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what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

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    what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

    what are your pro's and con's to you drinking ????... a freind need some help thinking of his pro's and con's of drinking and this will give him some idea's and what HAS change in your life now that you have no AL IN YOUR LIFE and how do you stay busy
    thank you and have a great day
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

    what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

    few pros, lots of cons

    Hi Roger!
    Best wishes to all.
    This is a great question to reflect upon after this good stretch of sobriety for me. Of course, the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
    For me, one of the biggest benefits has been the reclamation of time and energy. Time to rediscover my long forgotten interests. Energy to work on hobbies.

    Still, there is one minor drawback of sobriety that I still am coming to terms with. The easy camaraderie with my drinking buddies which I used to share while drinking is missing now during my continuing sobriety.

    But the trade-off in benefits have been more than worth it.
    *Let noble thoughts come to us in all directions...*


      what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

      Pros: Being invited to family's parties where they all get sloshed

      Cons: Being invited to family's parties where WE all got sloshed
      DUI, humilition, huge cost
      Destroying body
      Losing respect of loved ones
      Losing trust of loved ones
      Losing time, energy, enjoyment
      Losing my mind
      Its really endless, but as Sheri said, really why do we want to look for a reason to justify something so poisonous, self-destructive? Good exercise for him, though.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

        I am the friend Roger is talking about here. I am really struggling with my homework assignment. I need to make a list of Pros and Cons about drinking. My list is small right now, but I am thinking about writing my story later this afternoon in an effort to remember what 20 years of drinking has done for me, the people around me and if continued, what my life might look like 20 years from now (if I make it that long). I think that I lie to myself alot about my past regrets and force myself not to remember the bad times. Maybe it's time I faced my demons? What do ya'll think?


          what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

          Pro.......I numb out
          Con.... Until it wears off.

          Pro...I drink to forget
          Con..I remember once Sober and it hurts twice as much so I drink some more..

          Pro..I laugh and be merry
          Con... Until the laugh is on me and I act stupid.

          Pro...I can enjoy a really good wine
          Con...Until I throw up

          Pro...I loosen up
          Con.. I fall.

          Pro....I gain confidence
          Con....I become obnoxious

          Pro...I enjoy a good night with friends
          Con..I don't remember it.

          Pro...It makes my children laugh to see me acting silly
          Con...It frightens them when I pass out

          Pro....Nothing matters when I am drinking
          Con....Drinking has taken over my life.

          Pro..I become "The Funny Guy"
          Con...I become "That arsehole that drinks too much"

          Pro...It is an acceptable form of relaxation
          Con...My speech is slurred.

          Pro...I am in control
          Con...Until it all goes bad

          Pro..I know when I have enough
          Con..But I keep going anyway.
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

            We first have to be honest with ourselves. Like you've already seen, your the only one you're fooling.
            Another exercise I was given was to write a farewell letter to alcohol. Read it aloud to someone. Then take it somewhere and burn it. May sound a little silly, but it's the activity, and really putting your heart in it, that is releasing, in a way. You're doing a great job trap, just by coming back here, asking for help. Other good people here have noticed too. :huggy
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              what are your pro's and con's for drinking????


              I like Oney's format:

              Pro: Overcoming shyness and inhibitions
              Con: Saying something I regret that really wasn't me at all

              Pro: Feeling relaxed and carefree
              Con: Paying the price for this extremely short-term phenomenon and being miserable the next day with a hangover that took until noon or later to overcome

              Pro: Thought it made me sleep easily but kept waking up at 3:00 a.m. anxiety ridden unable to go back to sleep
              Con: Sleep is a whole new world now - fall easily, sleep soundly, can go back to sleep if awakened, wake up feeling refreshed and happy instead of ill

              Con: Stopped developing and pursuing anything outside of planning my drinking for the day
              Con: Became stressed, edgy and argumentative if I had too much
              Con: Increasingly unable to control how much
              Con: Being disappointed in myself because I could not control how much
              Con: Constant battle within myself - in the morning I swore off; by 5pm I justified going back
              Con: The torment of trying a new way to moderate for several years - changed types of al, changed time of day when I drank, and on and on and on and on
              Con: Feeling like I could not live without al only to find it's light years better without it
              Con: Feeling like I could not go to a social event without being partly drunk
              Con: Worried about getting a DUI or having a wreck
              Con: Constant worry about health effects because it's tied to so many that are detrimental, including cancer

              Out of time but I could go on.......................................



                what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

                What Oney said. Good post :l:l:l
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

                  Choochie-Thank you for writing my post for me, haha! That is SO me! Except for fear of a DUI or wreck-- cuz I don't drive .


                    what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

                    Expat - isn't it amazing how our experiences and thought processes are so similar! I think it's great because it makes me feel less crazy!!:nutso:


                      what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

                      This is really Interesting......
                      I was just reading this thread to my Husband(who is a normie)
                      This was his response- A normal drinker would probably not have all of these so called CONS!
                      They don't experience, the DUI'S, Blackouts, Throwing Up ,Being Numb, Etc......
                      Alcholics tend to have that mindset, that if they are going to drink they are not going to just stop at one
                      (which is usually the case). That's why we should never even pick up at all!
                      I Thought I would share someone else's perspective....


                        what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

                        ok, i'll give it a whirl...

                        If I quit drinking what would be the pros:
                        1. I could remember more and maybe wouldn't have to rely on Outlook and Task reminders to get me through my life.
                        2. I would spend less money, and have more to spend on my kids or charity or building Roger a new website cause his needs some serious help!
                        3. I could spend the evenings writing that book that I have always wanted to, but never could.
                        4. My wife might actually want to have sex more often...I think I'm sexy when I'm drinking but maybe she doesn't...I'm just sayin...
                        5. I could spend more time in the back yard with my son Trevor helping him with his soccer game
                        6. I would stop renting the same movies over and over again because i would actually remember one for once.
                        7. My liver would actually start to heal, I would take that foot out of the grave and maybe, just maybe I would live to see my grandchildren.
                        8. I would actually get the nerve to start the business consulting venture that I know I need to, but never had the time to plan and execute.
                        9. I could make it to all my kid's functions and actually remember being there and what happened.
                        10. And finally, I would be able to sleep, really sleep for the first time in 20 plus years.

                        If I quit drinking what would be the cons:
                        1. um...
                        2. well...
                        3. ok, I got one, I would miss the taste of good wine.
                        4. so...
                        5. but then there's...
                        6. yea...
                        7. drawing blanks here guys...

                        ok, so there really aren't any cons are there?


                          what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

                          Good job, Trap. Well done.
                          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                            what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

                            Welcome TDad.

                            Your self confidence, self esteem, and positive energy will sky rocket too! Very quickly.

                            There are NO negatives in being sober. Best wishes, and go for it!

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              what are your pro's and con's for drinking????

                              Well put, Mr. G.

