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I can't drink - what now?

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    I can't drink - what now?


    I kinda don't want to take meds that change my mood automatically, or make me 'not me' - I stopped taking anti-depressants ages ago because I didn't like the way they made me feel. I want to learn how to ACTUALLY DEAL with stuff in the long-term. Otherwise I may as well just drink - that sure changes my mood and falsifies it! Antabuse gives me the space to learn to deal with no 'out' when it becomes tough. To improve myself without a clouded mind.

    I don't want to make alcohol my sole focus. I could never stand AA because of that - made me want to go and buy al every time. But I must be aware of al and my difficulties with it all the same, because it would be just waiting to trip me up anyway - it's all I've ever known as a 'coping strategy'. And it's not solely about al either - I need to learn a lot about how I react and behave in many things and try to modify that, which will be very painful in some ways. I need a clear head to do that, and Antabuse ensures that will be the case no matter how tough that becomes, so I won't resort to alcohol.

    Nic, I am attending an alcohol service and was prescribed it there my their in-house GP. I researched it thoroughly before deciding to ask for it, ensuring I knew what I was letting myself in for. As UKBlonde says, it is NOT a drug to mess with. You should not ask for it unless you are 100% SURE that you would not risk drinking on it. It takes a couple of weeks to fully leave your system when you have started taking it as well - even more reason to be sure. You can't change your mind on the day and just not take your pill - you will still not be safe to drink.
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      I can't drink - what now?

      And also,do you know how KatieB is?


        I can't drink - what now?

        I don't expect however to have the P taken out of me. I've come back recently to contribute after a relapse, am trying to use this forum as intended - to support each other and all I've had is criticism.
        Cool your engines, UK! No one is taking the piss, and I'm certainly not criticising you in any way. I'm also just trying to be helpful. We were just talking about Baclofen, pros and cons -- if I am over enthusiastic about it, it is because it's done great things for me. I really didn't mean to offend you in any way, and I have always enjoyed your robust and outspoken posts.


          I can't drink - what now?


          I can see the 'bac' argument about to restart if you aren't careful. Many say Bac allows them to be them and that they have no need to deal with other issues - that it's the AL that's the problem. I don't go down that road any more, I just look for what is my route.

          nic yes my signature sums it up, hasn't been terrible but has been bad enough and this evening I've really been using the forum for 'support' again after some time just posting in smatterings.


            I can't drink - what now?

            Seethepony;988085 wrote: Cool your engines, UK! No one is taking the piss, and I'm certainly not criticising you in any way. I'm also just trying to be helpful. We were just talking about Baclofen, pros and cons -- if I am over enthusiastic about it, it is because it's done great things for me. I really didn't mean to offend you in any way, and I have always enjoyed your robust and outspoken posts.
            So it's worked?you are long term sober and just two pills a day?Wow I thought it involved a lot more than that.

            Think I might be in on that then!


              I can't drink - what now?

              OK, my last post on the topic:
              I kinda don't want to take meds that change my mood automatically, or make me 'not me'
              I don't know what gave you the idea that baclofen does anything to your mood, or affects your personality in any way (Me, I've always been an assole!)
              The only effect it generally has is to remove that nagging voice in your head, the one that says "you deserve a cold one..."

              It's like removing a broken car radio from your car. The car remains the same, just minus the stereo...

              Ok, I'm outta here!


                I can't drink - what now?

                Pity you didn't answer my question, never mind.


                  I can't drink - what now?

                  nictak;988083 wrote: And also,do you know how KatieB is?
                  Quick answer to this one, KatieB is doing very well and over 4 months AF after a few weeks in re-hab and just pops in now and again.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    I can't drink - what now?

                    Rightio Kimberley,
                    Here I come wading in.
                    I was one of those people that my doctor would not prescribe antabuse because of my drinking history and probably knew me better than I knew myself and realized I would find a way to drink over it. So I really admire you for taking it and ruling AL out of the picture for a few months while you begin to learn how to live sober. There'a fantastic book available from Amazon and AA called 'Living Sober'. Wether you go to AA or not the advice is cracking.

                    nictak My kids were slightly older than yours when I 1st started seeing my GP and social services were never mentioned. He did however take some bloods for testing and take a detailed history of my drinking patterns.

                    I'm so glad you're getting so much success from your bac on 2 pills a day but are you going to answer the question or not. Just how long term are you?
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      I can't drink - what now?

                      Pony, I am really glad Bac is working for you. There are many different meds for many different types of problem, and mine is a lot more complicated than just the alcohol. I have taken Kudzu and Campral for cravings before- they are supposed to make you 'indifferent' to al as well but they didn't work for me.

                      Some of the reason I have personally chosen anatbuse is because I am prone to drinking on impulse and 'wilfully' - not just drinking, but many other things too! I have problems with impulse control and also with doing what I need to. Hell, even if Bac did make me feel indifferent, I risk drinking on it anyway to spite myself. (yes, thanks BPD!) No way I am doing that with something as dodgy as antabuse. Even I have a line. Anyway, that's why this route is more suitable for someone like me - but I am so glad you have found something which works for you.

                      JC, thanks for letting us know about Katie - that's great news. Rehab seems to have done wonders for her. Rehab, AA, bac - none of them suited to me but many success stories for others. Guess it's all about what is right for the individual in the end.

                      UK, glad you are back and trying to find your way as well. Good luck - I hope you find the final piece of the jigsaw. And good luck Nic whetever you decide to do.
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                        I can't drink - what now?

                        Thanks for the heads upon the book JC - I will have a look on Amazon. Always happy to research more tools
                        Recovery Coaching website

                        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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                          I can't drink - what now?

                          Seethepony;988065 wrote: Well, if you are reluctant to take meds, why did you chose the weirdest one? The one that does nothing to address your yearning for booze, the one that holds a gun to your head and says "go ahead, punk, make my day?" The one that will really hurt you if things go wrong?

                          I don't know how Baclofen works. All I know is, you take it, and you don't think about booze at all. I find it bewildering that so many good and smart people on this forum spend hours each day talking themselves out of drinking, posting on this forum about ways of avoiding the off-license when the sun goes down, ways of avoiding temptation. The way I see it, if every other thought revolves around alcohol and how to avoid it, you are still a prisoner, albeit an uncooperative one. Taking baclofen has released me from not just alcohol addiction but also thoughts about the topic. I cannot recommend it enough.

                          To pick antabuse over baclofen looks nuts to me!
                          I hope that you are trying to be helpful. But, I really didn't appreciate your post. I do not think that I picked the 'weirdest one'. I picked the one that was going to work for me.
                          That is great that baclofen works wonderfully for you. I am happy for you. Everyone is different and everyone's body chemistry is different.
                          Antabuse has been wonderful for me. It is certainly not "the one that holds a gun to your head and says "go ahead, punk, make my day?"." I am using Antabuse so that I do not drink while I learn how to deal with my everyday life without running to a bottle.
                          I am not trying to be on meds for the rest of my life. I am learning coping techniques. There is nothing wrong with that.
                          It is wonderful that you have had such success with the Baclofen. However, it is inappropriate for you to come here and belittle the methods that other people are using.
                          I am hoping that you did not mean to be abrasive with your comments. However stating that the way we are choosing to deal with things as 'weird' or 'nuts' is hurtful.
                          I think you have much to offer on this site. Certainly you will be able to help anyone that wishes to use Baclofen. I just hope that you can be a little more supportive in your posts.
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            I can't drink - what now?

                            Jackie - thanks for mentioning that book. I want to check it out also.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              I can't drink - what now?

                              Well said Nora
                              Recovery Coaching website

                              "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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                                I can't drink - what now?

                                Kimberley;987375 wrote: OK so I'm on antabuse so I can't drink. Truth is, I'd really like a drink now! The pills don't take away the cravings, yet I can't have a drink - I would not dream of trying to on top of these meds.

                                It's uber-frustrating because although my body is safe and the week-long binge is not going to happen (which is why I am taking these things after all), I am still stuck in that place where I want a drink.

                                I am trying to ask myself what it really IS that I want. Is it comfort? Maybe. How can I address this craving without drinking? If it's not comfort, what is it? How can I find out and what can I do about it to make it bearable?

                                Has anyone been here? Anyone got any ideas?
                                K x
                                Hi Kimberely,

                                I am on antabuse as well, tried other meds Topamax, campral and naltrexone, like you I drank over them because I am driven by my impulses. I have found though that cravings for al usually mean a drop in blood sugar...I have proven this by taking a BSL reading when in the grip of a strong craving. I think that years of al abuse has interferred with my pancreas and liver to the extent that I have hypoglycemia and insulin resistance. My doc tells me that this is the case with most alkies. These sugar swings heighten my anxiety levels and kick off dopamine spikes, which as we know give us the slight manic feelings. My antidote to this has been to have a large meal of complex carbs and protein...good quality food, but a bigger meal than usual and then tighten up on my healthy coffee or anything processed fruit juice or sweets. It switches off the cravings very quickly. I am also about to start taking chromium to balance out the sugar swings.
                                I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs

