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Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

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    Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

    Hi all ,
    I say looser are always focus on our weakness( may be we ) where as successful people focus on their strength.What happen if we focus on weakness,

    1. We loose our energy whatever left from alcohol abuse, alwaysthinking how can we give up our bad habit.Energy lossfor bad means simply no energy for good.

    2.We have negative and positive thoughts in our mind, so if we add positive things negatives starts escaping as we have fixed space in our mind.Lets say we have 80% negativity and 20% positivity now.Total space in mind is always 100 %, cant expand at all. What happens if we add 20 % positivity with our limited energy it will change our porpertion and negativity goes down to 60% and positivity increased to 40 % so lets starts to use our energy in something good.LET'S ADD UP GOOD HABIT DONT THINK FOR BAD IT GOES AUTOMATICALLY.

    3. What happens if we focus on negativity, it grows well as it percieves that we are loving it.In loving environment everything flourish.

    4. Obviousely, we lost our energy for thinking to give up bad habit ,do not left any energy for the good one.

    How can we formulate good habits ?
    -Try to be as busy as possible still it is not benefitting you but not harming at least like surfing in this forum.
    -Be a members of church,schools,charities,social clubs etc. Do not put any spare time apart from your sleeping,dinner, family chores etc.
    -Always try to go inner core of your heart rather than physical facilities.Do meditation,go for spritual events.Have you ever heard any richest person is/ was being the happiest person in the world ?
    -Definitely, we have peace with us not outside.
    - Serve others as much as that brings the satisfaction 10 fold as said by Hippie.
    -Remember giving is living not drinking,serve others.
    -People who gives to others sleep well and who takes from others eat well ,Its our choice !!
    These are some of my realized facts in my life so please comment or add if any !
    Thank you for reading.
    If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.

    Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

    Hi Kota -

    You are right - attitude is very important! We should never underestimate the power of positive thinking!


      Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

      Thanks Koto.
      I had to reshape my thinking a LOT.
      Keeping things simple makes everything so much easier.
      Meditation, at whatever level I can manage, helps keep things in perspective and disciplines the mind not to keep grasping for that which is not important. I'm currently working on acting 'skillfully'. Even the simplest thing can be done well or done badly.


        Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

        Hi Coco n Popeye,
        Thanks your views,yes we should focus on our strength and use it grow good weakness goes itself no worry about that.
        I you do meditation please not hang on the passive one find the dynamic which gives you exercise as well as peace of mind.

        Jogging,dancing, crying,weeping,laughing , celebrating while meditating. ..that's makes us happy really.
        If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


          Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

          Hi Coco n Popeye,
          Thanks your views,yes we should focus on our strength and use it grow good weakness goes itself no worry about that.
          I you do meditation please not hang on the passive one find the dynamic which gives you exercise as well as peace of mind.

          Jogging,dancing, crying,weeping,laughing , celebrating while meditating. ..that's makes us happy really.
          If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


            Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

            Pls dpnt try give up but try add up.
            Giving is living. ..
            Focus on your strength rather than focuting on weakness. Use your strength totally, it avoid weakness. .
            be lucky..Kota
            If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


              Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

              Pls dpnt try give up but try add up.
              Giving is living. ..
              Focus on your strength rather than focuting on weakness. Use your strength totally, it avoid weakness. .
              be lucky..Kota
              If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

                Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don't give up.-- Anne Lamott

                found this quote kota, its a good one

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

                  You r great. I know peace is inside us. Isn't it?
                  Giving is living. ..sorry my English is bad as I am not a native speaker.
                  If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                    Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

                    Kota - all our strength is within us, I really believe that. It's just a case of finding the true self and letting go of all ego and the conditioning that doesn't serve us. Our eternal self already knows the answers....
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

                      Hi kota. I love the idea of focusing on our strengths!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

                        Yea Doggy and Sheri,
                        We must try to focus on our strength rather than our weakness so that our energy goes to good.
                        Successful people do not do different things they do things differently.
                        Sheri your idea to try for positive is really appreciative.
                        Trying best.
                        Giving is Living
                        If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                          Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

                          Looser say it is difficult but moght be possible.
                          Winner says it is possible but moght be difficult.
                          What an attitude!
                          If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                            Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

                            Looser say it is difficult but moght be possible.
                            Winner says it is possible but moght be difficult.
                            What an attitude!
                            If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                              Dont focus to give the bad up but add the good up !

                              ?Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.?
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

