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It's Halloween!

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    It's Halloween!

    Hi everyone! I absolutely LOVE Halloween, it is such a fun time of year for kids and adults. Getting treat bags ready for trick-or-treaters, decorating the yard, dressing up in costumes, pumpkin carving and toasting the seeds..not to mention the scary movies on TV, the music!! I'm patiently waiting for the new show on AMC to come on Halloween night called "The Walking Dead".

    What does everyone normally do for Halloween in your household? We've got lots of things going on here and little parties to go to as well, treat days at school so I'm making scary graveyard cupcakes and mummy potion for the kids to drink.. We also have a pumpking carving party to go to as well and she will be dressed as a little devil witch, and I'll be her sidekick vampire friend.

    Can't wait to hear what you all are doing?

    It's Halloween!

    BB, I hate, loathe abhor Halloween. I had a hateful Aunt who died on halloween and it's the only good thing she ever did for me cos I got out of all the shite that year!! The best thing about halloween is that when it's over we can start talking bout Christmas! Sorry
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      It's Halloween!

      Hi BB,

      I LOVE Halloween too! Don't know why but it has a special feeling that comes with it for me. Guess it's a nice celebration when the weather starts to change. And you're all cosy inside with the smell of warm pumpkin and tealights.

      I have no kids but I like to buy treats in for all the Trick or Treaters. I ALWAYS carve a pumpkin (sometimes do a competition with my housemates). And I try to cook with the innards - have made Pumpkin pie and pumpkin curry before now.

      I think I will do Pumpkin Pie this year - with nutmeg and cinnamon etc. YUM!! I have been invited to a costume party by my OH's friends, but quite frankly I don't know their group of mates that well and it'll probably just be a piss-up anyway (they're all late 20s). I think I'd probably rather stay home and answer the door to the kids. And eat my pie. Oooh I'm hungry now!!

      K x
      ps did I mention pie??!! :H
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        It's Halloween!

        Bah humbug
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          It's Halloween!

          Haha, Molly. Weirdly enough I frigging HATE Christmas! Haven't celebrated it properly for 7 years - I always go and help out at a homeless project instead. Bah HUMBUG!!!!
          Recovery Coaching website

          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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            It's Halloween!

            I sometimes hate Christmas- because you're pressured into following the tradition-spending money you don't have- and it's a lot of stress- because my husband, daughter and son all have their birthdays at that time! Argh!
            Halloween is fun-I like dressing up-we go to a friend's house and they have a small gathering of friends over- they have a big pot of chili on the stove- hot apple cider...pumpkin pie- and the kids( they're teens now) like to still go door to door-trick-'s just fun to see all the costumes! And all the fun decorations!
            It's always YOUR choice!


              It's Halloween!

              Hate Halloween too but HAVE to make an effort for the kids..

              Which means...

              Making Halloween costumes from scratch = "Mammy do I really look like Spiderman?" "yes son, Spiderman always wore a black plastic binbag, its just not in the film"

              Getting loads of sweets in for the 600 kids that will call to the door = running out and having to hand out Easi Singles and the kids lunches for the next day

              Facepainting = scrubbing the kids skin raw before they go to bed and next morning before school but they still have eyebrows like Bert from Sesame Street.

              Scary Movies = Wob saying halfway through that "this film is shite" which what he really means is "I am scared shitless, please turn it off"

              Dunking Apples = half drowned, screaming kids with snots running down their faces saying they don't like apples anyway.

              Decorations = Jumping out of my skin every time I walk into a room and see a monster at the window.....I still never learn, no matter how often I do it.

              trick or treating = I go around with the kids and wear a mask and am asked where my bag is so they can put the sweets in....does not help that half the neighbouthood kids are taller than me.

              Nawwhhh Don't like Hallloween much...But I LOVE Christmas!
              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                It's Halloween!

                Hah! Sorry O2M..that made me laugh. I LOVE Christmas as well, they are my two favourite things during the year.


                  It's Halloween!

                  Oney, that was fricken hilarious!! I couldn't agree more. Just glad that the BF loves it and will take care of what is needed in that regard!

                  I hate the greed of Christmas. But I love the lights, and the atmosphere. I don't spend Christmas' much with relatives anymore because it always ended up in a drunkin' war. So, I withdrew and started to make new traditions with my kids. Which has worked out very well for my sanity! lol!


                    It's Halloween!

                    I don't celebrate Halloween due to religious reasons...but here's what we do to get out of the house and avoid the trick or treatin': Lots of us from church go to a pizza parlor and let the kids/teens play video games, eat way too much pizza and soda, and then we bring a big sheet cake to share with everyone. Just cuz we don't celebrate the traditional holidays doesn't mean we let our kids miss out on any fun...and the parents like it too!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      It's Halloween!

                      Brill Oney. I dont really do much Halloween unless I have Erin. But she hasnt been with me the last couple of yrs, but we make a pumpkin when shes over, I put it in the window, andgive the kids sweets. Well, as long as they make an effort! Dont mind the ones with there rents, its the teenages who come over dressed as normal who just look at you and murmour 'trick or treat' like they dont give a shit! I just close the door on them!!!
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        It's Halloween!

                        justput up the decorations with my youngest (9) ghost,skeleton,creepy hands,spiders the lot..u should see my windows lol


                          It's Halloween!

                          I just put up spiderwebs all around my door which looks pretty cool too Jodi.

                          It's each to their own when it comes to the holidays; I'm more into the lights and decorations for Christmas time, I love wrapping presents really pretty and shiny and having them under the tree for the little one, I don't care if I have any anymore. But I saw this beautiful Nutcracker Suite ornament at Costco which I am buying, it's very cool. It actually plays the suite and has little dancers inside and a red velvet that opens and shuts for the acts..since I buy something nice every year for Christmas, this will be the big splurge.


                            It's Halloween!

                            Hey K9,

                            Do you celebrate Christmas? Just wondering...not well up on different religious beliefs..

                            That sounds lovely Gia, I always buy one expensive beautiful thing each year too...I absolutely ADORE Christmas.
                            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                            AF 10th May 2010
                            NF 12th May 2010


                              It's Halloween!

                              cymru;985644 wrote: Brill Oney. I dont really do much Halloween unless I have Erin. But she hasnt been with me the last couple of yrs, but we make a pumpkin when shes over, I put it in the window, andgive the kids sweets. Well, as long as they make an effort! Dont mind the ones with there rents, its the teenages who come over dressed as normal who just look at you and murmour 'trick or treat' like they dont give a shit! I just close the door on them!!!
                              I know what you mean, some of the "kids" that knock here have bigger boobs than I have!
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010

