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Underoos Friends - November

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    Underoos Friends - November

    See, I'm deadly jealous of all these meet ups.
    Got caught up with 'Breaking Bad' tonight folk.
    I suppose there's a little part of all of us that wants to set up our own meth lab.
    Night Undie Pundies.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Underoos Friends - November

      Mish, I've just quickly read your Mishn thread.
      Great stuff love. Brilliant. You are very lucky to have access to a wonderful clinic like that.
      I'm going to go back as soon as I can and read the whole thread.
      I really hope the Bac works for you.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoos Friends - November

        Bridge, Fresh Start has one of the best success rates in the world. I have 2 spare rooms and plenty of room to throw down a swag if any Undies want to take the leap. And I have a spa, so with Summer on our doorstep I'm serious about this offer.
        :h Mish :h
        Never give up...
        GET UP!!!

        AF since 25th November, 2011

        What might have been is an abstraction
        Remaining a perpetual possibility
        Only in a world of speculation.
        What might have been and what has been
        Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


          Underoos Friends - November

          Reggie;1006050 wrote: The watch ?
          The food ?
          The photos ?:H:H:H

          didn't notice the watch?
          No food except Missy had a crap sandwich
          No photos we both don't want to be compromised:H

          OK we met at my work place in central Melbourne as at the mo work for me is off its tits and i have little time. Any way we agreed ed at ! 1pm so i rush down stairs to see if she is there NO Missy!..I knew I would notice her as she text ed me to say what she would have on.

          So I didn't not want to be seen to be overly keen so I went back up to the 45th floor as i did in the lobby were some hot Chicky babes giving out the new Evan spring water bottles with a NEW sparkle( carbonated water) twist for FREE so grabbed 2. Back up at me desk ten past one thought now I can swan on down to the lobby a present my self to Missy in a tizzy and say sorry I am late (fashionably of course)!!! again NO Missy...Panic I have been stood up..EGADD gained composer hot chick saw me and offered another free Evan bottle I said ill take 2...back up to the 45 floor...NOW really worried and getting neverous...No text NO Nothing....FUSK this!!!! I have been stood up!!!! I said!!! It was now nearly 15 minutes past our agreed meeting time...I was so nervous I could have gone blind...So took a quick trip in to the dunnies and sprayed me self with one of those mini cans of deodorant you get in the 7 i had begun to sweat profusely.... back in the lift down stairs to the lobby AGAIN hot chick automatically offered another free bee but realized it was me again and said sorry sir FUSK ....

          And then in a pure moment of clarity a angel walked through the door ...It was like out of one of those cheesy American romantic thingos i spotted her and paced my self with open arms and grabbed her in a manly embrace...after she stopped turning blue we went and had coffee.

          As I was on limited time we only had an hour and a half. but i could have spent the entire evening with this wonderful, beautiful, vibrant , intelligent lady...AHHH what class!!!!!!! is Missy ..any way the whole meeting was way to short... i would encourage you all undies to meet each other one day I am proud and chuffed to know you all.

          That is it
          what a sweet post Reg. I love it!!!
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Underoos Friends - November


            It's yer Birthday.

            Have a good one


              Underoos Friends - November

              Morning again punters,

              Mish - read your thread - that sounds fantastic!

              OK - domestic duties are done, chooks are released, expecting a sunny 22C, perfect outdoorsy weather.

              MrG - have a wonderful time with Missy.


                Underoos Friends - November

                Morning Tawny, released chook's, Ron01, Rooter's, and guest's,

                Free ALL caged chook's!
                Well, it's a simply maaaarvellous morning here, so after another coffee, it's orf to see James, then to catch up with one who is undoubtably magnanimous in her magnificence, Missy B.

                I had dinner with an old g/f i bumped into recently last night. I must admit, there are still strong feelings on both sides, and the young fella felt a bit unsettled at times. She's in a r, r, r, r.....relationship at the mo', but anyway, we did hold hands briefly in the car, and she's agreed to catch up for dinner again in the new year when she's back from some travelling. Mmmm. There's something in the air alright, but no expectations here, and it's this kind of emotional stuff that can de-rail one, if ya not too careful, and just relax and see it for what it is, whatever that may be! Lucky i'm a zen buddhist master and i understand that whatever will be, will be, and that things alway's work out, one way or another. :H

                Have a happy day everyone, and go hard, or go home!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Underoos Friends - November

                  Mishmash;1006167 wrote: Bridge, Fresh Start has one of the best success rates in the world. I have 2 spare rooms and plenty of room to throw down a swag if any Undies want to take the leap. And I have a spa, so with Summer on our doorstep I'm serious about this offer.
                  Thank's Mish!

                  What a beaut offer.

                  And happy birthday Boycie! Have a great af day friend.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Underoos Friends - November

                    Morning Mish, Tawn, Bridge, Mr. G. and others to follow,

                    Glorious day down here on the bottom of the map. I'm off on a little trip with a good friend today so I hope you all have a cracker. Keep breathing the air of the free, Saff, luvs you all to the moon and back:h:h:h:h:h and a great big sloppy for you Tawn, you gorgeous thing you:h
                    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Underoos Friends - November

                      Aw gee Reg .... you made me blush!!!

                      Ad I can report that Reggie is the most gentlemanly and lovely bloke that I have met for a long time!! He's right - it was way too short and I culd have chatted to him for hours!

                      Off to meet the G-bloke next! Hoping for a quick wander around Southbank first.

                      I've been having a lovely time in Melbourne, but staying with people who dont do technology so no chance of connecting. Have had to resort to Starbucks!!! And now my lap-top battery is down to 25% so this is a very short check in!

                      More tomorrow when I'm back in my home territory.
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        Underoos Friends - November

                        hello everyone.
                        missy, great that you & reg hit it off & had a great for the g-bloke....wowsers.
                        'nother hot day here & nothing spectacular to add.
                        my mother comes to visit today so i won't be on for the weekend.....she really cramps my style.
                        so everyone avagoodweegend & i'll check in youse all when i'm free again.


                          Underoos Friends - November

                          Hiya Beags - guess you gotta do it. Catch you when you're free.

                          And ... anybody notice ... Ms Jones is conspicuous by her absence today. Reckon she's cracked the darks because Missy gets first dibs at meeting the Geester.

                          Absolutely splendid day here - got heaps done and feeling very fiftunate to be living where I am.


                            Underoos Friends - November

                            T Froglet on a good day...!!


                              Underoos Friends - November

                              the undies chook dance..!!


                                Underoos Friends - November

                                Hi Everybody,

                                Missy & Regie so glad you caught up and I AM jealous too!

                                Would love it if there was an aussie meetup.

                                Tawny your flowers are gorgeous! I bet they make your heart sing when you sit there looking at them. Say hello to the girls for me. I would love to have a chook.

                                Beags hang in there with your mum. Just take the love and ignore the rest.

                                Saph enjoy your trip.

                                Boycie Happy Birthday! You are still only a pup!

                                Mish just read your thread and I am so happy for you! I hope the rest of the medical are watching and taking note of Fresh Start. Australia does badly need and deserve a new way to fight this aweful affliction!

                                Mr G enjoy your visit with Missy and we want all the details....

                                Ronker looking forward to knowing you....choice name :H

                                Everybody else have a great one.

                                Me? just keeping on keeping on. Glad it's the weekend.

                                Take care
                                Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!

