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My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

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    My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

    First of all I come from an atheist family
    my whole concept of religion god prayer
    and faith did not exist, I denied all
    these things on the premise that they're
    all bullshit. I had to break that barrier
    and give it a try. I had to at all cost
    forget what I think I knew and adopt
    a new way of thinking and try and comprehend
    what prayer is and how it can help me in my
    and hopefully your sobriety. There must be
    a reason why these so called people pray
    and why they do it in the first place.

    For me the concept of prayer at a certain
    time of day/time is completely useless
    I use it when I need it and as many times
    as I need it.

    Here is what I do, when I am troubled by
    a thought I do not choose I recognize that
    thought (ie: i want to get drunk) I know
    I have no way of making my brain not choose
    that thought. So then in my head I say the
    serenity prayer, while doing this once twice
    or as long as I have to even for an hour or more.
    The thought of wanting to drink will eventually
    be gone because I have chosen instead to say
    the serenity prayer in my head and occupy my mind
    with something else. The more I exercise this
    simple concept the easier it becomes.

    Here's a perfect scenario for any alcoholic in
    recovery, you walk by a bar an advertisement
    or anything else that may trigger you in wanting
    to drink. When this happens to me I simply just
    say the serenity prayer in my head and exercise
    it over and over again until a new thought comes
    to mind that is not about alcohol.

    The more I practice it the easier it becomes, at
    times I don't even say the entire serenity prayer
    at all I'll just use half, or I could create one
    off the top of my head. For example "mickey mouse
    wears a blouse" it's stupid it makes no sense it
    makes me laugh and in the end it removes that
    original thought I did not choose ie: I want to
    drink or I want to gamble etc.

    I don't have to say it out loud, I just say it in my
    head I don't have to kneel or pray to a god it
    has nothing to do with that whatsoever.

    My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

    Interesting bugs, I find an awful lot of people pray when they want something or are in trouble,I dont go to mass or pray regular myself but i do believe there is a good or higher power out there and also the opposite to that, since i have become alcohol free i seem to have a more clearer mind in my thinking towards this ,but still very confused & learning about the whole thing, wonder what others opinions are ?

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

      I'm sad no one understood what I actually was trying to say.


        My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

        bugz, I find the serenity prayer to be a valuable tool also. When I am struggling with something in my mind - that's always where the struggle goes on LOL - it's almost always to do with something I'm not willing to accept, or something I need to change but am unwilling to. (afraid, lazy, whatever) In my mind, I actually have the discussion with myself to figure out whether I'm faced with something I need to accept or something I need to (and can) change.

        But maybe in it's most basic form, this conversation "changes the channel" of what I am thinking - so helps me even if I don't end up accepting or changing anything. In which case, just the mere fact of thinking something else - Mickey Mouse Has a Blouse, for example - might do the same thing.

        For myself, I love the idea of a higher power that is bigger and stronger and more lasting than I am. It's just not the vision for me that I was raised with. For now, I am willing to talk to the universe in prayer and do my best to listen for the answers. In which case I like the serenity prayer better than saying some other phrase just to change the channel.

        Anyway...not sure if this is the wavelength you intended but I'm enjoying thinking about your post.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

          i read your post...and it kept me gripped coz i want to know what the serenity prayer is. Then i realised, it is up to me. I am the serenity prayer if I let it. Thankyou. Sorry for being a prat. Bella XXX


            My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

   is the serenity prayer:

            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
            The courage to change the things I can,
            And the wisdom to know the difference.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

              bugz;983650 wrote: I'm sad no one understood what I actually was trying to say.
              I got it...believe in you!!!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

                techie;983683 wrote: I got it...believe in you!!!
                Gday Bugz,

                I getcha. I also change the voice in my head when need be...and thats an ongoing thing. Like you, I dont fight the voice, just accept it is there, dont energise it by classifying it as either a "good or bad" thought..simply go about changing it. It might be with a prayer, sometimes the serenity; other times with a re-inforcing positive mantra. When I see an advertisement for alcohol, or see people on the tele drinking, I say to myself "I choose a healthy mind and body, I chose happiness". In fact I welcome these opportunities to re-program my subconscious mind with these messages. In the past, I would turn away from drinking images; walking past the bottle shop etc. now I actively use these cues and I am no longer afraid of the messages. So I say bring them on, let them help me to rewire my mind/brain. When The Student is ready the teacher will appear. Much strength to you Bugz on the wonderful journey that is our life. Saffy xx
                I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                  My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

                  Bugz - I too grew up in a non-religious household. My mother might have said the word god but there was no church or teachings along that line. The people I know who came from a religious background fall into two groups - the most prevalent is they believe strongly like their parents; or, they totally go the other direction. The second group usually goes back though when they're a little older. Obviously there are exceptions to these examples - but just my observation.

                  But to get back to your "tool" of helping yourself avoid the tug of tempting alcohol messages - I think it's a great one. I'm going to file that one away and use it. I'm early on in the AF process and think it will help me. I'm hoping to get to where Saffy is ultimately, though. I want to internalize the thought that I know alcohol is a losing proposition so that when I see temptation, it doesn't have any pull whatsoever. The feeling that I'm so happy where I'm at that I wouldn't compromise it for anything - a non issue so to speak. That will be the ultimate for me. Just hoping it's possible.


                    My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

                    sapphire1;983717 wrote: Gday Bugz,

                    I getcha. I also change the voice in my head when need be...and thats an ongoing thing. Like you, I dont fight the voice, just accept it is there, dont energise it by classifying it as either a "good or bad" thought..simply go about changing it. It might be with a prayer, sometimes the serenity; other times with a re-inforcing positive mantra. When I see an advertisement for alcohol, or see people on the tele drinking, I say to myself "I choose a healthy mind and body, I chose happiness". In fact I welcome these opportunities to re-program my subconscious mind with these messages. In the past, I would turn away from drinking images; walking past the bottle shop etc. now I actively use these cues and I am no longer afraid of the messages. So I say bring them on, let them help me to rewire my mind/brain. When The Student is ready the teacher will appear. Much strength to you Bugz on the wonderful journey that is our life. Saffy xx
                    You got it dead on, I forgot to mention that practicing this basically rewires your
                    thinking and thought patterns and makes it easier to deal with issues.


                      My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

                      Doggygirl;983672 wrote: bugz, I find the serenity prayer to be a valuable tool also. When I am struggling with something in my mind - that's always where the struggle goes on LOL - it's almost always to do with something I'm not willing to accept, or something I need to change but am unwilling to. (afraid, lazy, whatever) In my mind, I actually have the discussion with myself to figure out whether I'm faced with something I need to accept or something I need to (and can) change.

                      But maybe in it's most basic form, this conversation "changes the channel" of what I am thinking - so helps me even if I don't end up accepting or changing anything. In which case, just the mere fact of thinking something else - Mickey Mouse Has a Blouse, for example - might do the same thing.

                      For myself, I love the idea of a higher power that is bigger and stronger and more lasting than I am. It's just not the vision for me that I was raised with. For now, I am willing to talk to the universe in prayer and do my best to listen for the answers. In which case I like the serenity prayer better than saying some other phrase just to change the channel.

                      Anyway...not sure if this is the wavelength you intended but I'm enjoying thinking about your post.


                      For me it's not about not willing to accept it, for example
                      the thought of drinking again that thought on it's own will
                      come back over and over again to haunt me and bring me back.

                      I accept this as pure fact, this I cannot change what I
                      CAN change is to ignore this thought by occupying my mind
                      with another thought it can be anything, but what I have
                      found so far is if I say..

                      Gaya grant me the serenity for the things I cannnot change!
                      (I change it for myself from god to gaya since i love greek

                      I rarely ever finish the entire prayer, so far in my 4 and
                      half months sober just repeating that simple phrase will
                      get rid of the obsession to drink, or if I am mad at something
                      or someone and I feel normal again and am able to think about
                      something else that I actually choose

                      I practice this every chance I get and it gets easier
                      and easier.

                      I think you get what I'm talking about :l


                        My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

                        Bugz - I think you're right - that it will help redefine our new normal. Thanks for the post!


                          My understanding of prayer and how I use it!

                          Choochie;983976 wrote: Bugz - I think you're right - that it will help redefine our new normal. Thanks for the post!
                          you're welcome

