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Underoos Friends - November

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    Underoos Friends - November

    tawnyfrog;1003681 wrote: Oooooooh - you're inf'rit, MrG - you mentioned the "M" word.

    During and after botanical studies, I'll be deliberating on whether I want to spend $250 to see Joe Cocker and George Thoroughgood in February. That ought to fill my headspace.

    Right - I'm outta here to seize the day.[/video]]YouTube - Joe Cocker - You are so beautiful (nearly unplugged)
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Underoos Friends - November

      Hey Bridge, i have a friend that does the same thing rings at all hours of the early morning, pissed as and carrys on about shit. i now turn my phone to silent especially if i haven't heard from her in a couple of weeks so know i'm due for a dose...she is always going to do herself in etc..etc... so i just made the choice to not be responsible for her anymore, she was just taking me down with her so no more. hope everyone else is powering along today chugging along to 1 month and loving it, had totally forgotten how dam good it feels not to be hungover everyday. love the flowers Tawny and can't thank you enough for reaching out at the right time cheers mate xxxx
      Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


        Underoos Friends - November

        Well the Saffster is back. Mighty humbled, but nevertheless as determined as ever. Thanks so much for PM's and posts of support. You blokes are bloody legends. Got a nother plan set up. I am seriously investigating stuff like hypoglycemia and thyroid issues. I'll be off to the doctor to pick his brains tommorrow and request tests. So until then I am downing water by the dray load and all my supps. I have a strong suspicion that this is about biochemical imbalance and nothing to do with psychology. Have been reading The Seven Weeks To Sobriety by Joan Larson and so much of what she says resonates with my own situation. Anyone tried her programme? Back later, I'm off to drown myself. xxx
        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


          Underoos Friends - November

          Arvo all Undies and International Guests ...

          So how about we send Techie some special strong undie elastic to help him with what will not be a very nice day for him tomorrow.

          And reading backwards ...

          Saffy - stick with us. I've noticed people tend to do better when they come here and yarp on a regular basis. Hope the quack can come up with some good answers for you tomorrow.

          Boycie - you're rocking, girl. When was the last time you racked up 30 days? Bloody brilliant!

          Bridge - you're right. I reckon we are a pretty dynamic little gang and there's nothing, nothing we can't achieve if we put our bloody boofheads into it.

          Orf to take some unsavoury snaps of me bloomers ...


            Underoos Friends - November

            Reggie;1003346 wrote: Mr G is that a Maton model gee tar in ya hands looks beautiful...maybe the hand chord-age thin-go ? By the way evening undies !!!!!! SAFFY ya pissing me orfff:H check in love we collective throbs ya you too begas Isolation is NOT a option you signed up now report!!!!!

            Nighter looking forward to giving Missy a biggie man hug on Thursday if we get our collective GPS posies in sync and don't end up like ships passing in the night (day):H
            have a lovely week all Monday beckons
            Not as much as I pissed myself off Reginald. Right retard if ever I met one. Anyhow I'm back and have been reading back a bit. You blokes are ratbagsous outrageous and I luvs yous all:h:h:h:h:
            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


              Underoos Friends - November

              quick hello from me

              Techie, thinking of you. Not nice stuff that you have to do, particularly when it is ordered from on high. I feel sure that you have the sensitivity to deal with your people as well as you are able, and the strength of character to be able to do it without falling over yourself. :l

              Saffy - good to see you back!

              Starting to feel very excited about Melbourne and meeting up with Reggie (thursday) and G-bloke (friday). Oh and yes, also feeling quite interested in the work that I am there to do on Wednesday :H:H
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Underoos Friends - November

                o'reilley sleeping on my right arm so typing like a toad.

                the climbers are climbing;

                and the whites are white


                  Underoos Friends - November

                  I'm jealous.:upset:
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Underoos Friends - November

                    byebyebridgetjones;1003891 wrote: I'm jealous.:upset:
                    X post.
                    I'm jealous about Missy meeting everyone.

                    But now I'm jealous about the roses and the frog house too :H
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Underoos Friends - November

                      same here bridgee missy just love those 2 blokes heaps for us as they deserve it.
                      froggy one - your talents in the garden are supreme. beautiful flowers is the simplest way to put it.
                      saffy : hey darl. you've been incredible to everyone since you've been here so come back into the fold along with me & we'll get wrapped up in the special undies hugs.....

                      so far we've had the fertiliser bloke visit, the new truck driver is lost, our white ute (mazda - piece of shit) has boiled over up the paddock, & i'm now toying with the idea of breeding Golden Retrievers. Ever since we're certain that our Kelpie is up the duff so now I'm all clucky. Hell, if I can't reproduce at least SOMETHING in our house can. pups due in approx 3 weeks.
                      Shopping list for beagle : digital camera, skipping rope, some exercise dvd's.
                      Things to look forward to : my appt with a naturopath to have all the alternative shit done.Riding my horse more. The puppies. Plucking out all grey hairs that appear on my head. Thinking about having some glamour photography done to boost self esteem. Admiring my skin now that I'm on the Antipodes range (beautiful & organic). Have lost 2 kgs so feeling slim again. being on mwo more. gotta keep the new friends i've made here.
                      ahhh the little things.


                        Underoos Friends - November

                        Good afternoon undies
                        Its nice to see Mr G has come out of the closet :H
                        Have a lovely evening
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          Underoos Friends - November

                          hi starty how are you


                            Underoos Friends - November

                            Beagypoo. I am not bad at all
                            How are you? You are sounding good girl?
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Underoos Friends - November

                              I love your list of stuff to look forward to.
                              Writing things down really helps keep us focussed I think
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                                Underoos Friends - November

                                Now I'm jealous that Beagle gets to breed goldies.
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

