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I am not going to drink today.

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    I am not going to drink today.

    Hello everyone! Great to see you Sarah and everyone else. It's been a busy week and I've certainly had no time for drinking any AL. And neglected to check in here as well!!!

    There will be no drinking for me today. The decision is made. Hope you all decide to make that decision too.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      I am not going to drink today.

      I'm with you guys! Have a great AF evening!


        I am not going to drink today.

        A beautiful fall day! I plan to take the dog on a walk in the woods this afternoon, am doing some sewing this morning while it warms up. Why would I waste even an hour by having a drink???
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          I am not going to drink today.

          Today I won't drink but have no idea what to do to prevent it. We will go out for dinner and hubby will order the wine. Maybe I will have the strength.

          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
          ? Lao-Tzu


            I am not going to drink today.

            Me too me too! Day 30 af for me today - so happy I made a milestone. Now on to the next.


              I am not going to drink today.

              Just spotted this thread and had a funny thought. Normally I work a late shift on Wed. 1.30PM -8.30PM but because my daughter's coming home on Fri I took a half day to clean the house so no work till 5PM. I just remembered that I often took a half day and drank myself into a sleeping stupor on the couch - just about waking long enough to ring work and tell them I couldn't make it or go in and (hopefully???) hoped nobody would notice. Today I have had the LOVELIEST day - house gleaming, baking done, visiting this site heaps, just generally chilling - going for a shower now and mosey into work in an hour - PRICELESS
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                I am not going to drink today.

                Congratulations on 30 Days Choochie!! That is AWESOME!!

                Mollyka, you sound great. It's so wonderful to notice and appreciate the changes that happen in our lives when alcohol isn't messing with us. A clean house, baking done...whatever we accomplish in a day seems so precious when we think of the time we've wasted with hangovers.

                Sunbeam, enjoy the fall weather and the dog...I took mine for a lovely hike today. Also worked out with my "team" at the gym (we are doing a fitness program together with a trainer,) went to work for just a couple of hours and am soon off to get my boys at school.

                Tipplerette, sounds like you need a plan. Wish I knew you a bit, so I could respond more helpfully, but since I don't, I would ask: Do you want to commit to not drinking tonight? If so, how about telling Hubby that's your plan? I find if I tell my husband I'm not going to drink, I'm much more likely to stick with it. Then order a seltzer with lime (or whatever you like that's N.A.,) right away, and focus on what to eat instead of what to drink. When I first committed to being AF I decided to let myself order whatever I wanted when we went out to eat. As long as I didn't drink, I could have anything...pasta, bread, desert...things I usually deny myself. I'd end up feeling virtuous, even if I ate those things, because I had kept to my priority goal: No alcohol.

                I have no thoughts of drinking today, but I am always aware that they could crop up as the afternoon wears on. If that should happen, I will make a point of being nice to myself. It is most often stress which leads me to drink, and if I take little breaks, cuddle with my kids and do little self-nurturing things (hot showers, soft PJs, herbal tea, fires in the fireplace...) it cuts back on the stress and the urges tend to go away, too.

                Hang tough, everyone!

                "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                  I am not going to drink today.

                  Tipplerette;995722 wrote: Today I won't drink but have no idea what to do to prevent it. We will go out for dinner and hubby will order the wine. Maybe I will have the strength.
                  Sara, it's so great to have you here again!

                  Hello again Choochie! Congrats again on 30 fantastic AF days!

                  Molly, your post struck very close to home for me. I too would take an afternoon off before a family event or whatever, with the best intentions of cleaning, cooking, etc. The problem would begin right away with me saying to myself "one drink to get me in the mood..." I would end up drunk and just struggling to get through the day / evening. I am SO glad I don't live like that any more, and that's a great reason not to drink today. And I won't.

                  Tippler, have you been able to talk to your husband about your AL problem, and your desire to stop drinking? Mean time, here is something I heard of at an AA meeting. A woman was going somewhere that she would not be able to use her cell phone to call someone from AA if she felt a big urge to drink. (that's one of the tools we use in AA - calling someone before drinking) So instead, she took some 3X5 cards and has several of us write something on them. She took the cards with her. Maybe you could write some things from MWO posts that you find inspirational to take with you in your purse? Sneak a peek if the urge strikes? Plan in advance that you won't drink AL - and be prepared with what you WILL order. (i.e. soda and lime?) YOU CAN DO IT!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    I am not going to drink today.

                    I am on here and I am also avoiding AL places. Only went to 1 and didn't feel the need to get it.
                    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                      I am not going to drink today.

                      Thanks Sara and Doggy - Whew I've gotten a lot of mileage out of my 30 day celebration - very nice!!:thanks:

                      Drifty :welcome: I hope you'll continue to come back to this wonderful site - you can learn a lot if you'll take the time to read. Best of luck to you - sending you lots of strength!:l


                        I am not going to drink today.

                        Just popped in to say, I ain't gonna drink today. I'm a poet! :H I am in such a good mood, hope everyone has a fantastic AL free day today!


                          I am not going to drink today.

                          I'm not going to drink today

                          That's right: I'm not going to drink today. I hope. I pray. It's a perpetual fight...with myself. Me against my Self. One part wants to be free and clean. The other to be "free" and drunk. It's easy to say I'm not going to drink NOW, but tonight? How do I get on top of my Self. Win the battle against Self?


                            I am not going to drink today.

                            Good Morning Everyone - FB - you sound wonderfully AF!! You go girl.

                            Sante, Welcome:welcome:

                            I'm pretty new so don't have too much information for you but I am wondering the following: Do you really want to quit, Do you have any kind of plan in place to help you, Have you read the MWO book or gotten any of the products tha would help you with a plan, i.e. medications, vitamins, an exercise plan, meditation tapes to retrain your thinking, etc.??

                            There is a lot of information on this website if you have time to read. I hope you can keep from giving in to your cravings because life is so much better without alcohol. But, if you don't really want it, your chances of success dwindle obviously. It's hard work -- doesn't just fall in your lap. You would have to try. If you can't quit completely, you might consider moderating which some people here have done. There is a tab specifically about the medications if you need to consider that route.

                            Anyway, I am sending you peace and strength. There are wonderful people here with a lot more experience getting sober than I, so post and ask questions. They will help you. And, be sure to read as much as you can as very valuable information is scattered throughout different threads. The toolbox under Monthly Abstinence is a good place to start.

                            Have a super AF day everyone!


                              I am not going to drink today.

                              Today I will not drink

                              Hi all,

                              Been away from posting lately and struggling I must admit. But today I really must not drink.

                              There's one beer in the fridge..... I'll be right back......

                              Okay there are no beers in the fridge. Just dumped it down the drain. It's morning here and since I never get my first craving until around 5pm I am feeling strong enough to dump the AL. Because when I get home later (when I'm weaker) and talk myself into that 1 beer I'll be skipping off to the store to buy 6 more. Yuck!

                              So I got rid of my first trigger.

                              I was AF yesterday and work this Fri and Sat if I can go AF today then I can guarantee at least 4days AF. And Sunday will be a fantastic energetic day!

                              I won't be home until at least 7pm today after kids post school activities so the plan......

                              1) Make a big pot of healthy soup so it's on the stove and ready to eat with family when I get home. When I eat supper I never drink. When I fill myself with food I loose the desire for AL. Hence why I purposely skip supper so often to replace with poison - grrrrrr.

                              2) Read stories to kids, tuck them into bed

                              3) Lay my sober head on the pillow and wake up tomorrow with no regrets!

                              I can not drink today. I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY!



                                I am not going to drink today.

                                Hi all! Just a quick flyby. I am so grateful to have my life back. It's a busy day and I love it. There is NO WAY I am handing my life back to AL today. Not gonna happen. I will not be drinking today.

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

