had the same. Another dinner out with a friend—their treat! That’s 4 in two weeks. Now I’ll be wondering where everyone is for months! Haha
Sun don’t forget to swish the ACV too for the sore throat. Sometimes taking vitamins with a little food helps to trick the esophagus. If they’re not feeling right in the stomach however B vits are often the culprit. Making sure the quality is good can make a big difference. Just a thought.
Unless you have blood sugar problems then first switching to a real pop is ok imo but still reducing. Maybe even drinking half at a time—like moderation eh? If blood sugar is an issue then nothing to do but cut back and out.
Nora, Vicki, Bird, Sun and Grateful (?)--looks like there are a few of us with the smoking habit. I haven’t figured that one out yet either. I do only smoke half a pack a day. And now that I’m not drinking my face off I don’t go above that and sometimes less. One of the reasons I take lots of C and my other vits to counter the effects. I’ll be on the lookout for the name of that tape too Bird.
I agree Ruby, you’re home is delightful. I seriously hope one day to jump in the car and head south. Maybe this winter…who knows?? Ha maybe a write off for business consultation and delivery.
Trap you did very well for a day and like they all have said focus on the fact that you did and know you will keep adding those days up as you go along if you really want to.
Baked bean are treat for me. No typical side effects accept I just don’t do well with any carbs-even complex one. I love to open a can of Heinz in tomatoe and eat right from the can. Glad you enjoyed yours Topsy after all your labours.
Swannie I will be thinking of you too and sending healing energy your way. It’s always good to see you posting.
Rog I echo what Grateful said about your optimism no matter what. You are truly inspiring.
Tony hope your back is improving bit by bit and your back to your wacky self here.
Panno who do we have in our beds today?? Hope you are staying strong.
MB I’d request the beach office if I could. Not only would the scenery be nicer I bet there would be less corporate big wigs looking over your shoulder??
What a shame about the shooting. My prayers are with that family.
Man I hope I haven’t missed anyone. Really put some effort into it this am. Wishing you all a great Tuesday!