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Army Thread 8 October 2010

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    Army Thread 8 October 2010

    Gawd I could do with a holiday.

    The funny thing is with the daughter the higher up the scale in her bar job the less she drinks. When she was a humble barmaid she was hammered most nights of the week. Now she's in management (dog I love saying that......braggity brag brag) she very rarely drinks. She's running the opening of a re-vamped bar tonight and is soooooooooo excited.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread 8 October 2010

      JackieClaire;976445 wrote: Morning Tips,Xpat,mario,Chill,Oney,Zens,KT, TF, Pops and all those yet to drop by.

      KT, consider yourself suitably chastised........:b&d:

      Spuds as been duly texted and I await her reply.

      Well the daughter went to the doctors and got an armful of blood taken, they don't think it's her heart at all. Poor lass is suffering massive panic attacks and sobbed all over me last night.
      She had one while she was here and I had to sit with her like a she was a little girl helping with her breathing 'til it passed. Needless to say I'm worried witless.


        Army Thread 8 October 2010

        Probably grown up a bit JC and seeing things from behind the other side of the counter is probably a big eye opener.
        Never been to Turkey Pops, did get ten miles off of the coast but dont think that counts. You sound great btw.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Army Thread 8 October 2010

          JC - :l for daughter, poor darling! Thanks for texting Spuds and welcome to you know where

          Pops - I've been to Turkey in my youth, loved it!!

          KT - dont mean to be hard on you but maybe you need some tough love
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Army Thread 8 October 2010

            Hello again! First off, I have to agree with Mario about how great it is being able to come on here and share. I know for me-I would never have made it these last few months. :l Things are not perfect (are they ever for ANYBODY!) but being sober has helped so much dealing with my problems. UK Blonde made a comment on another thread awhile back that "you may still lose your house or whatever but at least if you are sober you'll be better able to deal with it and find a solution" well, something like that-those were not her exact words! But it's so true!


              Army Thread 8 October 2010

              Hi Expat.
              Chilli no worries hun I am my own worst enemy and need a good kick up the jacksey ever now and then.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Army Thread 8 October 2010

                KTAB;976524 wrote: Hi Expat.
                Chilli no worries hun I am my own worst enemy and need a good kick up the jacksey ever now and then.
                excellent I will save my new kick boxing moves for the meetup :H
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Army Thread 8 October 2010

                  Hi KTAB and any others who might be lurking around. It's so nice being able to catch up on the posts. Now that I'm usually at work all day, I only have early morning or evening. And when my daughter is home from school she wants to be on Facebook-so it's a fight for computer time. KTAB if you are still around can you bring up the song "Where's me jumper?" it's an old song by a Cork band---The Sultans....or something like that. I can't get that song out of my head. Brings back memories (Good ones:H!).


                    Army Thread 8 October 2010

                    Your wish is my command my lady.

          [/video]]YouTube - Where's me jumper
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Army Thread 8 October 2010

                      And on that theme of Irish groups how about this for a memory

            [/video]]YouTube - Undertones - Teenage Kicks (Real Promo Video)
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Army Thread 8 October 2010

                        Thanks KTAB! You're the best! I'm going to listen to them in a sec. I have a weird story. My daughter is named after a song by "The Nipple Erectors" Shane McGowen's old band. Well, one Saturday night we had watched a documentary on his life so decided the next morning to go to Temple Bar and find the record "Gabrielle". And who should we see stumbling across O'Connell bridge? Yep, good ol' Shane! He was drunk as a skunk but quite friendly!:H


                          Army Thread 8 October 2010

                          Yeh, nice one. I read his autobiography many years ago and there is a picture in it of his flat in London in the early days. You cant see the carpet for empty bottles and cans littered everywhere. Quite sad really.
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            Army Thread 8 October 2010

                            I agree-it is sad. He is such a talented individual. I think he finally got his teeth fixed. Maybe he's starting to take better care of himself? I really don't know.


                              Army Thread 8 October 2010

                              :hallo: Army

                              Day progressing well. My 14h00 meeting has been cancelled! Yay!!! If it wasn't for a 16h00 session with my shrink, I'd slip away and go home early

                              Hope everyone else doing well?
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread 8 October 2010

                                Just got of the phone to Spuds,

                                She's fine got her mojo back and not drinking at all. She's orff to see the Blackpool Illuminations this afternoon.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

