I was fairly busy with enjoyable things over the past 4 weeks & have been learning a few things.
1) I was not bored - but still drank
2) I was not lonely - but still drank
3) I was not stressed or anxious - but still drank.
What did this teach me? It taught me that "triggers" are merely excuses.
There was & is, in reality, no "reason" for me to drink. Thus it is a deeply ingrained HABIT.
All this time I was having a subconscious pity party in my head almost forgiving myself to drink. In actual fact, I need to alter that mindset to say " I deserve to relax,feel happy, & not drink alcohol. I deserve that." To change the "denial" mentality into one of reward.
I will check in here as much as I can to document some personal thoughts, feel free everyone to advise/berate/scold me as you see fit. I'll try not to take it the wrong way!

But I'm not starting this thread in a selfish way. I don't mean to subtract from any else's very real traumas.