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Orange Papers

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    Orange Papers

    Hi Unregistered,

    I don't detect all that much of an uproar here, but rather a healthy and vigorous discussion, some of which would have occurred without your input. Your comments are provocative, however, and, at times rather mean, such as to Noelle. What's that about??
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Orange Papers


      Hey Unregistered,

      You went from "stats are stats" and it became clear to everyone that you don't know a thing about stats. Now you are saying "facts are facts" and it is also clear that you don't know much about the nature of knowledge or espistemology either.

      We are all very happy that you find AA so helpful. I do hope that you share tales of your troll exploits so you can demonstrate that you are moving ahead with that personal plan of psychological growth. You made allusions to knowing what individuals did in New York, although you weren't there. I don't know you and other people I spoke to don't know you. That behavior (to lie about knowing what people did) would concern anyone in the mental health field. Makes you out to be quite a pathetic puppy. So, maybe you are a drinker who does have some sort of deep psychological issues that you need to concentrate on.

      At any rate, please go ahead and work your AA program. You can come here and try to trash people all you want. I know how happy I am with my drinking (or relative lack thereof) and my professional life. Too busy working for a personal life right now. Things in your life can't be that great if you have so much pent up anger and venom. If I were you, I would go to a bunch of meetings today and see what I could do about that need to trash the successes of others.



        Orange Papers

        Is Mean-Spirited a disease too? Maybe there is a 12 Step Program for Unregistered to join other mean-spirited folk.


          Orange Papers

          Yes still pretty befuddled by the NY comment.
          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


            Orange Papers

            Positive thoughts

            My experience here has been so positive & supportive
            The only 'nastiness" I've seen has come from one particular unregistered person.
            Maybe you reap what you sow....


              Orange Papers

              Never tried another program ever. Never been in another "board" community for any reason. Started this late March and have maybe one to 2 drinks in a week now for the past few months. Totally ones I want to have but don't need to go overboard. I exercise regularly, drink plenty of water have had the pleasure of getting to throw my High Blood Pressure pills away - with doctors consent! WAAAAAAHOOOOOOOO!

              I come here often for two reasons . . . It helps keep me on track and I hope I can offer newbies and others love and support plus some of the sage advice offered to me when I was a newbie. I still get loving support from all my moderating muffins!


                Orange Papers




                  Orange Papers

                  Hi again, Unregistered. You are missing a number of comments from people on this thread who are very pleased with their progress, like MKR, and numerous others on the abs and moderation threads. You are so right that, ultimately, success and/or failure does come from inside ourselves. I don't think that many would dispute that with you. At the same time, being a member of a supportive community can greatly increase one's chances of success. Initially, RJ's community was Brenda, and then she chose to share her plan with us. Although, for the most part, the more of the program you follow, the better your chances of success, there are plenty of success stories here who don't "follow the program" exactly as laid out. One of the reasons I love MWO is its lack of dogma.

                  I hear what you say about not supporting AA. But then why did you choose to come out and retort to Lucky's original post? At any rate, there are many of us who are turned off by AA. Truth be told there's a lot I admire about AA, as it was originally set out. I own, and have read, the Big Book, and I still love the stories there. But people in AA rarely follow the "real rules", and I found meetings to be full of pressure. It was hard for people there to let me be until I had taken it in and was ready to quit, which is why I stopped going. I haven't felt that pressure here. I love this "program of diversity and acceptance", and I think that is part of why the MWO forums do help--at least better than some other approaches. Is this scientific?? Absolutely not. This is based solely on my heartfelt intuition and gut-level instinct. So you can bash it if you wish. I'd rather we just let the bugles sing truce, however. We're all pretty smart here. Why not just put this one to bed??


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Orange Papers

                    ??? You are SO funny


                    I am having such fun addressing your questions! Where did you think I got the idea that you support AA? LOL. Okay, let me explain this very S-L-O-W-L-Y ... you posted on a thread that was totally devoted to issues concerning the separation of church and state, an antiquated model of treatment, and AA (too bad I can't make the font just a bit bigger). Of course, a person with mental faculties intact would make an inference and assume that you were addressing that post, but clearly you did not even read the information. So, I am really confused now about what is going on upstairs with your grey matter.

                    There is a branch of linguistics that deals with communication and one tenet of successful communication is that the communicator provide enough information to successfully delimit their argument (eg, provide enough information on referents). These tenets are called Grice's Maxims. You obviously violated those assumptions by posting in a thread devoted to AA and concerns regarding program effectiveness, program requirements, and issues of spiritual belief.

                    Perhaps you should have said something like this "I didn't follow Lucky's link, but in general - and totally unrelated to anything that has been posted in this thread - I am going to toss out my opinions (not facts) about MWO." Then, I would not have assumed that you were responding to the previous post (generally, unregistered - since you must click on "respond to post", people generally assume that you are actually responding to the post). If your response was directed specifically at MWO, then you should have stated such. You failed to do so, and according to well established principles of communication, the logical inference was that you were responding to the previous post. Clearly, you are not very adept at written communication.

                    Your initial comment did not get me in so much of an uproar as you might think. I am offended by sloppy thinking and people who post without taking the time to formulate even half a thought. Your comment that "stats are stats" offended me because statistics is a huge part of what I do professionally. The uproar you thought you caused- my responding post- was about 10 minutes of moderately deep thought. So, in essence, no big deal at all. Generally, when I post, I feel that I owe it to the board to put some thought into it. Clearly, you don't feel the same.

                    Now, to address your comment about my mental state and the assumptions I made ... again, too funny. You seem to believe that I consider drinking a bottle of wine on my own moderating. Actually, I think what I said was that I RARELY come EVEN CLOSE to drinking what I used to drink and that I have many alcohol free days. You will recall that I did my first 60 days without topamax and that I am not taking topamax now. So,if most of my days are alcohol free (all weeknights and Sunday) and on the other days I don't even come close to drinking what I did before, you automatically assume that I mean a whole bottle? Therefore, you are assuming that my definition of moderation is drinking a whole bottle. Where did YOU get that?

                    Those unfounded inferences are called "LOGIC LEAPS". Gee, unregistered, I work like 80 hours a week and am expected to speak extemporaneously as an expert at the drop of a hat, in front of groups of other experts.That is stress!!! I leave for work at 6 in the am - when do you think I could guzzle down a bottle of wine? Oh, yeah - I could guzzle a bottle between 9 and 10, when I have usually fallen into my bed. But guess what - I don't. In fact, I was invited out last night by an old drinking buddy and I came home.

                    I do agree with you that the success of a program depends on how well people work the program. Did you read my previous posts? I am just checking because good board etiquette is to read the freaking posts before you respond to the post. From your last post: "I was making basic statements about this program in general....Mainly my real point is that programs are programs - rather your success or failure comes from the inside." Damn, why didn't you just say THAT the first time you posted. I have no quarrel with that statement. In fact, I spent a lot of time proving that same point by indicating how false statistics could be if incorrectly collected or interpreted.

                    Rather you said stupid stuff like "stats are stats" and "facts are facts". That is so general that no reader would have a damn clue as to what you are really trying to say. You gave no clear thesis statement, just a sloppy stream of consciousness random association of thoughts, a strung together pile of incomprehensibility - and then you took offense when people did not understand your intent. So, I am going to leave this one totally alone. You have some serious issues in terms of communicating in print and that is not my problem.

                    You seem to be a very nasty person. I am not a nasty person - and most on the board know that. I support ALL efforts at trying to reduce alcohol consumption (regardless of what program) and ALL efforts at personal growth. The only time I put any effort into addressing sillyness is when it is nasty and pervasively drags down the board or is injurious to others. Please put more thought into your posts next time. Maybe, if you thought first, you would not have to post as "unregistered."

                    Still wishing you success at your program (still wondering how you KNOW so much about New York - why not prove it ....)


                      Orange Papers

                      you are brillant



                        Orange Papers

                        C'mon unregistered

                        I am really laughing now - you can't even formulate a thought beyond that? Put up a fight girl, go and read something and produce an original thought. All original thoughts welcome. Nasty ones, I dispatch those. What was your word count - and is that indicative of your "thought" count?

                        Still wishing you success at whatever program you are working,


                          Orange Papers

                          hot air



                            Orange Papers


                            Ooopsy, this post was in response to unregistered, who thanked me for pointing out how superior I was trying to be (and I am SUCH a twit!! ... LOL ... I was a total drunk, and now I can moderate). Said she was only trying to give me a giggle - primarily by baiting me to get me in an "uproar." I think the last two posts were comprised of about 4 sentences total.


                            Thanks for the giggle. I still think you are nasty and uber defensive. Otherwise you'd put a little effort into it and make an honest effort at communicating. Still, thanks for all the entertainment that others will have when they read your posts!!!

                            Hugs ('cause I know you aren't going to give us anything better),


                              Orange Papers

                              Aaaaawww ... don't ya hate them pesky disappearin' posts???


                                Orange Papers

                                Thought I was seeing things!

                                Hiya Tawny,

                                Against my better judgment ... I checked the boards prior to retiring. Those disappearing posts are very tiresome. Enjoy your dinner - loved chatting tonight!


