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Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

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    Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

    Good morning troops...
    Well the barracks are gonna be thin on the ground today.. :upset:
    just hope they have bundles of fun & checkin this morning to fill us in on the antics of last night...
    and have lots of snaps to upload, we're gonna have to get a seperate PB account for the meetups, then they are all stored together so we can all go back to look at them, even way after the event..
    Hey tipperoooo can you sort that out maybe..??
    for sure there will be and plenty of antics from our oney...our own little blonde bombshell nutter....!! :nutso: :nutso:
    that's is she not in the ER after the yoga lessons from chilli...
    okies gonna await with baited breath from them to pop in..

    Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

    Zenstyle;987661 wrote: Yaaaaaawn. Morning. )

    I never get to talk to you Jan... we're usually on different time frames. I'm heading to bed soon... just back in from birthday bash... lots of kids and it was neat. Not like the birthday bashes of old but I liked it. )
    Hello darlin' :h
    I'm here..what time is it for you??
    hope you had a fab birthday sounds like it..


      Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

      Morning, Happy Saturday Army! Hi Jan and Zen. Jan you are quite the early bird! Zen-so glad you had a nice birthday:l. I had a good sleep and now feel fresh and ready to get some more work done on the new flat. Well, I will feel ready after coffee and a bit of computer time! My brain is not fully functioning yet, haha! But at least I'm not gonna be rushed today-no work or school to run to.


        Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

        Oh yes! Ikea is still going strong. I took your advice about watching DIY videos on internet. They have some pretty amusing ones! There's some woman that calls herself the "Godess"-she looks like a biker chick! She's pretty funny and gives some good tips. But as for now-still scrapping off the wallpaper from hell. And found some mold on one of the outside walls :upset: under the wallpaper!


          Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

          hiya expat, yep I always wake early..especially when ollie's in my cuddling him, but he wiggles accross the bed so his legs go long ways and boot me in the back...!!!
          but he goes nuts when I tell him he can't sleep with me...gets really sad..
          so I've got it down to only non school nights..


            Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

            You do not sound bossy at all Zen!!! I need all the help I can get!


              Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

              Morning All!
              Well, the day has arrived at last and Turkey, the gateway to the East awaits.
              Technically it's tomorrow but I need to be in the airport for 3am so it's really tonight, if you know what I mean?? I'm packing a pair of shorts, two t-shirts and some clean undies and Susan's taking the contents of Dorothy Perkins it seems.
              Hope the meet-up goes well...of course it will, with all thosr lovely people, how can it not?


                Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

                Jan-you sound like me! I let my little guy sleep with me last night-and of course the pug dog (he snores, as pugs do!) So between the pug noises and getting kicked-I woke up and had to go pee! At that point-It's just like --Well, the hell with it, I'll just go make coffee. But they are both still sleeping 'now that they kicked me out of MY bed) so I can enjoy the quiet house for a bit! Bliss.


                  Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

                  does anyone else find it strange..?? when you scoll down to read for a new post it's hard to spot, coz the avatars have changed and lots are very simular..
                  I'm used to oney's big bum etc, I get lost who's here...
                  never mind back to norm after halloween..
                  mind you we got Xmas all the santa's will be coming out...!!
                  love it really..:l:l


                    Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

                    Hope you enjoy your holiday Pops! Ya gonna climb any hills over there?


                      Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

                      I know what you mean about the avatars Jan. Well, maybe even if we change with the seasons we could try to keep with a theme. Like you have the sexy lady pictures and I can be the crazy pug lady, haha! Just an idea. By the way-that is not my pug in the picture. If I tried to put him in fancy dress, he'd have it shredded in seconds:H.


                        Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

                        expat3;987683 wrote: Jan-you sound like me! I let my little guy sleep with me last night-and of course the pug dog (he snores, as pugs do!) So between the pug noises and getting kicked-I woke up and had to go pee! At that point-It's just like --Well, the hell with it, I'll just go make coffee. But they are both still sleeping 'now that they kicked me out of MY bed) so I can enjoy the quiet house for a bit! Bliss.
                        :H:H yep that's just like my bed...go for a wee after being kicked out, try an get back in and the dogs nicked my spot and ollie's got his arm around no room for mummy..
                        yep then it's might as well put the coffee on and have some blissful peace on the pc..
                        until I'm in a virtual world of my own with you all and then "BOO" behind me and then giggles his head off.....!!!!!!!!!!

                        GOOD MORNING POPS....:l I wonder how many times Susan will pack, then unpack the suitcase and how many things she will ask "do you really need this"...??
                        to make bit more room for another pair of shoes..!!!! :H:H


                          Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

                          Zenstyle;987687 wrote: See if you can get to here Pops...

                          Cappadocia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          It was really amazing. But its inland so maybe you won't be able to swing it.
                          Looks brilliant Zen. Too far away though.
                          I'm looking forward to the grub.
                          Turkish is goooooood.


                            Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

                            ladyjan;987690 wrote:
                            GOOD MORNING POPS....:l I wonder how many times Susan will pack, then unpack the suitcase and how many things she will ask "do you really need this"...??
                            to make bit more room for another pair of shoes..!!!! :H:H
                            She always overpacks! I can't see us needing that toilet brush or those Wellies. Still, better safe than sorr..... "NO woman! I don't want to take the George Foreman grill".
                            I'll leave her to it.


                              Army Thread 23rd Oct Saturday

                              Zenstyle;987693 wrote: I love Mediterranean grub! Prawns. Check em out. Gawd, I'm hungry! They have those great shrimp there too Pops..... drool
                              Oooo, shrimp.
                              I'm dribbling all over the keyboard.

