Beautiful day today, love the feeling of waking up with a clear head, day #2 a success.
No announcement yet.
I am not going to drink today.
I am not going to drink today.
Day 3 for me. Nice to have a clear head but I am feeling a little paranoid about people talking about me.
I am not sure but I think some are.
I can't do anything about it but try to change.
Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I can kick this :new:
I am not going to drink today.
I held true to my birthday gift to my son and we had a terrific day and sober evening!:happy:
Peace - It is very nice to make plans and not have to cancel them because of AL!!!!
I am not drinking today because I want to wake up tomorrow morning with no regrets and hit the trails with some girlfriends while the kids are in school! I have to be "un-hung" to take on that!
Hi Papmom! It's amazing how connected we get. I miss you. Good to be back more regularly on MWO with such great people.
Papmom and Doggy - yes the present was well worth it to my little guy.
I am not going to drink today.
Tempted47;1001505 wrote: Day 3 for me. Nice to have a clear head but I am feeling a little paranoid about people talking about me.
I am not sure but I think some are.
I can't do anything about it but try to change.
Hi Tempted. There's a lovely saying which i reckon rings true.
'What other people think about me, is none of my business'
We can't control what other people think or say about us, but we CAN control how we react to that. I'm far too busy living my life my way to worry about gossip. Life's too short.
I'm not gonna drink today cause i'd rather be feeling great and seeing what magic await's me out there today, and appreciating each moment, living in the 'now'.
Best wishes all!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
I am not going to drink today.
Great quote for Tempted, Guitarista! I like this one, too: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those matter don't mind" by Dr. Seuss.
Meech, Happy Birthday to your son, and to you...getting sober is a bit like being "re-born"!
I was strangely, deeply tempted to order a drink while out for dinner with my husband and kids tonight. I got feeling very melancholy and blue - almost felt like crying over wishing I could have a drink like so many other people around me! It was silly, really. I handled it by going into the restroom, looking myself in the eyes in the mirror, and saying aloud (since there was no one else in there) "You don't drink. You are a healthy, happy, fun-loving, strong woman who doesn't drink. Isn't that wonderful? Do you want to come back in here and look at a bleary-eyed, tipsy woman in the mirror?? NO. You want to be sober. It's a choice that makes you happy." My self-talk worked wonders, and I rejoined my family, and was able to focus on conversation and good food, instead of self-pity.
I wish that voice that tells me "go ahead and have a drink, you can handle one or two" would just shut up. But I'll keep arguing back with it, one day at a time. I'm very glad to be here tonight, able to say "I did not drink today."
Sara"When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)
I am not going to drink today.
What great posts to catch up on this morning! I love the positive self talk. For me, that is a necessary part of balancing that "voice." The good news is that with time, the "voice" gets weaker and less frequent. And the best way to "hang in there" is to make a decision not to drink today. So that's the decision I'm making right here and now.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
I am not going to drink today.
Sarasmiles;1001607 wrote: I handled it by going into the restroom, looking myself in the eyes in the mirror, and saying aloud (since there was no one else in there) "You don't drink. You are a healthy, happy, fun-loving, strong woman who doesn't drink. Isn't that wonderful? Do you want to come back in here and look at a bleary-eyed, tipsy woman in the mirror?? NO. You want to be sober. It's a choice that makes you happy." My self-talk worked wonders, and I rejoined my family, and was able to focus on conversation and good food, instead of self-pity.
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
I am not going to drink today.
I am not going to drink today and I am AF 30 days today. I am determined to beat my addiction after 30 years and I am thankful to all on MWO for the inspiration and encouragement. I look forward to another 30 days and more. ODAT for me for sure..AF since 10/14/2010...
I am not going to drink today.
I am not going to drink today because I've worked hard to achieve my 39 days AF and am feeling fantastic. Every morning I wake up after an amazing night's sleep thinking how lucky I am to be treating my body like this. When I think about how I used to be before I realize that I was headed toward making myself physically sick in a profound way. I am truly grateful that I have discovered a new way to live. Or should I say remembered?