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Underoos Friends - November

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    Underoos Friends - November

    Evening crew just fed dogs & horses & the sun is drifting lower in the sky.
    onya g-bloke for the march thing for white ribbon day. i truly have a lot to learn about fellow humans sometimes.
    reg - hope you're ok
    saph - can you please send me a personalised exercise regime for a slothful 41 yr old shitkicking wifey allowing ample time for doggy hugs (with baby triever pup & mummy to be kelpie), horse-riding,& oh yes just bought some spanky wanky new adidas runners so i can sparkle when i go walkies....but yes, help me please!
    bridge - am buying digi cam when i go to Perth so you can receive lots of puppy photos.
    tawny - i am loving danish feta currently. really loving it. have you had it/ like persian feta but cheaper
    mishy - will pm you
    aspy - howdie snake bloke
    missy - pleased to be back home? where's the secret candid cam shots of reg & g-bloke that you promised me!
    um. only 6.30 pm now & all youse prolly in beddies.....
    my plan : shower soon...any takers? .....then um.....oh shit hate time warps.


      Underoos Friends - November

      Meant to be in bed by 9pm.

      I will try to participate in a white ribbon day even, Mr G. I thought it was a fabulous idea.

      The vast majority of men are fine decent upstanding folk, and good on them for setting the standard.

      Night-ski all.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoos Friends - November

        ........and I'm the first one back here .......:H
        THAT'S dedication.
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos Friends - November

          beagle;1009230 wrote: bridge - am buying digi cam when i go to Perth so you can receive lots of puppy photos.
          You better.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos Friends - November

            byebyebridgetjones;1009533 wrote: ........and I'm the first one back here .......:H
            THAT'S dedication.
            :H:H Morning Bridge!!!

            Beautiful morning here, sun shining on the harbour, and I had a lovely ride into work.

            Still no word on the miners, and in the words of the Chief of Police, it now looks very bleak.

            Must race off to the days meetings - catch ya later
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              Underoos Friends - November

              Morning all,

              I hear that another robot has been deployed into the mine with sensor's and camera, so we should get more info soon.

              Just what does North Korea think it's doing?!

              A safe, sober, and magical day everyone. 31C here today. A bit tough out of the blue for many, but quite noice for mine.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Underoos Friends - November

                Morning skiddies....
                Jonesy you are tres dedicated.
                G - I'd like to have a little word to North Korea myself - WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOUSE DOING??????
                Unfortunately the robot says the gas levels in the mine are too high for rescuers to go frigging stressful for those people & their families. Makes me well up.

                On a happier note: Off to see James then working from home today, writing quotes & generally preparing for our next job. Go the fleuro vest wearers!

                Have a good one bewwwdeefulls xo


                  Underoos Friends - November

                  Morning all. Thank you all for your greetings of the 22nd. I spent the day dealing with Bac SEs but think I've reached a point where I can function quite well again.
                  G, great job on the White Ribbon March. This message needs to be spread. Maybe I could suggest a few blokes who are in need of this learning. I make bad choices.
                  Saff, great about you seeing your son again after 2 years. How excitement!
                  Bridge, glad Madmoiselle is feeling sprightly and keeping down the moths.
                  Missy, I've lit a candle for your coal miners. A Perth company has sent a robot which arrived this morning. I hope they can get to the miners soon so the families know one way or the other what has happened to their loved ones. It's really not looking like this one is going to have a happy ending though.
                  Tawny, all that lovely food you prepared...enjoy.
                  Reggie, glad you're sounding a bit more chipper again.
                  Twirly, I can't even begin to imagine Canadian winters, although I'd love to visit in the Autumn. Such glorious pictures that I have seen...
                  Beagle, I've bumped up the temperature on the spa and will be booking the Capri at noon. Sooo looking forward to the weekend.
                  Well, must move on. Hugs to you all.
                  :h Mish :h
                  Never give up...
                  GET UP!!!

                  AF since 25th November, 2011

                  What might have been is an abstraction
                  Remaining a perpetual possibility
                  Only in a world of speculation.
                  What might have been and what has been
                  Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                    Underoos Friends - November

                    beagle;1009230 wrote: Evening crew just fed dogs & horses & the sun is drifting lower in the sky.
                    onya g-bloke for the march thing for white ribbon day. i truly have a lot to learn about fellow humans sometimes.
                    reg - hope you're ok
                    saph - can you please send me a personalised exercise regime for a slothful 41 yr old shitkicking wifey allowing ample time for doggy hugs (with baby triever pup & mummy to be kelpie), horse-riding,& oh yes just bought some spanky wanky new adidas runners so i can sparkle when i go walkies....but yes, help me please!
                    bridge - am buying digi cam when i go to Perth so you can receive lots of puppy photos.
                    tawny - i am loving danish feta currently. really loving it. have you had it/ like persian feta but cheaper
                    mishy - will pm you
                    aspy - howdie snake bloke
                    missy - pleased to be back home? where's the secret candid cam shots of reg & g-bloke that you promised me!
                    um. only 6.30 pm now & all youse prolly in beddies.....
                    my plan : shower soon...any takers? .....then um.....oh shit hate time warps.
                    Beags PM with a list of fitness gear that you have..if any at home. You can improvise by using water bottles filled with water 1 & 2 litres are good. Ropes for skipping, boxes for stepping etc. Marvellous what you can find around the house. Are you doing any organised stuff at the moment? Health probs ect. When I get your list, I'll PM you back a program.
                    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Underoos Friends - November

                      Arvo grundies and sundries,

                      Just downed tools for the day, up to my armpits in job applications...aarrrggghhhh!!!!!!!! Pisses me off no end when the dude interviewing me is an orangutang in disguise and they have my fate in their paws:upset: I am coming up with a lot of resistance from employers because I have been a business owner for about 21 years and paddled my own canoe. I am either too qualified (in their opinion) or not quite brain surgeon material. Fusk all I want for at least 12 months is an administrative position, 9-5...go in do my job, go home and not have to worry about staff, paying the bills etc. etc. The only stipulation that I do put on my working environment is that it is a happy, laugh out loud joint!!!! Anyway something will come along. Hope youse all are having the bestest day. Mish sorry to hear about your BAC SE' they are not as bad as a hangover though???????
                      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                        Underoos Friends - November

                        Hi everyone sorry to just jump into your thread. I live in Auckland and I am trying to find an AA meeting to go to. I've never been before, and I'm pretty new to Auckland, new to being sober too Just would love if someone in my neck of the woods knows more about where I can go? :thanks: :h


                          Underoos Friends - November

                          I had a list of positive and upbeat responses that I came home to send off, but I've just been listening to the radio for the last hour, and weeping. There was a second explosion at the Pike River mine this afternoon, bigger than Friday's one, and they now believe that no-one is alive. Its an unspeakable tragedy .....
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            Underoos Friends - November

                            choice;1009745 wrote: Hi everyone sorry to just jump into your thread. I live in Auckland and I am trying to find an AA meeting to go to. I've never been before, and I'm pretty new to Auckland, new to being sober too Just would love if someone in my neck of the woods knows more about where I can go? :thanks: :h
                            Hi Choice, cross posted! Here is the link to the AA NZ site which has all the meetings on it. Hopefully you can find one locally, and hope its a good one!

                            Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in New Zealand

                            Oh, and I just thought .... if you are interested in "the spiritual", the Salvation Army have a "Recovery Church" in Mt Eden that has meetings/services on Wednesday nights and Sundays. Wednesdays are more like a normal AA meeting with a spiritual theme, Sundays are more like a service with an alcohol and drug focus. The people there are great!!!
                            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                            Harriet Beecher Stowe


                              Underoos Friends - November

                              Oh god. Can't say anything.

                              Hi Choice - lovely to have you here but right now I'm so sorry for the people of your country.


                                Underoos Friends - November

                                Hi Choice cuzzy bro eh.
                                So sad for underground fleuro vest wearers....

