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Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

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    Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

    Thanks Mario. I have to do this. My father hasn't taken a drink in close to 15 years now, he knows the signs and has advised me to stop NOW. I turn into what he used to be like, a really nasty bitch..and I'm not like that when I'm sober. I don't understand how alcohol can bring this out? Is this what I really am deep down, or does the AL somehow alter your personality?


      Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

      Hi gang - just slinking in to make a confession - I am such an arse!!! Foolishly got drunk on Saturday night, and slagged off my ex on the good ole texting machine. Feel free to kick me in my big ole pumpkin arse.
      It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


        Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

        I think alcohol alters our personalities...defo...I know a lot of lovely lovely people who turn into complete WANKERS when they drink...

        I used to turn into a weeping idiot lamenting how shite my life was to anyone who would listen
        Wob can get quite nasty if provoked,
        Some of my friends turn into complete BITCHES!
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

          Zeppie2;983604 wrote: Hi gang - just slinking in to make a confession - I am such an arse!!! Foolishly got drunk on Saturday night, and slagged off my ex on the good ole texting machine. Feel free to kick me in my big ole pumpkin arse.
          Ohhh Babe, I am sorry, what triggered it, were you upset over the ex to pick up a drink??
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

            Yup, thanks me O2M..a complete nasty fucking bitch. And I was to almost everyone around me, I blacked out and can't remember anything after a certain point. I'm definetely not myself at's like someone else steps into my body and I step out.


              Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

              Zeppie2;983604 wrote: Hi gang - just slinking in to make a confession - I am such an arse!!! Foolishly got drunk on Saturday night, and slagged off my ex on the good ole texting machine. Feel free to kick me in my big ole pumpkin arse.
              Hi Zeppie, I think they should install breathilyzers (sp?) on computers and phones so they lock automatically and you can't do things your going to regret in the morning. Or..just not drink! Hope you're feeling better today..


                Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

                So what are ya gonna do, do you have to ring these people?

                Zeps, what did Ex say, was he freaked? And how do you feel now?
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

                  haven't been handling weekends well, went to the pub for a coke like I normally do, exy wexy was there and as soon as I walked in, he almost sprinted out the door, don't even think he finished his beer. Two of his buddies asked if we were still together so I told them we weren't. Finished my coke and went to the shop and bought a 12 pack of beer and scoffed myself stupid. So full of dutch courage I txt him to see why he ran out of the pub, he told me to grow up and in true nasty bitch fashion I told him to go and get fucked and then called him a romantically retarded cunt.

                  There you go Bridge a prime example of how al can turn me into a pyscho hose beast
                  It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                    Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

                    O2M - I sent them an email on FB. They both said I wasn't that bad really and laughed it off, they told me not to worry about it. But, there was no need of it even happening. I don't like people seeing me like that, it's really embaressing. I'm not 20 anymore and I'm a mother..not cool.


                      Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

                      Zeps that is not you at all (sorry but I did smile at the name you called him..sorry lol)

                      The beer must have hit you like a ton of bricks since you have not drank in so long..
                      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                      AF 10th May 2010
                      NF 12th May 2010


                        Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

                        Brigitte Bardot;983616 wrote: O2M - I sent them an email on FB. They both said I wasn't that bad really and laughed it off, they told me not to worry about it. But, there was no need of it even happening. I don't like people seeing me like that, it's really embaressing. I'm not 20 anymore and I'm a mother..not cool.
                        They won't see you like that again..:l
                        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                        AF 10th May 2010
                        NF 12th May 2010


                          Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

                          Zeppie, you sound like me when I've had to much..I like your description "romantically retarded cunt" lol..very good word usage! lol


                            Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

                            I am so ashamed of calling him that - when we were going out he chastised me for calling him a jerk, the RRC comment would have made his toes curl.

                            and yes Oney I was buzzing after a couple of cans but of course kept on going and no that is not like the AF zeppie but it certainly was like the alkie zeppie. I skulked about yesterday growling at myself for ruining my sobriety and being so evil to someone I really care for. I doubt he will ever speak to me again.
                            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                              Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

                              I hate the way AL alters my personality like that. I'm almost like I'm allergic or something, even after 1 drink I can feel it immediately in my system then I go through the motions of loving being a hateful bitch.
                              Heopfully he will talk to you again Zeppie..((hugs))


                                Army's Sunday 17th October Thread 2010

                                He would like me very much in the name calling stakes then....

                                Maybe it is time to draw a line under it Zepps, it seems to me that hankering after him is making you so miserable and is a huge trigger for you.
                                You are still a young girl ......lots to look forward to...
                                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                                AF 10th May 2010
                                NF 12th May 2010

