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I am not going to drink today.

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    I am not going to drink today.

    There is NO way I will disrupt my rediscovered love, joy, and respect for life by drinking today...Techie
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      I am not going to drink today.

      I'm in! Have a wonderful AF day everyone.


        I am not going to drink today.

        I have no desire to drink today, loving this peaceful feeling too much to jeopardize it with poison. :h


          I am not going to drink today.

          I don't even think about having a drink on a work night. I wish that were true every day.

          Meech, your post is great. Thinking through the moments and triggers of the day, forming a plan that will prevent you from caving.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            I am not going to drink today.

            I felt really good today, and had no desire to disturb my inner peace with alcohol! Had a good run with a friend and took a Pilates class, so that keeps me feeling healthy and wanting to stay that way.

            I'm working on making some new friends in my town. Today I felt just enough self-confidence to send out a few emails asking people I like to get together for lunch, walks or manicures. This is a big step for me, coming out of my shell. I think the longer I stay sober, the more I feel like the sort of person who can have friends!

            Hubby is putting the kids to bed, and I am looking forward to challenging him to a game of Bananagrams when he's done. He's agreed to taking a few nights off from his usual two drinks a night routine, just because I suggested it. I must say, I like him better this way...wish he'd decide to stick with it.

            Have a restful, sober sleep everyone!

            "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


              I am not going to drink today.

              Your post made me remember a poem I posted here a while back. I'm cutting and pasting it:

              Sober Woman: A Poem

              She cleans her kitchen
              Grateful; proud
              It was a good meal
              Everyone laughed
              And she did not repeat herself
              Or get too silly.

              She sets up the coffee for tomorrow
              And doesn't spill
              Any at all.

              She turns out the lights
              Then goes upstairs
              Steady; strong
              No need to hold the rail.

              She kisses her sleeping children
              No shame
              Heart full
              No fear
              Eyes full
              True joy.

              She sees them
              Loves them
              Breathes in the soft warm smell
              Of their freshly washed hair
              And she thanks God.
              Lingers a moment
              Then turns to care for herself.
              Brushes, flosses, washes
              Smiles at the mirror.

              She tucks in
              To clean sheets
              Warm husband
              Solid, kind
              And not angry with her.

              They read a while
              Focused; clear.
              He reaches for her
              And her body is alive
              Healthy; passionate; present
              Then peaceful sleep.

              In the morning
              A moment's fear
              Born of habit.
              Then she remembers:
              "No, I didn't."
              "No, I'm not".
              She smiles
              And starts
              Another day.

              By Sarasmiles
              "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                I am not going to drink today.

                Sarasmiles;997005 wrote: Meech:
                Your post made me remember a poem I posted here a while back. I'm cutting and pasting it:

                Sober Woman: A Poem

                She cleans her kitchen
                Grateful; proud
                It was a good meal
                Everyone laughed
                And she did not repeat herself
                Or get too silly.

                She sets up the coffee for tomorrow
                And doesn't spill
                Any at all.

                She turns out the lights
                Then goes upstairs
                Steady; strong
                No need to hold the rail.

                She kisses her sleeping children
                No shame
                Heart full
                No fear
                Eyes full
                True joy.

                She sees them
                Loves them
                Breathes in the soft warm smell
                Of their freshly washed hair
                And she thanks God.
                Lingers a moment
                Then turns to care for herself.
                Brushes, flosses, washes
                Smiles at the mirror.

                She tucks in
                To clean sheets
                Warm husband
                Solid, kind
                And not angry with her.

                They read a while
                Focused; clear.
                He reaches for her
                And her body is alive
                Healthy; passionate; present
                Then peaceful sleep.

                In the morning
                A moment's fear
                Born of habit.
                Then she remembers:
                "No, I didn't."
                "No, I'm not".
                She smiles
                And starts
                Another day.

                By Sarasmiles
                God, that's wonderful. *sighs* thank you for posting this


                  I am not going to drink today.

                  Sara, your poem warms my heart.

                  Today it is chilly and drizzly out. I have so far written a list of 12 things I may do. I don't "have" to do any of them. If I prefer, I can curl up with my book next to the gas fireplace. Whatever I end up doing, there is no time for a drink - too many other things I would rather be doing. The day will wind down by watching the Dog Whisperer at 8:00 p.m.
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    I am not going to drink today.

                    Committed to no alcohol today! My best to all of you.

                    Sara - that poem is amazing, touching. If you have more, please post.



                      I am not going to drink today.

                      Is this question directed at me?


                        I am not going to drink today.

                        Sara - Wow..your poem was amazing! I could totally relate to it.

                        I am not going to drink today because I love being sober and I'm not giving up that feeling...ever!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          I am not going to drink today.

                          Nice thread.

                          I will not drink today because:

                          I like it better this way. Really.
                          AF since May 6, 2010

                          Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                            I am not going to drink today.

                            Thanks Everyone for the nice responses to my poem. That really made me feel good!
                            "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                              I am not going to drink today.

                              Sara, what a beautiful poem. Do you write professionally? (if not maybe you should consider it!)

                              So glad you all are here! I decided I wasn't going to drink today even though I didn't have time to come post here earlier. I kept good on my promise to myself. Now I'm heading to the shower and bed. It feels so good to love myself enough to drink tea instead of AL.

                              I'm glad you guys are all here to help me.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                I am not going to drink today.

                                I'm not going to drink today because all my family are coming to lunch and it is a lovely sunny day and I am happy and content as are my kids and husband, I feel good and attractive and healthy.
                                If I lift one glass of alcohol to my mouth and take one sip- just one sip --- my whole life will come tumbling down - no if, buts, or maybes...................That's why I'm not going to drink today.

                                Sara, a truly lovely poem - first time since I came here I have actually printed something out - it is now in my wallet!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

