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New Beginnings

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    New Beginnings

    You?re weak and inferior. You?re a conniving, manipulating cheat. You?re worthless and not even worthy of anyone?s love. You?re lousy in bed and couldn?t satisfy a woman if you tried. You?re just a child?..Do I need to go on?

    If I listened to my ego I would still be hiding behind all my insecurities and not living my life and taking risks in order to move forwards in my life. I?ve often wondered at times whether ?forwards? actually exists; or do I just keep moving sideways all the time, shuffling along the fence in a haphazard fashion, yet still ?playing it safe?

    Well nearly 3 weeks ago I decided to stop listening to my ego and also to the ?voice of reason? within fellowship that seems to frown upon the idea of anybody getting into a relationship. Unless of course you?ve been sober at least 20 odd years and are now rid of your co-dependency issues!! I was tired of ?playing it safe? or waiting until I?m ?well enough? to have a relationship. What is ?well? anyway?

    This recent situation reminded me of when I first attempted to get help many years ago when I was struggling with my drug of choice at the time, amphetamine. I?d just come out of hospital and was thinking that I need to recuperate first before I go and get help. Which of course, during that time I?d convince myself I didn?t need any help. It felt as though I was doing the same thing regards sharing myself intimately within a relationship. I kept telling myself I wasn?t ready because I hadn?t done enough work on myself. ?How can you love somebody else if you can?t even love yourself? kind of thinking. Well maybe I don?t completely love myself unconditionally right now. But I?m learning, I?m growing, I?m accepting, more and more of my imperfections and this has only come about through taking risks and allowing myself to feel vulnerable and to be honest about that. I've spent the last 21 months of sobriety concentrating on my own recovery and this new found 'zest for life' is one I want to share with someone intimately. That for me is where the real intimacy is, is in our vulnerability. I used to think being vulnerable meant being weak; and more so being a man. Yet allowing myself to be vulnerable within a new relationship has done more for me than sitting back and waiting to resolve my issues by ?talking them through?. We gain wisdom through experience, in my opinion, not through reading books. Reading books will give me knowledge but without the experience of life on life?s terms and to feel what it is I?m feeling I?ll never be able to move forward (or sideways!!). It?s almost like being a ?dry drunk? or ?powder-less junkie? where the thought of having a drink or a fix scares me so much that I have to shut myself away from the world and hang on for dear life. That is certainly not the way I intend to live my life and thankfully I haven?t since that obsession was lifted through God consciousness and the 12 step program of AA.

    I posted a while ago about how I?d mixed feelings around a friend whom I?d started to see as more than a friend. This experience was very much a stepping stone for me to see how easy it is for me to get my feelings confused with developing friendships with women. I gained a lot from that experience and it was a hard one to bounce back from. Yet I learned much in the process. Being honest about my feelings is really important for this recovered alcoholic. Whether I like the outcome to situations or not, I need to continue being honest with those close to me otherwise I fall prey to being caught up in the illusions that my ego creates.

    I?m happy to say things are going far better than I could of imagined with this new relationship and that has only come through my self honesty. To quote a line from one of my favourite movies ?Into The Wild? ? ?I?m going to paraphrase Thoreau here? rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness? give me truth. This line just about sums it up for me. Yet that truth today has no attachments of being manipulating in order to paint the picture I want to portray of myself. What you see is what you get today, warts and all. I am who I am, with all my little imperfections and insecurities and I?m learning to love those things about me today because after all I?m only human. It's okay to be me today and that's only come through some hard work and many tears in order to be more accepting of myself. I can share things honestly today without fear of judgement, without shying away from the the truth because somehow I may not be 'loved' by others. I can stand tall and be proud of my achievements because I know I'm a worthwhile person today. I know my past; and I'm not ashamed as I once was to admit my faults. When you want something in this life you have to reach out and grab it with both hands, no matter how scary the thought is of failing. It's no good trying to do sobriety by half measures because you'll always tell yourself you're not good enough to grab it with both hands. You have to give it 110% or life will be one of continuous swings and roundabouts. I'd rather choose the roller-coaster ride any day of the week!!

    Many Blessings
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    New Beginnings

    That was a beautiful post Phil, it's great to hear how well you are doing and you couldn't have been more right in every word you just posted.

    All the best,


      New Beginnings

      Phil, I love the way you share your journey with us. I especially relate to this part of your post:

      You have to give it 110% or life will be one of continuous swings and roundabouts. I'd rather choose the roller-coaster ride any day of the week!!
      Wishing you the very best in your life today.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        New Beginnings

        Your self-awareness is a gift, and your ability to articulate it and share it with us is a gift also.
        'Tis twice blessed. It blesses those who give
        and those who receive.
        (Shakespeare recalled perhaps imperfectly from 40 years ago).

        Thank you for your beautiful post. I am in a similar place of knowing and liking myself "warts and all," although the only relationship I need now is with myself, my God and my friends.
        Blessings to you.
        :h Mish :h
        Never give up...
        GET UP!!!

        AF since 25th November, 2011

        What might have been is an abstraction
        Remaining a perpetual possibility
        Only in a world of speculation.
        What might have been and what has been
        Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


          New Beginnings

          Phil, thanks for this post. I always enjoy reading about your journey.


            New Beginnings

            amen brother you are the only one that knows you as you really are and feel your needs .. so do whats best for you and you are doing an awesome job living life on lifes terms .. keep it going
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              New Beginnings

              Phil, love, I'm SO happy for you right now. We need someone in our lives (besides our beautiful children) who care and accept us, warts and all. We need someone we can simply BE with, give us warmth and company.
              Somethings, like the chemistry between two people, we do not need to overthink, just enjoy it's evolution. And again, I urge you to use your gifts and write, maybe teach. You are a beacon here.
              Love ya,
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                New Beginnings

                Always be honest...thats paramount in life isnt it? Vulnerability is no weakness, its a strength. It shows that u r able to, dare to reveal your soul and be proud of who you r. I think you should be very proud of yourself....I like reading your posts as they help me too. You are a clever, kind, lovely man. Bella XX


                  New Beginnings

                  very profound

                  i think that is a wise post. I enjoyed reading it and took some good points for it. Well done for the amount of time you have been sober, that is really inspiring. Also good luck in your relationship. We are not meant to be alone!!!

