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Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

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    Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

    Hi all

    It has become obvious to me that alcohol has a very subtle way of effecting our lives. We drink it, and after 2 drinks feel a sence of euphoria, we drink more and this turns to loss of control, and eventually we sleep or pass out. When we wake we suffer from the symptoms of being poisoned - dehydration, hang over, foggy thinking, depression, regret, and so on.

    The next day we drink water and eat and the symptoms of poisoning ourselves starts to wear off. After a day or two days, we think we feel normal...but here in lies the trap. We have not yet rid our bodies of the poison. It is still in our blood stream, clouding our thinking, and altering our judgement. We think we are free of it and so we drink some more. Searching for that early euphoric feeling. That feeling, that in reality, only lasts a few short minutes. We drink some more...and begin the cycle over again.

    We never get out of this cycle until we can somehow stop drinking for more than 21 days...

    For those who can reach 21+ days the difference is noticable in positive outcomes, but not in emotional well being. Emotional well being will take many more days to achieve.

    And so my point is that Alcohol, in any quantity, is going to poison your body, and allow you to believe lies. You may not be aware of how it changes your life, because at first it is subtle. But be assured it will change your outlook, your body chemistry, your health, and your life, slowly and sneakily. It almosts creeps up behind you to little my little rob you of your power.

    It is poison, horrible destructive poison, and we don't need poison to live a good life.

    Its time for me to stop this madness and take back my life. I will not let this poison rob me of the life I want and the power to create.

    Anyone agree or understand this...?
    Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended

    Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

    Yes to both questions, only too well.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

      I totally understand and agree with you Hazel. It robbed me of my joy for too many years. It has taken me 18 months of abstainance and trying to moderate (I can't!!!) to really understand the destructive effects of Al on my life. 43 days AF now and hopefully for life. Good luck Hazel. x


        Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

        Thanks Ktab and Spinning.

        Spinning, great job on 43 days. Excellent work, you must be feeling better. Thanks for your words of support.
        Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


          Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

          Hi Hazel,

          Good to see you. Yep, i understand what you're saying, and i agree. I think af is the way to go. Just a little bit of al in our system does affect our thinking and emotions, just by being present in our system. I don't think we need to drink a lot for al to affect the calibre of how we operate day to day, including the decision's we make. And i haven't even mentioned heavy drinking.

          Best wishes, and go for it!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

            hi hasie,interestin theory,i agree,over years of drinking it becomes more clear to us,even when were sedated from the effects on our bodies , we do undersstand,its the doing somthin about it thats the question ? as ive said earlier your here,thats an accomplishment in its self.Remember this defeating al totally or even lerning moderation is a life time goal,forever can be a long time,but using the tools you have and that includes here,youll accomplish your goal gyco


              Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

              Hi Hazel,

              I agree with you and it's one of the reasons that I have decided right from the start of my journey that I simply can not moderate, I have gone too far in my drinking to even contemplate having another drink - it's out of the question for me. This in many ways makes life so much easier and now my only struggle is with cravings and trigger situations and I have plans in place for these.

              I know this is going to be tough at times but so well worth it to wake up in the morning feeling great, rested and looking forward to the day. No worries about what I've said, done, texted or emailed - just peace of mind and for me that is worth it's weight in gold. It doesn't mean the stresses of life have gone simply that I am better able to cope with them. I have some issues that I need to deal with but I've decided to park these until I am confident in my sobriety and in a good, strong place to be able to tackle these head on.

              Good luck and so glad you have joined us again,

              Dewdrop :h
              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

                here, here I totally agree. After a weekend of drinking, I would be in a state of anxiety and shame which lifted around Wednesday, then I would feel good and start drinking Thursday. The reason I felt good on Wednesday is that the AL was leaving my system. Happy to have that Wednesday glow everyday now..only day 37 but, I don't know, it just feels like this is it this time.


                  Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

                  Even the euphoria is a lie. That good feeling is just a flood of dopamine resulting from the drug messing with neurotransmitters. We are built to function without all this crap. We just need to learn (or relearn) how.

                  Great post, Hazel, nice to meet you!

                  AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                  "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                    Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

                    Spot on!
                    "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                      Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

                      Pride before Fall;973184 wrote: Even the euphoria is a lie. That good feeling is just a flood of dopamine resulting from the drug messing with neurotransmitters. We are built to function without all this crap. We just need to learn (or relearn) how.ALCOHOL'S DAMAGING EFFECTS ON THE BRAIN
                      When you're at a function and you see the children and the young teens, playing, talking, enjoying themselves without alcohol, it makes you wonder why we got pulled into thinking we needed it.

                      You're right about the dopamine and the neurotransmitters. Our bodies make dopamine and we can mess it up with ingesting poisons.

                      Exercise is one of the best things we can do to release dopamine and feel good. So, one should focus on the treadmill or a fast walk around the block and delay the drink.

                      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                      ~Jack Welsh~:h

                      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                        Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

                        I think I'm taking it one minute at a time. Why do I let this vile poison control me.?


                          Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

                          Thank you all for your insightful and supportive comments. At first I felt like I was just blurting out my thoughts in desperation, but now I see that sharing ideas can help others, as well as me.

                          May I encourage you all to share your thoughts as you journey on to an AF life.

                          Thanks again for all your comments
                          Be strong
                          Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


                            Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

                            Hazel - you have described the cycle perfectly!!
                            It's like being caught up in ground hog day, every morning feeling like shit, telling yourself you won't drink today, drinking water, struggling through the day, then by early evening convincing yourself that just a couple will make you feel better.... Only it's never a couple and so the cycle continues.
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Alcohol is a poison that slowly creeps up on you

                              hazeleyes, I know that cycle all to well. You described perfectly the mess I was caught up in, just like you. I am willing to go to whatever length necessary to be free of that mad cycle of addiction.

                              I agree on the "feel good" of exercise. It's recommended in the My Way Out book / program and it's a tool I certainly rely on. It's something I make myself do 5X per week (very few misses there over the years). I ususally am not excited about getting started, but I ALWAYS feel great when I'm done. And that's what keeps me comin' Curves anyway.

                              We don't need AL. We just think we do.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

