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    I was a 35 year old single man when i found this site. I would surf it with a beer in hand, totaly smashed, crying as i read posts about how sober life was and how Al is the bad guy. I lurked for 2 years without signing up, i whish i had jumped in sooner as this place and the super people here have changed my life for ever.i now have two kids under 18mths and an engagment party comming up.
    if you are reading this, and lurking. THIS THREAD will help you no end...

    my first responders were DG and Tawnyfrog, who invited me to the aussie thread
    not that you need an invite.
    AF since 10/26/2009

    It will be five years sober 10/26/2014



      looks like someone has a big anniversary coming up. It may be a few days early but



        I had just had a serious fight with my DH who after a night's bender was sick and tired of my destructive behavior. I found MWO whilst shaking and feeling sick to my stomach with how I was destroying my life.
        I can remember being so excited about "meeting people just like me" -- who knew that there were so many out there struggling with the same issues as I was, I felt like I wasn't alone anymore.
        Immediately I bought the book online, took it off to the printers to get printed out and binded. Read it in one evening and promptly made an appointment to see my GP. She was amazingly supportive and understanding and although she had never heard of Topa being used for AL abuse before she was willing to give me a script to try.
        I followed the program to the T with the exception of the hypno tapes, for no other reason than I couldn't afford them and it worked. With the help of friends here and lots of time in chat when the going got tough I managed to do 60 days AF!

        One of the things I do remember quite clearly was how confusing all these weird names were -- I used to keep a small note book next to my laptop to write down the persons name and a little bit about them so I didn't get confused LOL! What ever it takes hey.

        This community has been my best friend in my darkest hours when no one else could've understood.
        I hope all newbies and lurkers take advantage of this wonderful place as it can (with lots of willpower and hard work) change your life for the positive.

        Great thread Rubes~
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



          I found this site when i had no where else to go, no where to turn to. I knew i had a drinking problem with terrible post natal depression. My depression was HORRIBLE and drinking just made it so much worse. However, i found that drink was a realise for me. It made me horrible, just horrible, abusive. I was on the verge of losing my hubby and my girl.I had NO will power. I needed support from people who were in the same boat, advice and a place to start.
          I was searching te web for sites on drinking problem when i stumbled on a post on another forum telling someone else about this site.
          That was 2 maybe 3 years ago. I've gone from rock bottom to turning my life around =D I've gone from being a horrible person, to be my fun loving self again, from being chunky to thin and i'm the best mum and wife ever. I've had another child and yes, suffered really badly with prenatal depression at 34 weeks after almost losing my son (fell 6 1/2 foot down a ladder) and when i gave birth to him, my depression continued. HOWEVER, no AL will be entering my body was my depression is on the mend.
          Had MANY relapses but i never fail as i never stop trying and i'm back to the real me.
          thanks to everyone here i have no idea if i'd even be alive today XXXxxxXX Love you all.


            YOUR FIRST TIME

            "One of the things I do remember quite clearly was how confusing all these weird names were -- I used to keep a small note book next to my laptop to write down the persons name and a little bit about them so I didn't get confused LOL! What ever it takes hey."

            I still do that! I go through notebooks constantly trying to keep up with everyone! I loved your posts!
            I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
            but I'm sure not who I used to be!

            There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



              YOUR FIRST TIME

              I am SO happy you are all sharing here. as I said, this is not about me, its for everyone, and an enticement to those out there afraid to jump in, feeling they are somehow different. You are not. AL is a VERY common denominator,all around the globe. Whether it's us, our mate, in our life in a way that invades and corrupts our future. I'm older than most here. I don't mind that. I'm so happy that I didn't start my addiction behavior till I was middle aged, till my brain, my personality, my persona, had developed.We are halted by AL. It stops our us, and takes us over, commands our every move and action. We quit paying attention to the things that should be important in our life, and instead, build our lives around when we can drink, and how to have enough to not get in trouble. But we can't fix the aftermath, what everyone sees after we do, and trust me, they do. So again, THANK YOU, for sharing your first time here, and hoping it will encourage others to find a place and post, and someone will take a moment to reply.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                YOUR FIRST TIME

                gr8 thread rubes, i just know lurkers got a sticky with that title.
                AF since 10/26/2009

                It will be five years sober 10/26/2014

