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Drinking mate

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    Drinking mate

    Does anyone live with a mate that drinks everyday and you're trying to quit?

    Any advice is welcome...
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

    Drinking mate

    Well, you know I do- but I wouldn't know how to advise you...sorry- I had written my husband two notes- and he did stop except for the weekend...
    It's always YOUR choice!


      Drinking mate

      Fluff xoxox

      How do YOU not drink when he is?
      We have gallons of wine on tap and he has beer up in his shop. He moved the wine up there today. He will not stop.....that is not an option...
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Drinking mate

        It's hard to not drink when your significant other- is- which is why I will be able to go for a couple weeks without drinking and then...I cave in... Okay but the times he was drinking and I wasn't I just drank cherry or blueberry tea- and if he started getting too inebriated I just left the room and watched tv in another room-Belle- I don't know what else to tell you because I am still working on the same problem-
        So, what can you do to not pick up that drink-find something non-alcoholic?
        Don't be around him too much during the early phase of your quit?
        Go out and do something in the evening?
        Spend a lot of time on this site and others to pass the time that you would normally be drinking -?
        What can you think of?
        I notice that I won't drink if the kids have evening activities- like a soccer game or going to a movie-then , by the time we get home it's 8:30 or 9pm and I 'll just watch some tv and then go to bed...
        It's always YOUR choice!


          Drinking mate

          We're going to grandson's football game this evening so it won't be a problem today.
          I could change my water gym class to afternoons and see if that helps. I really like the girls in the morning class though.
          Thank you for sharing..
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Drinking mate

            That sounds good- and maybe you'll like the women in the afternoon class-
            Actually, I should do the same thing-take an evening gym class-you've got me thinking, now-Thanks-! And let me know how it all goes-
            I love your avatar, btw- I just want to walk right into that scene of sunflowers...
            It's always YOUR choice!


              Drinking mate

              That's hubby's workshop! Now wine added!!! ;o)
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                Drinking mate

                Ha-ha!- Okay-I changed my mind then...
                It's always YOUR choice!


                  Drinking mate

                  Nancy Belle,

                  LVT and Lavande both have drinking husbands and they are both AF for a long time.

                  You might want to pm them and see how they manage it.

                  Luckily, my hubby could care less about alcohol. He does not have any in the house and doesn't miss it.

                  I think he would break someone's arms if they brought any into my house!!

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Drinking mate

                    It is very very hard for me to stay sober when Joe drinks and vice versa, I think it's the biggest problem. When we are both AF it is sooooo much easier for both of us, but I think easier for me, especially, Joe ask if he should get beer and I say no easier. If I say anything Joe is okay sure, but then I think of bringing him down and I say I don't want any. Only panic attacks are trigger times w/o Joe, mostly.


                      Drinking mate

                      Maybe Lavande and LVT can jump in here with their advice, too! It's not just me and Belle with the drinking husbands- I bet there are a lot of women/men with the same issue-
                      It's always YOUR choice!


                        Drinking mate

                        Thank guys are an inspiration to me !
                        I know in my heart that it can be done and I've done it before. It's just so hard with it all around me.
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10


                          Drinking mate

                          Hi, Ladies. Yes, it can be done - but it's not easy. I have been AF for 13 months now, thanks to MWO and the wonderful people here. My husband is still a daily drinker - drinking the same thing that I used to. I had the added advantage of looking forward to my 1st grandchild being born and was determined to be AF for her & my daughter. Also, my son had been in jail for DUI for 3 months......that was so hard on me. For the first few weeks, I remember getting my hot tea and going to my bedroom a lot by myself - anywhere away from hubby who was drinking. Now, it doesn't bother me at all - except HE bothers me when he has had too much. I read everything I could here on MWO and for my 30 day anniversary, I became a member. I really believe that this place - and the CD's, too - helped me.
                          And I was so proud when I got the call at 1 am on January 14th that my daughter was in labor and I had to drive one hour to the hospital by myself!!! Plus, my daughter has trusted me to keep the baby almost every weekend since she has been born.
                          Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                            Drinking mate

                            Thanks Grateful- it truly must be 'determination'- which maybe I obviously waffle with-I can't tell you how many nights of going in the other room I've done...
                            It's always YOUR choice!


                              Drinking mate

                              Like I said, I did have the extra advantage of having a grandchild on the way.....I want to be there for her, you know? But I've learned - and am still learning - so much by being here......this is where my true friends are.
                              Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

