I kinda don't want to take meds that change my mood automatically, or make me 'not me' - I stopped taking anti-depressants ages ago because I didn't like the way they made me feel. I want to learn how to ACTUALLY DEAL with stuff in the long-term. Otherwise I may as well just drink - that sure changes my mood and falsifies it! Antabuse gives me the space to learn to deal with no 'out' when it becomes tough. To improve myself without a clouded mind.
I don't want to make alcohol my sole focus. I could never stand AA because of that - made me want to go and buy al every time. But I must be aware of al and my difficulties with it all the same, because it would be just waiting to trip me up anyway - it's all I've ever known as a 'coping strategy'. And it's not solely about al either - I need to learn a lot about how I react and behave in many things and try to modify that, which will be very painful in some ways. I need a clear head to do that, and Antabuse ensures that will be the case no matter how tough that becomes, so I won't resort to alcohol.
Nic, I am attending an alcohol service and was prescribed it there my their in-house GP. I researched it thoroughly before deciding to ask for it, ensuring I knew what I was letting myself in for. As UKBlonde says, it is NOT a drug to mess with. You should not ask for it unless you are 100% SURE that you would not risk drinking on it. It takes a couple of weeks to fully leave your system when you have started taking it as well - even more reason to be sure. You can't change your mind on the day and just not take your pill - you will still not be safe to drink.