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Thinking, not drinking...

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    Thinking, not drinking...

    Hello, and thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this.

    I am bit of a lurker here guys, I hardly ever post. I am usually drinking in the evening these days, I might go a couple of days AL free in the week, but by the time it comes to Thursday, I have a drink pretty much every day through till Sunday and the actual amount of AL I can sink over those four days is alarming to me.

    Something happen to me last week that meant I was off work unexpectedly, and I found that my usual days of sobriety became clear for me to carry on drinking throughout the whole week, sometimes a couple of glasses of wine, sometimes almost a bottle of spirits.

    I just went to the store and bought something every day, and if it?s here in the house I?ll open it and drink it, it?s pretty much automatic.

    Yesterday was no different; I bought a bottle of red wine and knew I had about a glass left in another bottle. I know I don?t get completely smashed on that amount, but I knew it was enough to give me a hit and get me a good night?s sleep.

    The thing is, as the evening wore on, I didn?t really feel like it. But, I poured a glass anyway? you know what? I realised I didn?t really want it. Took me ages to drink the first glass, and by the time I poured the second I KNEW I was drinking it out of habit, not real desire. I wasn?t guzzling like I usually do, I was actually sipping and it was not enjoyable, didn?t taste good, and it didn?t feel right. I STOPPED.

    For the first time in ages I stopped drinking before my quota for the evening was finished.

    I slept too, all night. And all day today I have been thinking about it. I have no real desire to drink today, and to avoid it I haven?t been to the shops, haven?t got any AL
    in the house. I am NOT going to panic half an hour before the store closes and run to get any. That feeling I had last night got me thinking, how much of my drinking was actually for drinking?s sake? How much was down to habit? Maybe I should think about breaking old habits and trying new ones?

    Sorry for rambling, but this is me, trying out new habits. When I finish typing this I am going for a long walk (with no money on me!), a long hot bath, and I am finally going to start the book that has been lying unopened on my night table for weeks.

    I don?t know what?s going to happen tomorrow, but I am not drinking today. I?ll think about that tomorrow. But I am not drinking today, no sir.

    Feels good to get that out, thanks for listening.

    Thinking, not drinking...

    Hi Fighting Back!
    I'm glad you posted. I used to drink alarming amounts of alcohol too, every day of the week. Towards the end I felt like I was actually forcing it down. It wasn't enjoyable, and it wasn't relaxing. I realized that I was done. That was almost 7 months ago, with a couple of small hiccups along the way.
    Sounds like you have a good plan for tonight, a walk, a bath, and a book. You have no idea how many times that combination of activities has saved me!
    Please keep posting and let us know how you're doing!!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Thinking, not drinking...

      hey there FB, gr8 news. you just need to work int now. the walk and bath is a gr8 idea.
      one day at a time is a Clich?, but ist is also so true.
      i know you are a lurker, but have you read the thread? some good hints/tips in here.
      got to dash, keep up the good work!
      AF since 10/26/2009

      It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


        Thinking, not drinking...

        Thanks K9 and aspman, got day 1 over with, the walk helped a lot and I slept okay again. I have read the toolbox thread asp and plan to read lots more on here later today.

        K9, well done on your success :goodjob: and thank you so much for your encouragement. Day 2 and feeling hopeful so far.


          Thinking, not drinking...

          Day 2!! Fabulous...Keep going.....and please keep checking in here, we are all behind you !
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            Thinking, not drinking...

            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10

