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    I relapsed after 3 days sober and sank into despair about it. I have been drinking a few days now but the strangest thing is happening; I'm starting to feel the need to exercise instead of drinking. I'm not talking about unrealistic aspirations but a primal need to just get out there into nature and do anything that makes my body feel challenged and not want to drink.

    I'm thinking about taking up tai-chi or yoga, or maybe just jogging - I don't know. Has anybody felt like this before, and if so what exercise did you take up?


    Just found this interesting article:



      Fascinating article Medic. Running has been my salvation and has really helped me stay positive. Good luck !



        Thanks for sharing that article medic! It's got me wondering if there is a race for recovery event near me. I'm going to google that! Have you read the My Way Out Book? Exercise is indeed recommended for people following the My Way Out program too. (you are on to something really good!)

        I was in awful shape physically and mentally and spiritually when I first came here. I followed the book to the letter initially with the exception of prescription meds. (I opted for none)

        I joined Curves and have dabbled with some other things along the way. But Curves really works for me so that's my foundation exercise program. The healthier lifestyle has been wonderful. I originally lost 60 pounds. While I struggle up and down on that last 5, I've basically kept the weight off for almost 2 years now. And more importantly, exercise does help me stay sober I think. The LAST thing I want during or after exercise is a drink (or a smoke). It's a wonderful thing.

        I encourage you to get out there and try some stuff until you find what you really love to do. Whatever it is, it will beat sitting around with your head in a bottle. At least it does for me.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.



          Yeah, I've been contemplating doing some running - which I haven't done since leaving school 20-odd years ago!
          So far I'm still at the contemplating stage - but that alone is quite remarkable.
          I suppose our bodies have a nose for drugs and they vaguely remember the buzz we once got when we were keen little school kids, chugging round the athletics track without a care in the world (or with acne and an a broken heart, as the case may be...)

          I have even gone so far as to wonder "what to wear?" when my skinny legs step out into the glittering October sunshine. I'll have to re-watch "Chariots of Fire" and get some fashion tips...

          You might want to check out LoOp's thread on Baclofen and exercise, somewhere in the Baclofen,Topamax etc section.

