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Seven weeks to Sobriety?

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    Seven weeks to Sobriety?

    I have heard this book talked about a few times in passing. Has anyone read it? What is the crux of it? Has it been useful for you?

    I understand some of it is about diet - I am pretty up on my nutrition and am already trying to cut out sugar, overly processed foods and carbs.

    Is it worth getting this or is it likely to be stuff I know already? Any opinions?

    K x
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    Seven weeks to Sobriety?

    It is a lot about diet and supplements, similar to the MWO program. It does break it down more into different types of alcoholics (there's a test, and 7 different types I believe) and a nutritional plan for each. This test was put on a thread here before. The book goes into great detail as far as supplements, etc.

    I bought a used copy on Amazon for not much (under $5 I think). I had seen it before, years ago, when I got it from the library. You might try that if you want to look at it first. Most libraries (at least in the US, & I would assume anywhere) also do interlibrary loan, where you can request & they can borrow a book from another library (anywhere) if they don't have it.
    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

    AUGUST 9, 2009

