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Shitty 2 days and nights

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    Shitty 2 days and nights

    I hope people don't mind me just getting things of my chest.
    It has been such a shitty 2 days and nights. My little boy who's 6 months is teething really badly and is very upset by it, spending most of the day and night crying. Needlessto say, as the hubby works, i've gotton up in the night with him. It's now been 2 nights of only getting an hours sleeps and i'm really feeling it now. My head is killing me, i feel like i been bashed round the head with a baseball bat. I try to sleep when he does in the day but i find it really hard. I managed 45 mins yesterday tho. I could do with a good sob =( I've done all i can but nothing seems to help him. i love him soo much, hate seeing him in pain. Today is the 3rd day.. Any advice from parents who've been through this?
    Plus note tho... NO AL for me in a while now =D

    Shitty 2 days and nights

    Oh sweetheart, I really feel for you.
    When my 2 were babies (they're 22 and 24 now). My daughter used to get terrible ear infections everytime she teethed. It used to drive me round the bend. The only thing I can think of is bonjela or liquid parecetamol.
    I hope this helps and it passes soon

    Safe Teething Remedies - Safe Kids (UK)
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Shitty 2 days and nights

      Hey Michelle.

      Teetha used to work very well for my is a homeopathic powder, comes in a little sachet that you put into his mouth....

      teetha - Nelsons UK
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Shitty 2 days and nights

        Hi Michelle, ditto all the above, and know that even tho its hard and awful - it does end. My second son, now a wonderful adult man literally howled every waking moment for a year. I thought I would never ever get through the other end - somehow I muddled through but there were very low moments. What I do know tho is that I didn't have a drinking problem then, but if I had been drinking to excess in the middle of it, I don't think I'd have managed, so good on you not drinking and for gods sake don't, it definitely won't help!! Thinking of you - and it will get better
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Shitty 2 days and nights

          Hi MIchelle, My four sons all had terrible trouble with teething. I used to give them a frozen teething ring to chew and when things got really bad some baby paracetamol. Do you have anyone that you trust to mind him for a little while during the day so that you can get some rest? I remember how wretched I used to feel after nights of little or no sleep...I thought I would die of sleep depravation. It is very important that you get a bit of a break as sleep depravation has been closely linked with depression, so the carer needs to be cared for. Hope things improve soon. Love Saff
          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


            Shitty 2 days and nights

            Oh, I remember those times, they are extremely difficult. I used to give my girl frozen face cloths during the day and kept a few in the freezer at all times so she would have something to chew on which wouldn't rip her gums, but would numb them a bit for her and she would use those. There should be some meds (Baby Tylenol or Advil) you could use for night time relief to help the baby sleep and relax..sleep deprevation is horrible, I hope it gets better soon.


              Shitty 2 days and nights

              You poor wee lamb. My older daughter screamed like a tin whistle with colic for nine months and sent me into a terrible depression which was so dark and thick I came close to self-harm...and self medicated. I was so alone.
              You have this wonderful site with love and support and the above advice which is right on the ball. Would you be okay with going to your doctor, explaining that you are going through baby teething while trying to overcome an alcohol problem and need his/her help? You might get a script for Vallergan for baby and something for you to help you get a bit of sleep so you're not quite so at wit's end.
              It does pass. I know that's cold comfort while you're going through it, but we're always here to give you a pat on the back and a hug when you need it. Great job being such a caring mum.
              :h Mish :h
              Never give up...
              GET UP!!!

              AF since 25th November, 2011

              What might have been is an abstraction
              Remaining a perpetual possibility
              Only in a world of speculation.
              What might have been and what has been
              Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                Shitty 2 days and nights

                I'm so sorry for both you babies. When mine were going through it, and my grands, they were feverish and had diarrhea! All the advice above is good, and if all else fails, call or see your doc for a little relief, for you both!
                When your husband comes in, ask him to relieve you for about an hour and a half, take a nice long bath and a nap. It will do wonders for you. And look for some nice refreshing teas to sooth your nerves and help you cope.
                Isn't it wonderful, though, that you can face this with all your brain?? It will be over one day (till your next baby!! :H)
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  Shitty 2 days and nights

                  no no no more babies *lol* I'm blessed with 2 healthy ones, ain't no way i'm doing all this again.
                  I've got him on calpol and calprofen AND baby bonjela. I've got the teething rings in the freezer. I haven't tryed the face clothe tho, i'm going to do that now.
                  I think tonight i'm going to give him calpol night. I know it makes them sleep which he needs and it stops the pain but i just hate giving babies/toddlers sleeping aids =(
                  Sorry for moaning tho *lol* Just need to talk and get advice to other people. I honestly feel like a walking zombie who has been smaked over the head with a bardge pole. Hey ho tho... I wish there was a pause button i could press that would stop the world for a 30 mins*lol*


                    Shitty 2 days and nights

                    Oh the calpol night, i'll give him before bed..Not during the day!!!!!!! Just thoought i'd make that clearer!


                      Shitty 2 days and nights

                      Michelle, it's better they get sleep as well, lack of sleep will just make them even crankier and amplify their pain. I don't think there is anything wrong with it, it's not like you give it to your babies every night just for the sake of it. That's what it's made for.. ((hugs))


                        Shitty 2 days and nights

                        hi there, we have an 18mt old and a 6 mmt old, both are teathing on and off.
                        did you know 'nurafen" ibuprofen & panadol can be given within a few hours to give two types of pain reilef. both my doc and the chemist said its safe, on a full tummi.
                        all the above is good advice. any family to take baby for an hr or so is a great help too. good luck.
                        AF since 10/26/2009

                        It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                          Shitty 2 days and nights

                          Yes, they need sleep too. Think about how you feel. He does too. Plus the pain. If your hubby doest want to understand, kick him in the balls, that'll get the message across.
                          Quit taking all the pain on you.
                          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

